Is scripture the infallible Word Of God?


Well-known member
God's word can't be divided.

Actually it can be, if not you would still be promoting stoning for various infractions that have been blotted out of the modern doctrines, of coarse the fringe would still hold on to those good ole days.


Actually it can be, if not you would still be promoting stoning for various infractions that have been blotted out of the modern doctrines, of coarse the fringe would still hold on to those good ole days.
No, the 66 book bible can not be added or subtracted.


Eclectic Theosophist
No, the 66 book bible can not be added or subtracted.

You cant limit the Infinite with a certain number of books. You cant 'canonize' Deity.

The passage in Revelation about 'adding or subtracting' is only about that book itself, not the entire Bible.


Eclectic Theosophist
'God' is One.......One substance, One power, One presence

'God' is One.......One substance, One power, One presence

There's only one God

Yes, so goes the concept. But there are hundreds of different conceptions, personifications, caricatures and versions of 'God'. I gave you my 'grounds' for rejecting a 'god' that pre-ordains and personally determines (fatefully) the damnation of souls. Such a 'sinister' character does not comport with my concept of 'God'.

That there is one universal absolute reality upholding all that exists in every dimension, which is truly infinite and all-encompassing I would agree, but our description of such a 'being' or 'reality' (whether impersonal or personalized) may vary or differ by what terms and context we approach it from.


New member


Even if scripture is the infallible word of God, what about the interpretation of scripture which comes from man? Is that infallible as well?


Yes, so goes the concept. But there are hundreds of different conceptions, personifications, caricatures and versions of 'God'. I gave you my 'grounds' for rejecting a 'god' that pre-ordains and personally determines (fatefully) the damnation of souls. Such a 'sinister' character does not comport with my concept of 'God'.

That there is one universal absolute reality upholding all that exists in every dimension, which is truly infinite and all-encompassing I would agree, but our description of such a 'being' or 'reality' (whether impersonal or personalized) may vary or differ by what terms and context we approach it from.
One ruler is good


Eclectic Theosophist
Even if scripture is the infallible word of God, what about the interpretation of scripture which comes from man? Is that infallible as well?

There is no proof for the first claim, unless we qualify our terms, meaning and context. The second subject of 'interpretation' is subject to bias or distortion of 'translation', so on both levels, 'biblical inerrancy' becomes problematic. I've argued elsewhere that a belief in infallibility or inerrancy is unnecessary to still find religious value or meaning in a religious text. There is distortion of meaning in the process of 'translation' itself, especially into other languages, and by way of the medium of language itself, from its inception.


Eclectic Theosophist
Men wrote the bible...........

Men wrote the bible...........

Men can say anything

Well,'re getting warm ;) - the challenge for you is to rightly differentiate what is from 'man' and what is from 'God' in the 66 books you esteem as 'infallible'. You'd have to prove infallibility in the words themselves and the mortal vessels used to communicate them, which is quite a feat, since anything coming thru human channels is conditioned by the limitations and imperfections of those faculties employed, and furthermore suffer under progressive translations in time.

Also note that some older writings are no longer applicable to a newer generation, and interpreted or explained away....such as the NT attempts to do by introducing a 'new covenant', and which Paul does by rejecting the law, for his gospel innovations. The different teachings in the Bible itself speak for its diversity, changing cultural trends and evolution of thought.


Well-known member
It was the holy men of God who were inspired, not the literature they produced.
That is exactly opposite of what the text says.

‘‘Πασα γραφη θεοπνευστος...‘‘

The text says the scriptures were God breathed.

George said:
Any other doctrine of inspiration is virtually dictation.
The idea of theopneustos is 'God breathed'. I think He both breathed into the holy men and they breathed out His words.
Where in the bible does it say that?

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Hello again.

In what capacity whatsoever does your retort address any of the issues that I presented in the post to which you replied?

I have no interest in addressing your "issues" which stem from unbelief; you would not listen anyway. I am simply pointing out that only illogic compels a person to conclude there is a problem with Christianity because some do not worship Him properly.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
That is exactly opposite of what the text says.

‘‘Πασα γραφη θεοπνευστος...‘‘

The text says the scriptures were God breathed.

In my opinion, the text says that the scriptures were breathed out, not into. Exhaled supernaturally by a process. Inspiration is the process by which God used chosen, holy men to express that which the Holy Spirit motivated (moved) them to speak and write.

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2Pe 1:21KJV

The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. 2Sa 23:2KJV

Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. Acts 3:21KJV

Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. Acts 1:16KJV

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
The word of Elohim is described as living and active. That can only be the case if it is empowered with life and fulfills its purpose in activity.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV

Isaiah 55:11 KJV

To fully comprehend the inspired word it is necessary to have experienced its power. All men are under its power, but not all are saved by its power. To some it is the killing letter.

My conviction is that the reason the Word of God has the power to convict an individual sinner even down into the heart is that it is perfect Spirit/Truth. It is not because it is alive, in the physical meaning of the word, but that it speaks to the last vestiges of the image of perfection in which we are made.

It is completely inerrant and infallible, not just on our physical level, but especially with our spirits with which God is mainly concerned. The words of scripture speak to our spirits because it is authored by the same Spirit that created them. This is why some hate the Bible with great passion; because it is telling them things they willingly refuse to hear.

The life the words seem to have is not the words but God Himself using them in time and space to accomplish His purposes.


Well,'re getting warm ;) - the challenge for you is to rightly differentiate what is from 'man' and what is from 'God' in the 66 books you esteem as 'infallible'. You'd have to prove infallibility in the words themselves and the mortal vessels used to communicate them, which is quite a feat, since anything coming thru human channels is conditioned by the limitations and imperfections of those faculties employed, and furthermore suffer under progressive translations in time.

Also note that some older writings are no longer applicable to a newer generation, and interpreted or explained away....such as the NT attempts to do by introducing a 'new covenant', and which Paul does by rejecting the law, for his gospel innovations. The different teachings in the Bible itself speak for its diversity, changing cultural trends and evolution of thought.
I'm right on the spot. God caused men to write what he said by force. All men only have limited will, slaved will, captive will. The writers were slaved and captive to write exactly word for word as God wanted the bible to say. The proofs can can only be seen by whom God drew. Those that deny the bible being authored by God will never get warm. The unregenerates are cold as ice. You are so far away and hopeless based on all your past posts. Maybe today you'll be inspired.


Exactly my point. So yes the scripture is the infallible word of God. But what good does that do if the interpretation is inaccurate?
The writers didn't have the choice to write the bible anymore than Lazarus didn't have a choice to live agian. Jesus forced Lazarus to raise from the dead. He didn't ask him cause he was totally depraved and spiritually dead as dead can be . 100% spiritually dead means totally unable to choose God based on non existant fake free will. Calvin was right about God's word.