Is elohiym an idiot?

Is elohiym an idiot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Of course!

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • What else can you call him?

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • :duh:

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
I notice you ignored everything else I said as you often do.
No. I'm just ignoring the dumb stuff that shows you lack reading comprehension skills. Just one example from your hissy fit:
I agree that I have a lot of nerve, but I doubt your assessment, which seems to be implying that PK is perfect and without fault here.
I have never claimed that I was perfect and without fault. You lie some more.
You wife's assessment implied that you were perfect and without fault in this matter, not that you think you are perfect and without fault. Therefore, calling me a liar for saying what your wife clearly implied is just plain dumb, and shows you have poor reading comprehension.

Now, I'm not going to waste my time and respond to your lunacy point-by-point.
If I were a fraud it would be easy for you to show so. Instead you just keep asserting it over and over again.
If you weren't a fraud, you could prove what you claim: that I allegedly said you were not a Christian before you said that to me. Show us the post, liar! You can't, so either be quiet and stop whining, or go hide behind your wife some more.
I think you take the cake as possibly the most arrogant and ignorant poster on TOL I have seen.
I wish I could say that you are the dumbest one I have seen, but unfortunately I can't. Keep practicing. You improve with every post.


New member
elohiym said:
You can't, so either be quite and stop whining, or go hide behind your wife some more.

:rotfl: My wife has posted on this site like 5 times man. I don't hide behind anyone. Get a clue and a life. One thing is certain, this thread has exposed exactly what the OP stated. Knight and everyone have done an excellent job of exposing you. I am through with this game, and have no need to sit and trade stupid insults with you. I am certain you will want to get the last word, so say whatever you like. :)


New member
I sure am glad the Bible wasn't communicated that way. It would make it very confusing to understand who was being discussed. :)

How true! Yet it was just one of the many safeguards the Rabbonim put into gear in their jurisprudence, to protect the sanctity of the Name of G-d as per the third Commandment. Its a tradition I like and keep... but hey I'm sure you can understand the sentiment because it is at par with the sentiment of those which want to install the commandment in our government buildings.

Anyway this is off the track, and I commend you in narrowing down elohiym's theological problem to its basic distillate which is a gospel of a misconstrued sanctification via an unscriptural assessment of the human condition after the acceptance of the free gift of righteousness in Mashiach R. Yshu'a.

Elohiym, you need a full body immersion in the Mikwa'ot of R. Sha'ul's letter to the Romans... Elisha directed Naaman to wash seven times, I ask you to spend seventy hours reading and re-reading R. Sha'ul's letter, expecting a marvellous result.

This isn't to cut you down but to see you sound in the Mashiach, whom you most obviously love.


New member
It assumes NO SUCH THING!!! I am simply asking you a question based on your own assertions that I have documented in my previous post

Just answer the question! (for real this time)

elohiym, answer me this.... hypothetically speaking.....

If sometime in the future you happened to slip up (lets say you knowingly stole a mp3 player from a store) would you determine that:

A. knowingly stealing an mp3 player from the store must not be sinful.


B. You were not saved after all and needed to seek forgiveness.

All hypothetical of course. I added the word "knowingly" for clarification.

I know that wasn't a question for me, but if i knowingly stole anything i would assume that:

C. I was of my father, the devil


One who is born of God cannot slip up...

I can't slip up, nor can I lose because I belong to God. He bought me.

So, Elohiym NEVER, EVER, EVER can sin. For the rest of the time here on earth, Elohiym will not even commit any type of sin, no jealousy, no lie, no greed, no gluttony (can't eat too many potato chips), laziness, etc.:hammer: :dunce:

That is BEYOND absurd, it falls into the state of complete lunacy and utter stupidity. I can't even imagine someone saying that they never ever sin, and do so with a straight face.


New member
Find one post on this thread where I suggest that or retract your statement. I have affirmed over and over that the flesh cannot be made perfect, and that it is dead because of sin. Your reading comprehension must be lacking because I have never stated otherwise.

