Is the age of the Earth connected to Jesus' second coming?


Well-known member
I would like other's opinion on something that I have been looking into.

Most young Earth believing Christians believe the Earth is just least than 6000 years old and base this belief on the dates listed in the Old Testament and add that to the almost 2000 years since Christ's death. Some Christians go further still and believe Jesus died on the 4000th year which was also the 80th jubilee and because Jesus will reign for 1000 years when He returns, they believe that Jesus will return on the 6000th year, thus fulfilling a 7000 year plan that God is working to. This plan is believed not only by some Christians but also some Jews too. Here are just two examples of this belief that can be found on the internet:



The reason I am taking this seriously is because of finding so many others who are now coming to a similar conclusion, such as this example that can also be found on the internet and as said they are not alone:

The question I'm asking is is this just another YK2000 false prophesy that was based on Christ’s birth or is it really Gods plan? What do you think? Any further opinions and information would be helpful.

Thank you.


New member
The earth is about 6000 years old. However, we do not know the day or the hour when Jesus will return. It is unscriptural to assign a specific day for the second advent. Jesus warned about this when He said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36


Well-known member
Since the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, not 6000, your basic premise is simply factually incorrect.

Biblical time commences in the fourth day of creation just as it very strongly implies, ("And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for appointed times, (moadim), and for days, and years"). Everything before the fourth day of creation is therefore "olam past", (eternity past), and is not reckoned in the scripture as time to be counted. We thus have two thousand years, ("two days"), from the close of the fourth day, (when the greater and lesser lights were created), until the sixth day of creation. Then we have about four thousand years in chronology, ("four days"), until the advent of Messiah, (that is, according to the chronologies found in the Hebrew text but the Septuagint chronology also has a valid explanation because it counts from the fourth day and provides nearly six thousand years in chronology ending up at the same place). Thus the earth, as far as counting time according to the scripture, was about six thousand years of age at the advent of Messiah; but everything before the fourth day of creation is simply not counted time-wise because it is considered eternity past. :)


Well-known member
Since the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, not 6000, your basic premise is simply factually incorrect.
I agree about the age of the earth, it's very old. But that doesn't mean that God doesn't exist! When God breathed the breath of life into Adam, male and female were already here. Adam was in flesh when God created Eve, because it says that God opened up and Adams flesh, this is all spiritual and it all has a deeper meaning.

Also, Cain went to the land of nod and married, so there were other people on the earth.

Don't let religion turn you away from God. He is there, I hope one day you find him.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I agree about the age of the earth, it's very old. But that doesn't mean that God doesn't exist! When God breathed the breath of life into Adam, male and female were already here. Adam was in flesh when God created Eve, because it says that God opened up and Adams flesh, this is all spiritual and it all has a deeper meaning. Also, Cain went to the land of nod and married, so there were other people on the earth. Don't let religion turn you away from God. He is there, I hope one day you find him.
Dog is just being a troll.

He's not interested in engaging rationally and he wouldn't turn even if confronted by God Himself.

The earth is about 6000 years old. However, we do not know the day or the hour when Jesus will return. It is unscriptural to assign a specific day for the second advent. Jesus warned about this when He said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36

Yeah that's what I first thought too.
What do you think of that passage now, and why?


Dear Watchman,

Aha! So I see that you found out how to start a Thread, like you asked me on the Creation thread. Congratulations!! All I can tell you is that I have had a life that exudes the fact that Jesus is Returning Very Soon!! If I tell you how, you won't believe me, so I spare you, unless you want to know more; but I was initially visited by 3 angels, all a week apart. Like I said, you won't believe me so I'll not tell you more yet.

God Be With You!!



New member
The existence of "Zero Point Energy" throws all former "theories" out-the-window,
including the "absolute" constant of the speed-of-light. Entropy is real and can be proven.
Last edited:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Dear Watchman,Aha! So I see that you found out how to start a Thread, like you asked me on the Creation thread. Congratulations!! All I can tell you is that I have had a life that exudes the fact that Jesus is Returning Very Soon!! If I tell you how, you won't believe me, so I spare you, unless you want to know more; but I was initially visited by 3 angels, all a week apart. Like I said, you won't believe me so I'll not tell you more yet.God Be With You!!Michael

The existence of "Zero Point Energy" throws all former "theories" out-the-window, including the "absolute" constant of the speed-of-light.

This is why you shouldn't do drugs. :up:


Well-known member
Dear Watchman,

Aha! So I see that you found out how to start a Thread, like you asked me on the Creation thread. Congratulations!! All I can tell you is that I have had a life that exudes the fact that Jesus is Returning Very Soon!! If I tell you how, you won't believe me, so I spare you, unless you want to know more; but I was initially visited by 3 angels, all a week apart. Like I said, you won't believe me so I'll not tell you more yet.

God Be With You!!


Thanks, that must have been an interesting month. I've only seen angels in my Spirit but not physically yet. I did hear them once while sleeping though.


Thanks, that must have been an interesting month. I've only seen angels in my Spirit but not physically yet. I did hear them once while sleeping though.

Dear Watchman,

You know, I believe that you did hear angels once in a dream. That happened to me also before it happened while I was awake. You can expect miracles! More will be happening soon! I am glad that you got your thread going here. Be full of joy knowing that the Son is returning!!

God Be With You,



I would like other's opinion on something that I have been looking into.

Most young Earth believing Christians believe the Earth is just least than 6000 years old and base this belief on the dates listed in the Old Testament and add that to the almost 2000 years since Christ's death. Some Christians go further still and believe Jesus died on the 4000th year which was also the 80th jubilee and because Jesus will reign for 1000 years when He returns, they believe that Jesus will return on the 6000th year, thus fulfilling a 7000 year plan that God is working to. This plan is believed not only by some Christians but also some Jews too. Here are just two examples of this belief that can be found on the internet:



The reason I am taking this seriously is because of finding so many others who are now coming to a similar conclusion, such as this example that can also be found on the internet and as said they are not alone:

The question I'm asking is is this just another YK2000 false prophesy that was based on Christ’s birth or is it really Gods plan? What do you think? Any further opinions and information would be helpful.

Thank you.

The earth is some 4.6 billion years old.


Dear Stripe,

I wasn't doing drugs and I did get 3 visits by angels. Before the first 3 angel visits, I was visited by the Lord and He spoke to me. The first thing He told me was "Calm yourself, and think of those you love." He spoke to me two times after that. You can believe whatever you want to Stripe. It doesn't nullify what happened to me. After the Lord visited me, I was exuberant with joy, knowing that Jesus would be returning soon. I am still full of joy!!

May You Know The Time Of The Lord,
