ECT Is Christ divided?


I thought it was Mother Mary!
Good to see ya Nihilo
Good to be seen; and good to see you too STP. :)

No, Mary is the Mother of the Church. Salvation comes to the world through her in the way in which blood comes to the heart through our veins.

Cross Reference

New member
Good to be seen; and good to see you too STP. :)

No, Mary is the Mother of the Church. Salvation comes to the world through her in the way in which blood comes to the heart through our veins.

Perhaps we should celebrate her instead of Jesus. Oops! Sorry! You are already doing that by your words and leaving Jesus hanging on the cross.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For life of me; what are you maddists trying to prove? Its seems nothing more than division.

It's all by grace, all by Christ, all by His Spirit, all for His Glory, all for His love for us to share in the One Kingdom.

Paul agrees with all of this... So does the rest of the New Testament.

Well, "for the life of me"(whatever that stumper means-it's a mite curious), you kids, who do not rightly divide the word of truth, beat everything-you know that? Accordingly, let's forget the "Patty Cake, Patty Cake" jazz, and "cut to the chase," so to speak, as we are all busy men, and women. It's time for my annual vent, that I'm seeming having to repeat more often, to clear the fog on this "dividing" jazz.......

The Holy Bible refers to "the church of the living God" as "the pillar and ground of the truth"(1 Timothy 3:15 KJV). "...thy word is truth."(John 17:17 KJV)

So, if anyone where to split, divide, a "church", just what would be the basis/justification of the split? One half(or whatever) sides with the truth, rightly divided(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV), the other half sides with error, not "sound doctrine", as preached by our apostle Paul(not Peter, not "the 12"), in this "dispensation of the grace of God"(yes, "dispensation" is a scriptural, biblical word, and a good one, at that(1 Cor. 9:17 KJV; Eph. 1:10 KJV, Eph.3:2 KJV; Col. 1:25 KJV). This, like arguing, is to be embraced-it is a good thing. This is one of the harshest "truths", realities, to accept for babes in Christ(1 Cor. 3 KJV), the sheep: the secrecy of so many Christians, when it comes to "whom are you following?"

I say, once again, shine some light in the dark "churches." Expose everybody to the light: Psalms 119:105 KJV(trans-dispensational biblical doctrine). Cockroaches scurry when the light is shone on them.

Split, split, split them up, I say. Split, split, and keep splitting. The Lord Jesus Christ came to split. He was, and is, the great divider: Genesis 1:4 KJV; Matthew 10:34 KJV, Mt.25:32 KJV; Luke 12:51 KJV; John 7:43 KJV, John 9:16 KJV, John 10:19 KJV; Acts 13:2 KJV; Romans 1:1 KJV; 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. A sword divides/separates. The cross divides and separates men and women-it does not unify. Dump the refuse, the garbage in the dumpster. Release the secret agent "all of the Holy Bible is written about me, specifically, directed specfically to me, and is for my obedience" back into the ecumenical movement, where they belong. Then, and only then, can we truly be said to be in "the body, the church"(Col. 1:18 KJV, Col. 1:24 KJV; Eph. 5:23 KJV), worshiping the LORD God of truth(John 4:24 KJV), and separating the wheat from the chaff(Mt. 3:12 KJV, Luke 3:17 KJV), from within the true church, in this dispensation, and ending "divisions"( Romans 16:17 KJV; 1 Cor. 1:10 KJV, 1 Cor 3:3 KJV, 1 Cor. 11:18 KJV). Let every "church" you join toss you out for being a "divisive, mean spirited, 'un-Christian', intolerant....." "MAD wacko", "modern" "dispie," as their doctrine is new, has never been taught by the "historic" "the church," and all that jazz......who needs to be drugged up, and properly schooled, albeit in a "sweet Christian manner", into obedience of the "church statement of faith." You wouldn't be splitting any churches, because they are not churches. They are "Rodney Kings", "Oprah Winfrey's"-"Can't we all get along's", as they nod their heads in agreement, as passive drones, who will be spoon fed by their 'church' leaders," mutual admiration clubs, religious drain clogs/toilets, flushing Christians' knowledge, and thus acceptance, of the "dispensation of the gospel", "the dispensation of the grace of God", "the dispensation of God", committed to the apostle Paul(1 Cor. 9:17KJV. Eph. 3:2 KJV, Col. 1:25 KJV),"the apostle of the Gentiles"(Romans 11:13 KJV), and thus, their apostle, down the proverbial toilet.

"Soap Box" time: When we have spoken up on these boards, re. the absolute necessity of rightly dividing this word of truth, "Christians" get angry at us. They, obviously being more "spiritual" than us, don't like us. We are "tied to satan...the occult," "gnosticism," they spam/cry. We are "mean spirited...judgmental..intolerant," they wine. I say, please like us(sarcasm is a biblical principle). I want people to like us(vs. Proverbs 29:25 KJV; Mt. 6:2 KJV, Mt. 6:5 KJV; John 5:44 KJV, John 12:43 KJV ; Acts 5:29 KJV; Galatians 1:10 KJV; Eph. 6:6 KJV; Colossians 3:22 KJV; 1 Thel. 2:4 KJV). We will be a good boys, this time, and not be "divisive." If "sound doctrine"(1 Timothy 1:10 KJV; 2 Timothy 4:2-3 KJV; Titus 1:9 KJV, Titus 2:10 KJV), is not important, we plead "guilty as charged."