If I see you murder, are you saying that your are not a murderer? :dizzy:
I'm not but the dead flesh is and it deserves what it gets. I make no excuses for it.


New member
I rest my case.

You preach that one must maintain their salvation by not slipping up which is works not grace.

Based on your own theology....
You might not be saved elohiym!
There is no way for you to know you are saved (for sure) unless you live the rest of your life without slipping up.

Good luck with that. :thumb:
Not so quick on the trigger there Knight. Are you of the flesh or are you of the spirit? It was not my brother Elohiym that did it but the dead flesh to which he is not subject to. Do you always clam guilt for another's sin?

Mr. 5020

New member
They were never saved, but only called themselves Christian...

Mat 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

He NEVER knew them, so they were never really Christians.

Salvation cannot be lost.

Someone who is a murderer can be saved, but he must be born of God. That conversion will crucify his "old man," (the murderer), and he will be a new creature in Christ.

2Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

His new nature in Christ is not a murderer. He will NEVER murder, or sin in any way, again.

Hey Mr. 5020 did you catch this part of elohiym's answer to your question?Based on that.... how many Christians do you think exist on the planet today?

(and remember, elohiym doesn't think like Sozo and e4e that sinful things can be done but they are no longer referred to as sin, instead.... elohiym thinks that a Christian will never actually do something that is bad, wrong or otherwise called sin. elohiym thinks that a Christian will live in perfection.)
I might need some time to digest all of this.

It's so foreign to me.


New member
You are a fraud, PK. The statement you just made was a blatant lie about me. It was you who followed Clete's lead in stating that I was not a Christian, and I had never said you weren't a Christian when you made that statement about me. Now, because you are a fraud, you want to cover that fact up by linking me to others and what they said.

You called me level headed and blessed me until you saw your buddies attack me, and then like a rabid wolf you joined the pack. Shall I show you the exact post where you claimed I wasn't a Christian before I said it to you, proving what a liar and fraud you are? How about you show me the post where you think I drew first blood? Have fun looking for that, because it doesn't exist.

Stop playing games, Casper. God is watching, and you will reap what you sow.
The tactic didn't work. I was hoping you would revisit the issue and change your mine but instead you dug in your heals. I should have know better. Such tactics don't work on me ether. Sorry dude' No i really don't think your a fraud but some of your theology is though sincerely believed by you.
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New member
So, Elohiym NEVER, EVER, EVER can sin. For the rest of the time here on earth, Elohiym will not even commit any type of sin, no jealousy, no lie, no greed, no gluttony (can't eat too many potato chips), laziness, etc.:hammer: :dunce:

That is BEYOND absurd, it falls into the state of complete lunacy and utter stupidity. I can't even imagine someone saying that they never ever sin, and do so with a straight face.
Nope it is absolute fact and the same is true for you. No one born of God sins because God's seed remains in you and you cannot sin! That is true of all God's children.


New member
Some observations....

If what Knight offers is an accurate quote, quote]e4e believes...

that a Christian is no longer under the law and therefore cannot sin because there is no law to transgress. When a Christian does something that would normally be called sinful it must be called something else because sin cannot happen without a transgression of the law.[/quote]

Then I'm compelled to ask e4e, since when were gentiles under the Torah anyway? e4e's assumption would be true only if the condition of being a Jew under the Torah was the starting place from which that "christian" started out when he embraced the Torah Righteousness of the Mashiach.

But since gentiles have never been charged with the yoke of the Torah, then by the supposed assumption e4e makes, all gentiles were exonerated from the category and penalty of the sinful, that is if sin cannot happen without a transgression of the law." But the Law is not a condition for the gentile believer anyway. Now obviously, this takes on the need for further explanation and leads to other considerations fortunately, R Sha'ul was gracious enough to touch on all those facets in Romans.

Post 376
That's right! There are no future sins for a believer. That is why Knight and Petrix can't show me a single verse to support their position.

