Yea well that book is controversial for a reason.... bc it's wrong.
Exactly, but it does play right into GJ's agenda so it must have a 'point'.
the goal of rape is sexual satisfaction rather than power.
100% of rapes involve sex. That seems to heavily imply that rape is about sex.
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
Maybe statistics on rapists' motives?
Or even interviews with convicted rapists stating that they did it "for power" ?
What evidence is your claim based on?
Here is my evidence... When I want to have sex, I don't rape people. The end.
what do you do when you want to exert dominance/control/power over people?
Is that true? Is rape not "about" sex?
Why are you concerned about psychoanalyzing the rapist? :AMR: Do you favor his being put to death (Ex 21:16) or coddling him and serving him orange glazed chicken for the rest of his life? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
[The rapist is to be put to death (Ex. 21:16)] I favor keeping him imprisoned.
I favor what the bible teaches (Ex 21:16). oly: God's way is the best way (Ac 5:29). Thanks to your view, :freak: there will be (Ps 33:12) plenty more rapists around for you :BRAVO: to psychoanalyze (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
The law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). :dizzy: But, let's just do it :BRAVO: your way (Ps 33:12).That was criminal law for a nomadic people.
You'll feel differently when Mad Max shows up at your door.
If civilization collapsed into a Mad Max situation, we'd probably have to adopt some nomadic style criminal laws.
what do you do when you want to exert dominance/control/power over people?
Get violent.
If I want to exert dominance and control over someone I would get violent. I am a women. When a women wants to exert dominance and power what options does she have? I am weaker than man.
I don't have the tools to sexually dominant a man.
town's presented a case of a man who drugged his victims :idunno:
if you did have the tools, would you choose sex?