Is MAD ethics and or morals void? Is MAD ethics even Christian?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Your "impression" is very poor and not based on facts.

It's not a theory. It's simply a natural and normal reading of the scripture.

We have done that many times in these forums. Some are not paying attention.

Our "ethics and moral" are purely and 100% Christian.


MAD ethics are 100% Christian and Biblical. If you have some supposed evidence to the contrary, feel free to create a thread where we can discuss it.

Are you even 'allowed' to tell people to not do something because it's evil? And if so, with what justification? It's not because you're in danger of 'burning', it's only because it's a human rights violation, and not profitable to be evil, but not because you're going to hell if you invade Ukraine. You're not allowed to do that in MAD, am I incorrect?

Right Divider

Body part
Are you even 'allowed' to tell people to not do something because it's evil?
Yes and I have NO idea where this question comes from. Sounds like a silly caricature of some kind to me.
Rom 6:1-2 (AKJV/PCE)
(6:1) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? (6:2) God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
And if so, with what justification?
We judge the same way that Paul did. We are to be followers of Paul... not Peter (and the eleven).
1Cor 4:16 (AKJV/PCE)
(4:16) Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.
1Cor 11:1 (AKJV/PCE)
(11:1) Be ye followers of me, even as I also [am] of Christ.
It's not because you're in danger of 'burning', it's only because it's a human rights violation, and not profitable to be evil, but not because you're going to hell if you invade Ukraine. You're not allowed to do that in MAD, am I incorrect?
You have a strange view of the Mid-Acts Dispensational view. It looks like you have a lot of research to do before you can ask an intelligent question about it.


Well-known member
Are you even 'allowed' to tell people to not do something because it's evil?
You are asking that of people who have total liberty?
A liberty that no law keeper can ever have.
And if so, with what justification?
The liberty we have in Christ Jesus.

It's not because you're in danger of 'burning', danger of burning for us.
it's only because it's a human rights violation, and not profitable to be evil, but not because you're going to hell if you invade Ukraine. You're not allowed to do that in MAD, am I incorrect?
So are you saying we should be up in arms about what's happening in Ukraine?
Are you suggesting we go over there to get the guns they're handing out and then fight with them?

From what I've seen with MAD is a correct understanding of the dispensations of God,
And I'll repeat. We have the liberty to do anything to do whatever the Spirit leads us to do.
Maybe I'm failing to get the point you're trying to make.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yes and I have NO idea where this question comes from. Sounds like a silly caricature of some kind to me.

We judge the same way that Paul did. We are to be followers of Paul... not Peter (and the eleven).

You have a strange view of the Mid-Acts Dispensational view. It looks like you have a lot of research to do before you can ask an intelligent question about it.
Yeah I won't be doing any of that.

Would it be ethical and moral, according to MAD (Mid-Acts Dispensational) ethics and or morals, to tell Vladimir Putin to NOT murder 666 Ukrainians because he'll go to hell if he does so?

I say it's ethical (according to my 'Protestant' understanding of Catholicism). What does MAD say, according to your MAD understanding of MAD?


Well-known member
Yeah I won't be doing any of that.

Would it be ethical and moral, according to MAD (Mid-Acts Dispensational) ethics and or morals, to tell Vladimir Putin to NOT murder 666 Ukrainians because he'll go to hell if he does so?

I say it's ethical (according to my 'Protestant' understanding of Catholicism). What does MAD say, according to your MAD understanding of MAD?
Do you find it profitable to tell people not to do stuff you don't like?
Especially some world leader?
Perhaps make it a law that we all be outraged against every evil that surrounds us?

What of the power of prayer?
Ethical and moral are nothing without the power of the spirit.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Do you find it profitable to tell people not to do stuff you don't like?
Especially some world leader?
Perhaps make it a law that we all be outraged against every evil that surrounds us?
You can't. There's no real law for countries, there's only law inside of them. So if a regime does something evil like invade Ukraine and murder Ukrainians it's not like you arrest them and prosecute them in a court of law.
What of the power of prayer?
Ethical and moral are nothing without the power of the spirit.

Right Divider

Body part
Yeah I won't be doing any of that.

Would it be ethical and moral, according to MAD (Mid-Acts Dispensational) ethics and or morals, to tell Vladimir Putin to NOT murder 666 Ukrainians because he'll go to hell if he does so?

I say it's ethical (according to my 'Protestant' understanding of Catholicism). What does MAD say, according to your MAD understanding of MAD?
You're just making a fool out of yourself.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Are you even 'allowed' to tell people to not do something because it's evil? And if so, with what justification? It's not because you're in danger of 'burning', it's only because it's a human rights violation, and not profitable to be evil, but not because you're going to hell if you invade Ukraine. You're not allowed to do that in MAD, am I incorrect?
I absolutely have no idea what in the world you're talking about!

What does Mid-Acts Dispensationalism have to do with anyone's ethics?


Well-known member
You can't. There's no real law for countries, there's only law inside of them. So if a regime does something evil like invade Ukraine and murder Ukrainians it's not like you arrest them and prosecute them in a court of law.
My point exactly. If you can change it, why worry? If you can't change it, why worry?


Well-known member
Who's talking about worrying? Not me. That's your word.
Oh, you sounded worried....maybe angry would be a better word.
As I see it you have NO clue what MAD is about.

Figuring out who is being addressed, by whom are they being addressed, at what time in history.

This is what we are expected to do when we read God's Word.

Consider what was required of Adam and Eve.
What was required of Noah.
What is required of those under the law?

What was required of the Jews.
What was required of the gentiles?

Why does the Bible talk about dispensations if there aren't any?
There was a dispensation of the Law, and now there is a dispensation of Grace.

Ephesians 3:2
If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

NOPE. You're simply blaming the messenger.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Oh, you sounded worried....maybe angry would be a better word.
"Worried" and "angry" are your words.
As I see it you have NO clue what MAD is about.

Figuring out who is being addressed, by whom are they being addressed, at what time in history.

This is what we are expected to do when we read God's Word.

Consider what was required of Adam and Eve.
What was required of Noah.
What is required of those under the law?

What was required of the Jews.
What was required of the gentiles?

Why does the Bible talk about dispensations if there aren't any?
There was a dispensation of the Law, and now there is a dispensation of Grace.

Ephesians 3:2
If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

NOPE. You're simply blaming the messenger.
I know all that. You need to tie this together with ethics and morals to be on the topic.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
My point exactly. MAD ethics is void.
That isn't a point, it's you being an idiot.

Answer the question. What does believing that the body of Christ started with Paul have to do with ethics? Why would my ethics be any different than yours? Why would my understanding of justice be any different? Why would my understand of love be any different? Why would I have to mix law with grace to understand right from wrong?

THE single most stridantly anti-sin, pro-righteous living preacher I have ever met in my life was Pastor Bob Enyart of Denver Bible Church in suburban Denver Colorado. His successor may prove to be his equal in this regard if he's lucky.