1John 1:10;2:1
If we are making an assertion that we do not commit averos sins, then a lie we make him and his word in our misrepresentation.

My children, to you I write these things that you be not committing averos (sins). If there is one committing averos sins, There is one vindicating us before the the Father, Yshua' our Rebbe the King and Righteous Mashiach.


New member
Some observations....

If what Knight offers is an accurate quote, quote]e4e believes...

that a Christian is no longer under the law and therefore cannot sin because there is no law to transgress. When a Christian does something that would normally be called sinful it must be called something else because sin cannot happen without a transgression of the law.

Then I'm compelled to ask e4e, since when were gentiles under the Torah anyway? e4e's assumption would be true only if the condition of being a Jew under the Torah was the starting place from which that "christian" started out when he embraced the Torah Righteousness of the Mashiach.

But since gentiles have never been charged with the yoke of the Torah, then by the supposed assumption e4e makes, all gentiles were exonerated from the category and penalty of the sinful, that is if sin cannot happen without a transgression of the law." But the Law is not a condition for the gentile believer anyway. Now obviously, this takes on the need for further explanation and leads to other considerations fortunately, R Sha'ul was gracious enough to touch on all those facets in Romans.

1John 1:10;2:1
If we are making an assertion that we do not commit averos sins, then a lie we make him and his word in our misrepresentation.

My children, to you I write these things that you be not committing averos (sins). If there is one committing averos sins, There is one vindicating us before the the Father, Yshua' our Rebbe the King and Righteous Mashiach.
Excelent elyah. No gentile ever went to hell for violating the Mosaic Law. That is why it cannot be an act of sin that the gentiles committed. Jesus came to bring us life from the dead. What death was that you ask? Why the sin Adam committed that brought forth his death of course. We are all born into that death. Salvation is life from the dead. Jew and gentile alike.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Nope it is absolute fact and the same is true for you. No one born of God sins because God's seed remains in you and you cannot sin! That is true of all God's children.
Even so, what you believe and what elohiym believes are two different things. Knight pointed that out in a post to 5020.

(and remember, elohiym doesn't think like Sozo and e4e that sinful things can be done but they are no longer referred to as sin, instead.... elohiym thinks that a Christian will never actually do something that is bad, wrong or otherwise called sin. elohiym thinks that a Christian will live in perfection.)


New member
Even so, what you believe and what elohiym believes are two different things. Knight pointed that out in a post to 5020.
That is true but we are all wrong on one issue or another. Over the last 2 or so years i have changed a lot. I just haven't told you. Leave the past behind and press forward toward the high-calling in Christ Jesus. That is the purpose of these discussions isn't it.


New member
:doh: Hello! You are talking to the person who owns TOL. Are you that clueless?

Ooooh, :D I was! .... and somewhat put-off by what I've interpreted to be your somewhat dogged and narrow disposition... but that's subjective. Anyway, I guess I'll have to put on my lamb-skinned theological gloves, and tact here forward.... feel free to tighten my leash, ...lots of cars around. BTW, I'd like you to include a bunch of Jewish smilies that I can pick from...


New member
Well said. :up:
I'm actually a brackish sort of fish, enjoying the placid predictability of the theological ponds and lakes as well as watery inlets while also easily euphoric about outer-coastal and tempestuous waters of unfathomable and dark some depths. Got to keep the heart pumping!:noway:


New member
Let's see how long your friendship lasts if he starts posting here.
And if he didn't, I doubt he would still be your friend.
That is why I have relationships with a variety of people who don't share the same theological views that I do. You are trying to make it appear that you are capable of that with your puffed up rhetoric, but it's just hot air in my opinion. Once the clique on TOL gives someone a thumbs down, you'll toss "relationship" and "fellowship" out the window. You are so transparent, PK, they should call you Casper.

Ease up, why commit hari-kari?:patrol:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Satan got booted out of heaven for being an idiot, why shouldn't elo get booted out of TOL for being an idiot?