Regardless of the perceived benefits of birthdays, what matters most is God's perception. Are there reasons to believe that God doesn't approve of birthdays? Do those reasons still exist if people ignore them? Can you still refer to yourself as a Christian if you continue to celebrate birthdays?It is Biblical to celebrate various events. Birthdays are an awesome time to thank God for the people He has placed in our paths. Birthdays also are a great time for us to celebrate the love we have for the people in our lives.
It is Biblical to celebrate various events. Birthdays are an awesome time to thank God for the people He has placed in our paths. Birthdays also are a great time for us to celebrate the love we have for the people in our lives.
There are many reasons to believe God wants us to celebrate important events in our lives.Are there reasons to believe that God doesn't approve of birthdays?
Fortunately, our salvation does not depend on ourselves. We can't earn, or lose salvation on something like birthdays. Our salvation is totally upon Jesus and His shed blood at Calvary.Can you still refer to yourself as a Christian if you continue to celebrate birthdays?
Yes. It is my birthday today. Send me a case of Budweiser.
A few questions to ask yourself....
Are birthdays celebrated in the Bible?
By whom?
What happened during those birthdays?
Instead of just assuming something is acceptable or wrong, see if you can get any indication from God's word.
God's word does include some information and that will give you some indication to the way God views things.
There aren't always direct commands or laws for everything, but the biblical record can give us some indication about the principles God wants us to apply.
Do some research and let us know what you find.
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Do you celebrate Christmas?
The only birthday, scripturally, that will be celebrated, in the future, will be mandatory, or face the consequences(Zechariah 14:17.....):
Zechariah 14:16 KJV And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.
And the reason I've never attended a company "Christmas Party"(which has morphed into the politically "correct" "Holiday Party")? Mention the Lord Jesus Christ's name, at such a gathering, and there is a "hush," a look of disapproval, from the "party go'ers," as there was, like times of old, as "there was no room for" him, like at the inn(Luke 2:7 KJV). Whoever heard of a birthday party, where the "guest of honor" is not discussed, much less honored, or even mentioned? No thanks.hope there's enough cake to go around