Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Is taking the house, kids, finances, and putting another man in that same house scripturally defensible?

No- but it's legal, unfortunately very common, and something people like to avoid speaking on in trade for this redundant subject.

If you want to know why people are against this ridiculous attitude that's centered on women's interests, well there you have it. Men who undergo those type of things are expected to just deal with it, but a female get's 'eye raped' while walking down the street half naked and you all are on it like white on rice.

Perhaps 'marital rape' is just nature's balance. And perhaps a person more concerned about it than what husbands suffer is a misandrist, though it's never stated over the consistent onslaught of hurling 'misogyny' at everything that encourages masculine self-respect over an apparent idolatry of women.


Well-known member
Is taking the house, kids, finances, and putting another man in that same house scripturally defensible?

No- but it's legal, unfortunately very common, and something people like to avoid speaking on in trade for this redundant subject.

If you want to know why people are against this ridiculous attitude that's centered on women's interests, well there you have it. Men who undergo those type of things are expected to just deal with it, but a female get's 'eye raped' while walking down the street half naked and you all are on it like white on rice.


Deja Vu. It was just last February (before you were permabanned again, as Crowns&Laurels) I'd said:

No surprise a thread about rape would bring him running like a rat to garbage, to complain about men being persecuted.

And here you are again, in a thread about rape, complaining about men being persecuted.

How many times are you going to crawl back to TOL with a new name after being permabanned so you can whine about women?

It's really become pathetic. Bizarre. How many have there been now?

Home skillet

I can change my IP anytime I want, it's impossible to get rid of me biitch, I'll make you responsible for me terroizying the hell out of you all the way you do everyone else

How many of your usernames did I miss? Or are you going to keep lying about it, as usual?

Granted, there's not much of any admin or oversight here at TOL, but still, it's pretty remarkable, your managing to weasel your way back in time after time. Despite your psycho flameouts, you've got to be in the running to be TOL's biggest little fan.


Deja Vu. It was just last February (before you were permabanned again, as Crowns&Laurels) I'd said:

And here you are again, in a thread about rape, complaining about men being persecuted.

How many times are you going to crawl back to TOL with a new name after being permabanned so you can whine about women?

It's really become pathetic. Bizarre. How many have there been now?

Home skillet

How many of your usernames did I miss? Or are you going to keep lying about it, as usual?

Granted, there's not much of any admin or oversight here at TOL, but still, it's pretty remarkable, your managing to weasel your way back in time after time. Despite your psycho flameouts, you've got to be in the running to be TOL's biggest little fan.

Cool story bro.

You are the fifth person to make that accusation, and this will be the fifth time I laugh at the desperation of you all trying to get over an arguments which you cannot defend against.

Every time :chuckle:
It's kind of disturbing, really. It shows your dumb delusion.

There's a tendency on here for some to just try to slander the living Hell out of someone they disagree with. It gets old, and you're right, there isn't much oversight apparently.
The OP of this thread is about me and another poster, by a manipulative female who can't defend her position the same as you which is why she made this thread. It's nothing but an insult ans you want to make me synonymous to some poster who 'flamed out'.
:rolleyes: Whatever dude


That definition, and every definition of rape, involves penetration.

If you were not penetrated, you were not raped.

The original definition of rape was general, meaning 'to seize'. There used to not even be a word describing the sexual penetration of another against their will.
That is something which evolved over time to this recent era. A woman being raped was not seen as any different than anything else 'seized', and if we went by the old standard of the word, women 'rape' all the time- they seize marriage and leadership often, ironically, with controlling through sex.
So when talking about 'marital rape', there is a looming elephant therein that 'marital rape' is stripping the wife of that control. A wife making her husband to be a rapist is extremely dubious- they are both one in the flesh, what is 'marital rape'?
It's a sad state of affairs when half of divorces involve the wife being a plaintiff and the husband the defendant, on matters ranging everywhere from this to kids, finances, etc.


Well-known member
You are the fifth person to make that accusation, and this will be the fifth time I laugh at the desperation of you all trying to get over an arguments which you cannot defend against.

Every time :chuckle:
It's kind of disturbing, really. It shows your dumb delusion.

There's a tendency on here for some to just try to slander the living Hell out of someone they disagree with. It gets old. The OP even has my name on it.

Uh huh.

You find it disturbing and I'm deluded and I'm only saying it because I disagree with you. Where have I heard that before...