"But thou hast fully known my doctrine(my note-Paul's doctrine for the body of Christ-Romans-Philemon), manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience..." 2 Tim. 3:10 KJV

Truth, by its nature, is divisive, and the word of truth, rightly divided, more so. Division is what the Lord Jesus Christ brought to the “ecumenical tupperware party.” And that is what we should bring. I love respective members of the body of Christ, "Christians," and that is why I give them the truth, and the word of truth, rightly divided, and then encourage them to survey the Holy Bible, and figure it out for themselves-Acts 17:2 KJV, 11; 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. However, if you love someone, you tell them the truth, sound doctrine, as scripture reveals it rightly divided, whether they want to hear it or not. Truth must not be sacrificed(compromised) at the altar of today's so-called enlightened, non-judgmental, "tolerant" culture. The apostle Paul perhaps best summed it up when he asked the poignant question:

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16 KJV

The LORD God never sacrifices truth for peace, sound doctrine for compromise.

Spilt, split, split………..Keep on splitting, I say.....

"And to make ALL MEN SEE(emphasis mine) what is the fellowship of the mystery…" Eph. 3:9
Vegas has it at 2/1 that I will be accused of "bible chopping/splitting...cherry picking...," and, of course, the "Don't you believe the bible/God/'Jesus'/Paul/ Peter?" puzzler, that leaves us scratchin' our noggins.

Side bar, LORD God...Take it away, Lord Jesus Christ...

Carry on with your bible blenders, kiddies...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Good to be seen; and good to see you too STP. :)

No, Mary is the Mother of the Church. Salvation comes to the world through her in the way in which blood comes to the heart through our veins.

Genesis 3:20 KJV And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Shall we call Eve, Granny of "the church?"


Genesis 3:20 KJV And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Shall we call Eve, Granny of "the church?"
I don't.

The Church is our Lord's one Church, not "the church" as found in the Greek Old Testament.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't.

The Church is our Lord's one Church, not "the church" as found in the Greek Old Testament.


This "the" church?

Acts 7:38 KJV This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:

Or perhaps "the" church Fred Flintstone attended, in Bedrock?

And just who's your daddy/father(s)? Abe?

"the Greek"-Nihilo Hamilton

There is no such thing as "the Greek"-you made that up.

Sit down, please, and behave yourself, until I call on you.



This "the" church?

Acts 7:38 KJV This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
Or perhaps "the" church Fred Flintstone attended, in Bedrock?
Um, no.
And just who's your daddy/father(s)? Abe?
"the Greek"-Nihilo Hamilton

There is no such thing as "the Greek"-you made that up.
I made what up? The Greek Old Testament? No.
Sit down, please, and behave yourself, until I call on you.
All right.


Well-known member
Good to be seen; and good to see you too STP. :)

No, Mary is the Mother of the Church. Salvation comes to the world through her in the way in which blood comes to the heart through our veins.

Yes, the Lord was formed in her womb.

Good to see you, Nihilo! :cheers:


Well-known member
"the Greek"-Nihilo Hamilton

There is no such thing as "the Greek"-you made that up.

"The Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Bible and some related texts into Koine Greek. As the primary Greek translation of the Old Testament, it is also called the Greek Old Testament."


Yes, the Lord was formed in her womb.

Good to see you, Nihilo! :cheers:
You too elohiym. :) :e4e:

"The Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Bible and some related texts into Koine Greek. As the primary Greek translation of the Old Testament, it is also called the Greek Old Testament."
True (darn ambiguity!), but I was referring to the seven books in the Old Testament that were written in Greek, AKA the deuterocanonical books: Tobit, Judith, Additions to Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4–16:24), Wisdom (also called the Wisdom of Solomon), Sirach (also called Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, including the Letter of Jeremiah (Additions to Jeremiah in the Septuagint), Additions to Daniel: Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24–90); Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13, Septuagint prologue); Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14, Septuagint epilogue), 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees

[Cut-n-paste from Wikipedia's article]

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Um, no.
I made what up? The Greek Old Testament? No.
All right.

"And just who's your daddy/father(s)? Abe? "-me


Slower-You assert
"The Church is our Lord's one Church, "

There is more than one church in the book-Hence, Acts...

Acts 7:38 KJV This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:

Your daddy/father is who?

with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
Last edited:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"The Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Bible and some related texts into Koine Greek. As the primary Greek translation of the Old Testament, it is also called the Greek Old Testament."

Made up. You've never seen this "Septuagint," and there is no such thing as "the" Greek, as there are perhaps 60, or so, "the" Greek ms.

"it is also called the Greek Old Testament."-you

Made up.


"The Church is our Lord's one Church, "
There is more than one church in the book
Correct also. I'm not talking about "the church in the wilderness" nor about "the church" mentioned in the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament, but about our Lord's one Church that He built upon Peter. She is a ship. The new Ark.

All aboard.

Cross Reference

New member
Correct also. I'm not talking about "the church in the wilderness" nor about "the church" mentioned in the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament, but about our Lord's one Church that He built upon Peter. She is a ship. The new Ark.

All aboard.

You mean built upon what Peter said, his revelation of who Jesus was, from the knowledge that he received from God to his mind.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Correct also. I'm not talking about "the church in the wilderness" nor about "the church" mentioned in the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament, but about our Lord's one Church that He built upon Peter. She is a ship. The new Ark.

All aboard.

You misquoted me-above:

"Originally Posted by john w
"The Church is our Lord's one Church, "

Knock it off.