Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You should like chess- the queen is the most privileged piece on the board :rotfl:

I do like chess, and I'm not that bad at it either. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board in terms of movement but not the most important. I've 'sacrificed' the queen in very few games in order to force a checkmate against the crucial piece in the game - the opponents king. I'll wait while the irony of your ignorance still doesn't kick in...

Heck, I doubt you even know how pawns move so eh, just get on with your latest rant...


I do like chess, and I'm not that bad at it either. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board in terms of movement but not the most important. I've 'sacrificed' the queen in very few games in order to force a checkmate against the crucial piece in the game - the opponents king.

I tend to make good use of knights- they get around the pawns and vanquish royalty pretty fast.

Do you know the main fault with queens? Players tend to focus too much on them, and lose perspective :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I tend to make good use of knights- they get around the pawns and vanquish royalty pretty fast.

Only if they're utilized properly and in conjunction with other pieces.

Do you know the main fault with queens? Players tend to focus too much on them, and lose perspective :rolleyes:

There isn't any fault with the queen itself, only with the player if he doesn't use it properly.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
not sure why you'd say that, except for your antagonism towards me and anybody who dares to disagree with you on this subject :idunno:

because it's simply a moronic throwaway set of statements to make.

well - here's what I said:

i also understand that those who have been exposed to trauma - of any kind - are better off getting over it than dwelling on it

feel free to rebut that statement with a rational argument instead of an emotional one :idunno:

have you ever been raped artie?

Nope, I've seen the effects on someone who has. You?

yes, I have

and I've also worked with rape victims, in a professional capacity

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
well - here's what I said:

feel free to rebut that statement with a rational argument instead of an emotional one :idunno:

The rationale should be obvious. "Get over it" is simply a throwaway soundbite, there's no actual meaning to it. Like saying 'move on' to somebody. Just stupid phrases that mean absolutely nothing. If you were to actually deal with the subject as to how to live with the trauma and cope, recover to some extent then hey, fine. Otherwise you ask a parent who's lost a child if they've ever 'gotten over it'. Therein lies your answer.

yes, I have

and I've also worked with rape victims, in a professional capacity

Your latter is a convincing as aCW's claims to have been a cop and hopefully just as made up. You have no business being around vulnerable people whatsoever given your bile laden crap on here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Get over it" is simply a throwaway soundbite, there's no actual meaning to it.

funny, most intelligent people understand it well enough :idunno:

try this:

get over

phrasal verb of get

1. recover from (an ailment or an upsetting or startling experience).
"the trip will help him get over Sal's death"

synonyms: recover from, recuperate from, get better after, shrug off, survive
"I just got over the flu"

2. overcome (a difficulty).

synonyms: overcome, surmount, get the better of, master, find an/the answer to, get a grip on, deal with, cope with, sort out, take care of, crack, rise above; informallick
"we tried to get over this problem"

Your latter is a convincing ...

I was raped as a child

and I've worked with rape survivors, both children and adults, in my educational background and more recently in my current path in health care, especially mental health care
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I had a girl punch me in the face because I wanted to leave and not stay in bed with her.

See, I'm a male, so everyone sees it for what it is. But if I was a female and the one in the bed was a 'him'..
:rolleyes: people lose their minds.

I don't need to point out the obvious, we all know the professional victimhood and the 'attention salary' that comes with it. It is irresponsible for a society with plain conflicts of interest imposed on men to continue pandering to women in such a way.

And yet, all these morons have to say is 'too bad, so sad'- up until it's the other way around.
What a ridiculous state of affairs :plain:


Hall of Fame
I had a girl punch me in the face because I wanted to leave and not stay in bed with her.

Being that you are known for your dishonesty, let's pretend it is someone else making this claim. Outside of self-defense or defense of another, there is no excuse to resort to violence. Anyone doing so should go to jail.

See, I'm a male, so everyone sees it for what it is. But if I was a female and the one in the bed was a him..
:rolleyes: people lose their minds.

Cool story ... that's one vivid imagination you have .... laced with paranoia. A horrible combination.

I don't need to point out the obvious, we all know the professional victimhood and the 'attention salary' that comes with it.

