Is the age of the Earth connected to Jesus' second coming?


Dear Stripe,

I wasn't doing drugs and I did get 3 visits by angels. Before the first 3 angel visits, I was visited by the Lord and He spoke to me. The first thing He told me was "Calm yourself, and think of those you love." He spoke to me two times after that. You can believe whatever you want to Stripe. It doesn't nullify what happened to me. After the Lord visited me, I was exuberant with joy, knowing that Jesus would be returning soon. I am still full of joy!!

May You Know The Time Of The Lord,


I have read the testimonies of women who claim to have been raped by aliens also. Would you believe them?


I have read the testimonies of women who claim to have been raped by aliens also. Would you believe them?

Dear S-word,

I would not compare a visit from the Lord and angels with women being raped by aliens supposedly. The Lord will return soon and that shall give you your proof! You do not have to believe a word that I've uttered. It will not change the outcome.

May The Lord Grace You With His Presence,



Well-known member
Yep, it's nearly 6000 years old and the more I think about if Jesus will return on the 2000th anniversary of His death the more plausible it seems, after all His death was the most important event since the fall. It put things right with God and man again, at least for those whose believe this. It make sense of what the Jubilees are all about too. 4000 years for man to try on His own to work out his salvation, this equates to 4 days and 4 is the number for man, not 6, because 4+3=7 (Man+God=Perfection). Then 2000 years for Jesus/Holy Spirit/God to spend with Man helping him find his salvation. There are many references in the Bible about these prophetic two days. Then the final 1000 year reign. The Sabbath days rest for the Lord of the Sabbath to spend with his people.


Dear S-word,

I would not compare a visit from the Lord and angels with women being raped by aliens supposedly. The Lord will return soon and that shall give you your proof! You do not have to believe a word that I've uttered. It will not change the outcome.

May The Lord Grace You With His Presence,


But I do believe that the Lord who filled the man Jesus with his spirit that descended upon him in the form of a dove as the heavenly voice was heard to say; "You are my Son (My Chosen successor)
THIS DAY I have begotten thee," and who on the Cross abandoned his earthly host body and ceased to be an individual entity, by releasing all the righteous spirits, which had been gathered to him (The Chosen cornerstone)in his ascension to the ends of time.

The graves of those righteous spirits who were the body of the Son of Man, were then opened and three days later they came out of those graves and entered the city and showed themselves to many.

And they are awaiting the day, when they, the risen body of the Anointed One, will take the thrones that have been prepared for them and reign as kings for a thousand years with the heavenly Jesus, who now sits upon the throne of the anointed One who was chosen to stand before the Most High in the creation, and serve God before the body of Adam/mankind, into all eternity.


Dear S-word,

Good job, amigo!! You are right about your comments in the post #25 above. It's nice to find some others that have a good handle on things. I would write more, but my bedtime was at 11 p.m. last night, and it is now 7:30 a.m. and I haven't gone to bed yet. Yes, I'm a night owl, but I really need some sleep!! Thanks for being there!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,



Dear jonahdog,

No, Stripe is right and you are wrong. If God can make an aged man like Adam to not be a baby boy instead, well then He can certainly create an aged Earth older than it seems. It's tricky, but you've got to think about it. Please quit being an atheist! You're on the wrong path. No dissing here, but I just want you to be one of the recipients of the treasures that are of God, including eternal life and many beautiful mansions!!



New member
Nope. It's about 6,000 years old.

We are in the sixth day of humanity but you're not taking into account pre-Adamic history.

The original creation of the earth was of a beautiful planet, not one covered by darkness.


Well-known member
We are in the sixth day of humanity but you're not taking into account pre-Adamic history.

The original creation of the earth was of a beautiful planet, not one covered by darkness.

In the beginning [in a strong head] Elohim cut down the shamayim and the eretz.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
We are in the sixth day of humanity but you're not taking into account pre-Adamic history. The original creation of the earth was of a beautiful planet, not one covered by darkness.

That's all very poetic. I prefer reality. :up:


Well-known member
In the beginning [in a strong head] Elohim cut down the shamayim and the eretz.

It can be cut down as in felling trees, (to build a house), or like as in Joshua 17:15, 18.

"Drop down from above, O heavens! Let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open up, and let them bring forth fruit; let salvation and righteousness sprout up together: I, YHWH, have cut-down-created it." (Isaiah 45:8).


New member
Which would be fine, if you were quoting them. :thumb:

How about this one?

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2 Peter 3:8)​

Is that too oblique for you? If so just read Leviticus 23 which provides shadows of things to come.