Oh yeah, it was you:

I didn't realize I was part of a trinity. I suppose it would have to be modalist, as I'd have to be transforming instead of being three different beings :)

*no wait, more then a trinity, I'm up with four others!

What I find disturbing is that you are so deluded by your notions that you wouldn't think that even a few men would agree to an opposed notion of your own.:

At least man up enough to be honest about it. Or are women to blame for that too?


Uh huh.

You find it disturbing and I'm deluded and I'm only saying it because I disagree with you. Where have I heard that before...

Oh yeah, it was you:

At least man up enough to be honest about it. Or are women to blame for that too?

Zoo 22's neg rep to me:
Eh we both know you're lying. Just makes it even more ridiculous when you start blathering about morals, you freakshow.

Are you seriously telling me to man up when you are the one acting like some obsessive, paranoid child? I am not whoever you think I am, but it's no wonder why a person would 'flame out' on you and certain others on here to be perfectly honest.

Stop trying to start a bunch of crap and go away please, thank you :wave2:


Well-known member
Are you seriously telling me to man up when you are the one acting like some obsessive, paranoid child? I am not whoever you think I am, but it's no wonder why a person would 'flame out' on you and certain others on here to be perfectly honest.

Stop trying to start a bunch of crap and go away please, thank you :wave2:

Get a grip. Do you really think you're fooling anyone?

Seriously, get some integrity. You're insulting me because I'm calling you out on being a sock puppet? You are a sock puppet. You've been permabanned repeatedly from TOL and you keep coming back. You're sum1sgrudj. You're Cons&Spires. You're all those other user names I listed. You know it, I know it, anyone here who's paid any attention to the slop you post about women knows it.

It's one thing coming back with a different user name. Whatever. It's another thing lying about it when you get called out. But it's a whole other level of dishonesty when you start disparaging someone else just to cover up your lies. It's a specific type of self-centric loser who throws someone else under the bus.

It doesn't surprise me that you'd be spending your time, years, trolling internet forums lashing out at women.


Get a grip. Do you really think you're fooling anyone?

The other few who made the accusation got over it and that was that. You, however, want to persist. At this point you are just harassing me.

Seriously, get some integrity. You're insulting me because I'm calling you out on being a sock puppet?

Yes, because you have not even responded to anything regarding this thread that I've spoken on. This is your third post following a neg rep calling me all kinds of nonsense.

You are a sock puppet. You've been permabanned repeatedly from TOL and you keep coming back. You're sum1sgrudj. You're Cons&Spires. You're all those other user names I listed. You know it, I know it, anyone here who's paid any attention to the slop you post about women knows it.

I'm not the only one who has these beliefs on here, and this general subject is spread all over the place. It is only on this subject where I have been accused of this mythical poster, which all puts a major hole in your claim.

It doesn't surprise me that you'd be spending your time, years, trolling internet forums lashing out at women.

I haven't trolled one single time on here. I've dealt with the likes of you and a couple other poster's ridiculousness just fine.
Another big hole in your theory.
Who's really a 'troll'? You're the one who needs to get a grip. Why don't you go shake off that absurdity elsewhere, perhaps somewhere where you'll get a reaction. Like a bear cave :chuckle:


Well-known member
The other few who made the accusation got over it and that was that. You, however, want to persist. At this point you are just harassing me.

You've been permanently banned, repeatedly, and you're whining that I'm "harassing" you by calling you out on sneaking back? Don't be more of a whining pissant than you already are.

Just because moderation and oversight at TOL has gone up in smoke or because some of your bizarre flame outs on people have been pruned away shouldn't mean it's okay for you to sneak back with a new name and settle in slinging your same old crap.


You've been permanently banned, repeatedly, and you're whining that I'm "harassing" you by calling you out on sneaking back? Don't be more of a whining pissant than you already are.

Just because moderation and oversight at TOL has gone up in smoke or because some of your bizarre flame outs on people have been pruned away shouldn't mean it's okay for you to sneak back with a new name and settle in slinging your same old crap.

Blah, blah, blah dude, take your dumb attitude elsewhere. It's gone on long enough.
Grow up, you're the one being a 'whiny pissant', and based on some ridiculous paranoia at that. I wonder how you are when you actually have something somewhat valid?

I'll just respond with what I said before:

Are you seriously telling me to man up when you are the one acting like some obsessive, paranoid child? I am not whoever you think I am, but it's no wonder why a person would 'flame out' on you and certain others on here to be perfectly honest.