Yes, we understand all about your quest for professional victimhood. That is why you shared your *latest* story.

Feral Phoenician

New member
I had a girl punch me in the face because I wanted to leave and not stay in bed with her.

See, I'm a male, so everyone sees it for what it is. But if I was a female and the one in the bed was a him..

:rolleyes: People lose their minds.
What you are describing is a double standard, and it's garbage (not what you said, the double standard). DV against males is still DV, and just as wrong. Battered women are seen (rightly) as victims, yet battered males are seen (unjustly) as weak, yet (another double standard), if the man defends himself, he is "abusive".

There exists a similar, equally repulsive double standard in which a male predatory pedophile is seen as a monster (which he most certainly is), yet female predatory pedophiles are seen as "sick" and "in need of therapy". Male predatory pedophiles also see longer prison sentences than female predatory pedophiles.

Take for instance male teachers that rape their students; they are crucified in the public eye, and criminal justice is swift. Female teachers that do the exact same? "Well, that's different!", or even expressions on how her child victims were "lucky". Ask *anyone* who has been a victim of such, and the very last thing they will describe themselves as is "lucky".

It's filth no matter which way the pie is sliced. You'll find some of us actually not only desire change, but work towards it. Again, Andrew Vachss is a great way to begin (he is the real deal, but can be "rough around the edges").


Cry a river. Build a bridge. Get over it. :banana:

That seems to be floating around here a lot lately :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
funny, most intelligent people understand it well enough :idunno:

As they would with my last reply on the point. Sorry if you don't although not surprised.

I was raped as a child

and I've worked with rape survivors, both children and adults, in my educational background and more recently in my current path in health care, especially mental health care

Not convinced, especially in light of this little "gem" of yours in another thread:

"I'm thinking that some people are so stupid they deserve to get raped"

No rape victim would say anything so crass as that. Outside of sociopaths and trolls non victims wouldn't say anything so pathetic either.

You aren't in any way qualified to work with trauma victims.


Hall of Fame
As they would with my last reply on the point. Sorry if you don't although not surprised.

Not convinced, especially in light of this little "gem" of yours in another thread:

"I'm thinking that some people are so stupid they deserve to get raped"

No rape victim would say anything so crass as that. Outside of sociopaths and trolls non victims wouldn't say anything so pathetic either.

You aren't in any way qualified to work with trauma victims.

Nailed it.


No rape victim would say anything so crass as that.

What makes you the leading expert on rape victims?

It's like feminism is some magic sky goddess that ordains you with speaking on behalf of victims of rape and domestic abuse.

A blinder, is all it is- a slab of wool. With reprobate women preaching in your ear :rolleyes:

Speaking of which, still wondering why men do not get the same effects from rape as women allegedly do. That's perfectly relevant at this point now :)
Because the way I see it is pretty simple- society has built a woman's body up as an idol.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What makes you the leading expert on rape victims?
It seems more that AB understands you don't have to see the cow to know it was in the field. :plain:

It's like feminism is some magic sky goddess that ordains you with speaking on behalf of victims of rape and domestic abuse.
You're like the Oracle of Doofi. That's like Delphi, except your utterances illuminate a murky past.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What makes you the leading expert on rape victims?

I never claimed to be. It hardly takes an expert to understand that the victim of a hideous, violent crime of violation is going to suffer trauma from the event and wouldn't be blase and odious on the matter as SOD has been.

It's like feminism is some magic sky goddess that ordains you with speaking on behalf of victims of rape and domestic abuse.

Rather it's common sense which seems to be outside of your remit, like quite a bit else...

A blinder, is all it is- a slab of wool. With reprobate women preaching in your ear :rolleyes:

No, it didn't take any 'woman preaching' for myself - and I dare say the whole of sane people - to recognize the hideousness of rape and how traumatizing it obviously is for any victim.

Speaking of which, still wondering why men do not get the same effects from rape as women allegedly do. That's perfectly relevant at this point now :)
Because the way I see it is pretty simple- society has built a woman's body up as an idol.

Rather it's just you that's simple...
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