kmoney said:
I apologize for how the so-called Christians posted in this thread. Jesus Christ loves you so much and therefore so do I. I would love to see you come to know God. I have a friend in college who is a homosexual and I pray for him all the time. I pray that he would let his defenses down and give God a chance to break through and free him from his sin. Everyone struggles with some sin, homosexuality is no different. "you can do all things through Christ that strenghens you". I will pray the same for you. Through talking to my college friend I can understand that you feel that you didn't choose your sexual preference. Who would choose that?? I don't know anyone who would. It is just a stronghold that seems impossible to break, and seems that you ARE gay. I believe that you are not gay but struggle with the sin of homosexuality. I know from reading much of this discussion you probably want nothing with Christianity, but I just want to ask you to look to Jesus and not the people who misrepresent him. The Jesus of the bible would never call you a faggot and neither do I.
Hi, kmoney.
Don't worry. I have a thick skin. Sinners use the word faggot as well, so when the saved do, I see them as basically the same group of people. People like to criticize, cut each other down, curse one another. It's human nature. The "tough love" that Jesus calls for is to return evil with goodness, to bless those who curse you. Many posters will justify that Jesus called people names, so they can do, nyah!! But that is a spiritually immature attitude. As a buddhist, I am to feel compassion for all, even my enemies, and so, I try to show as much self restraint and patience towards others as I can.
You will probably be attacked on a thread in the future. Prepare yourself for it. There is a group mentality that you have to resist, and when you do, you get attacked, but for the most part, it is more bark than bite.
Lastly, thank you for your concern about me being homosexual, but I have struggled with this since my mid teens, and laid awake for hours, staring at the ceiling, wondering why I was feeling this way. I turned to the bible, I went to counceling, I faced suicide on a number of occassions. And I made it through.
But if you really care, go to a place like, and read up on the whole site. It speaks of all of the verses in the bible and research done on them (who was speaking, the translation, who was being spoken to, etc.) I found that the bible wasn't saying what people said it was. (Don't you think it odd that people only use 2 verses of Leviticus, and dismiss the rest?) The site gives accounts of people and their conflicts with being gay and seeking God. (Yes, that's right - gay and christian! Being "gay" doesn't mean you are sexually active. It is how you are attracted.) It gives very uplifting sermons.
In short, it offers hope instead of doom, encouragement instead of threat.
And shouldn't the Good News be, well, Good?
May God bless you and your friend. My apologies to you for some of the things you are about to witness here on TOL, but take comfort in God, and listen, and learn from the mistakes of others.