Stop trying to start a bunch of crap and go away please, thank you

And I'll note one last thing as well, and it's that a couple people have told me that some on here will try to get others banned. I got that my first week here. And so I know why this has been brought up- my beliefs are close to another who was here, so why not exploit that..
A person says something contrary to what others believe, string them up and tick them off. There's you, the OP of this thread, and other things.

In fact, it makes me wonder about this mythical poster as well, he probably just had a short patience judging by what goes on here. The way several of you act is enough to frustrate anyone. The scheming and misrepresenting.. wow :chuckle:
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Well-known member
Blah, blah, blah dude, take your dumb attitude elsewhere. It's gone on long enough.
Grow up, you're the one being a 'whiny pissant', and based on some ridiculous paranoia at that. I wonder how you are when you actually have something somewhat valid?

You know perfectly well that I'm telling the truth, and instead of being honest and admitting it, you're going to post crap about me? What's the matter with you?

You're not man enough to stand up and tell the truth when you're busted, so you try to make someone else look bad?

You're a coward.

You Holy rollers that posture that you have some sort of morals and then pull cowardly dishonest crap like this are really something else. How do you live with yourself?


New member
You know perfectly well that I'm telling the truth, and instead of being honest and admitting it, you're going to post crap about me? What's the matter with you?

You're not man enough to stand up and tell the truth when you're busted so you try to make someone else look bad?

You're a coward.

You Holy rollers that posture that you have some sort of morals and then pull cowardly dishonest crap like this are really something else. How do you live with yourself?

Well said!


New member
You've been permanently banned, repeatedly, and you're whining that I'm "harassing" you by calling you out on sneaking back? Don't be more of a whining pissant than you already are.

Just because moderation and oversight at TOL has gone up in smoke or because some of your bizarre flame outs on people have been pruned away shouldn't mean it's okay for you to sneak back with a new name and settle in slinging your same old crap.
Was he permabanned for his comments on the injustices of modern feminism? If not, why does it matter if he snuck back in? That is the ownership s business. Unless, you cannot tolerate anti feminist rhetoric.


Was he permabanned for his comments on the injustices of modern feminism? If not, why does it matter if he snuck back in? That is the ownership s business. Unless, you cannot tolerate anti feminist rhetoric.

He's called me a psycho, a coward, a pissant, and pathetic. He neg repped me, and then he has the remarkably hypocritical audacity to call me a troll and a whiner. I did nothing to this loudmouthed idiot.

And it's all based on some shared paranoia that he and a couple posters have on me allegedly being this mythical poster.

Now that Zoo22 has come in with all his nastiness, I'm sure it isn't going to end. Bybee will chip in, Rusha will as well- that's what they do.

They are troublemakers who try to get people banned by misrepresenting them or trying to tick them off. I was told this my first week here, and it's pretty sad being that this is a Christian based site.


Well-known member
Was he permabanned for his comments on the injustices of modern feminism? If not, why does it matter if he snuck back in? That is the ownership s business. Unless, you cannot tolerate anti feminist rhetoric.

Wow, what is it with you people? Where do you come up with this stuff? Feminist rhetoric. Uh, yeah. Because um... Feminists.

Anyway, okay, thanks for your input.


New member
Wow, what is it with you people? Where do you come up with this stuff? Feminist rhetoric. Uh, yeah. Because um... Feminists.

Anyway, okay, thanks for your input.

Anti feminist rhetoric. Again, what does it matter to you if he snuck back in? As long as he follows forum rules. There is no rule against speaking out about injustices to men caused by recent feminist inspired laws.


New member
He's called me a psycho, a coward, a pissant, and pathetic. He neg repped me, and then he has the remarkably hypocritical audacity to call me a troll and a whiner. I did nothing to this loudmouthed idiot.

And it's all based on some shared paranoia that he and a couple posters have on me allegedly being this mythical poster.

Now that Zoo22 has come in with all his nastiness, I'm sure it isn't going to end. Bybee will chip in, Rusha will as well- that's what they do.

They are troublemakers who try to get people banned by misrepresenting them or trying to tick them off. I was told this my first week here, and it's pretty sad being that this is a Christian based site.

You are a knob-headed booby! Whining about how abused you are!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The other few who made the accusation got over it and that was that. You, however, want to persist. At this point you are just harassing me.

he is, and it's been reported

next time he (or anybody) tries, just report it and ignore them

they're trolling you

responding to them gives them what they want
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