Is constant confession needed for forgiveness?

Right Divider

Body part

Where have I said that?

Oh, I get it.
You did not understand the sarcasm.
I beg your forgiveness for not having an emoticom. Tambora was kind enough to provide me with a few.
So, here it is.

At least jzeidler, to whom I was responding, understood the sarcasm without the emoticom.
Regardless of your sarcasm, when you wrote this:
And God will be so pleased with me insulting you, right, because, you know, how it goes, God has died on the Cross of Calvary so that I can freely continue to sin? Thank you for the lesson.
... you seem to indicate that you think that MAD gives a "license to sin".

In many of your previous post I read similar statements.


New member
Then you might want to try reading the verse in context, since Paul's entire teaching is that he was not presently a sinner.

You should note that BEFORE he received mercy, he was a blasphemer, etc. He considered himself to be at the top (chief) of a list of blasphemers for instance.
Thus, his "I am chief" refers to his standing on a list...not his present state. Why would he have said we were to be imitators of him if he was the chief of sinners? :think:

In nothing was he behind the chiefest apostles.

Corinthians 11:5
For I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles.

2 Corinthians 12:11
I am become a fool in glorying; ye have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.​

This is the chiefest of sinners?

1 Thess. 2:9-10
For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God. Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:​

How about this?

2 Corinthians 4:1-2
Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

Well, whatever makes you feel good with yourself, but nothing you posted in any way says that Paul is saying he is no longer a sinner, and that he didn't mean "I am the chief of sinners," like he said. And we should imitate him in repentance.


New member
Regardless of your sarcasm, when you wrote this:

... you seem to indicate that you think that MAD gives a "license to sin".

In many of your previous post I read similar statements.

I have NEVER nor will I EVER say that MAD gives a 'license to sin' for I know that is NOT what MAD teaches, even though I am not MAD.

That is YOU, Right Divider, reading into what I have not written.

Right Divider

Body part
I have NEVER nor will I EVER say that MAD gives a 'license to sin' for I know that is NOT what MAD teaches, even though I am not MAD.

That is YOU, Right Divider, reading into what I have not written.
Then I apologize for misunderstanding your position

So do I rightly understand that you believe that we should ask for forgiveness on a regular basis?


Stick around for a while, and you will understand the why of the responses.

LOL, The "bar" I've set for myself is a little higher than that.

Most forums I've been in over the past 10 years or so , are usually controlled by 3 to 6 people who have built their understanding on the mistranslation of the Greek word pisteuo. I always warn them for their benefit, but don't allow them to beat on me for to long.

I've taken a two year break from sharing this message with anyone. So I'm primed for another beating for the benefit of the called ones.

TOL seems to have a lot of members, where would you go if you were me?


New member
TOL seems to have a lot of members, where would you go if you were me?

Click on the 'Active' and go down the list and see if any one of the titles call your attention and participate. That's what I do.

In some of the groups you will have to ask permission to participate in.


You don't have to do anything what Jesus says if you don't esteem His word.


Ok, lets look at the other side of that coin.

If I did esteem His Word, would anything I did be worth anything?

All I "have" to do is "Faithe"! Most people know this word as "believe", the mistranslation of "piteuo", used 248 times in the Gospels.

As a result of "faithing", He does what I "have" to do through me. In other words, I surrender my life to Him (pisteuo) and as a result of Him taking that offered life,He indwells in my fleshly body with His Spirit, and His word will manifest itself through me. None of this do, do, this and don't do that. His Word is not a manual for us to live by. His word is a mirror that will reflect Him in us, and will produce joy and a lot of other things.


TOL Subscriber
The Law condemns no one. You are the one who condemn yourself when the Law shows you what you have done. If we had a savior for our transgressions of the Law, there would be no transgressors of the Law.

Galatians 3:10 KJV You can't do it! You are under the curse!

However, we must pay for our transgressions of the Law in order to prevent new transgressions further on. If you read Isaiah 43:3, Yahweh is our only savior.
Romans 6:23 KJV


TOL Subscriber
not my testimony

just quoting the bible
It's not to you Matthew 15:24 KJV, Romans 15:8 KJV but you wrongly apply it to yourself as Catholics often do. Why don't you believe the testimony of Paul written TO us that all of our trespasses are forgiven (Colossians 2:13 KJV)?


Ok, lets look at the other side of that coin.

If I did esteem His Word, would anything I did be worth anything?

Of course, you are showing loyalty to your Lord.

Lord honor all His loyal servants.

His Father loves those who honor His Son.

Loyalty to your Lord is just fruit of Spirit.

If we don't produce fruit, Jesus will chop down and burn it.

Do you need reference for this?
