Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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QUOTE=Lighthouse I have not denied Christ. So what exactly is it that I do not have an excuse for?
NOT YOU! Those who deny Christ! Sheesh! :rolleyes:
I was agreeing that we can not condemn anyone. And Christ doesn't condemn people either. They condemn themselves!

And I agreed, I think you misunderstand me. I am not always the most eloquent writer!
So, um, why was Jesus abrasive? And why did Nicodemus, one of the people He was abrasive to, come to Him?:think:
Jesus is Jesus, and I am who I am. I wasn't talking about Jesus in that context, I was talking about my views.

I'm not against you. I disagree with you, and I will continue to, unless one of us changes our mind. Seeing as how I changed mine about a year ago, I don't think it'll be me.:nono:


The Dark Knight
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If Jesus being abrasive, and condescending reached people, and you don't want to be abrasive or condescending, what am I supposed to think that means?


Well-known member
Agape4Robin said:
I think maybe you should wake up :Brandon: and actually read what I said. :readthis:

For what? :bang: Denying Christ..... :duh:

People may condemn themselves,( that's true see John 3:18) but like I said, What I think about them is irrelevant. I can't save them nor condemn them, but Christ can.

Me being abrasive or condescending is not going to reach them. It's not like their going to say, "Hmmm......she's being a jerk. :think: Maybe I am going to hell!! :noway: Wow, I should change my ways and get right with God!" :thumb:
:nono: :rolleyes:

P. S. Why are you so against me? :confused:

Lighthouse is one of the better posters concerning truth on this board.

Like I have mentioned many a time Agape, being NICE to these folks who flaunt thier rebellion and sin in our face, is just plain wrong. It is wrong, cause these people are wanting acceptance. They want us to accept thier sin so they can continue in it. This is the problem. You CANNOT take the sin away from a sinner. It just can't be done. I will leave you this quote from a famous pastor.

An absolute law that ignorant people use to determine all the dealings with other people. We cannot criticize, judge, condemn Therefore, those people will never repent.

God does not act like that. Love is patient, but aren't there many times in the bible where God says he has exhausted his patience and he will judge. When He opens the earth and sends someone down to hell, he is not being patient and loving to that person. He wants us to conform to his image and he tells us we have to judge.


Well-known member
Hate The Sin But Love The Sinner

Technically, this saying makes a distinction that one cannot make because it is the heart of the person who is doing the sin. Proverbs 23:7, "For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." The kidnapper is the problem, not the skin on his hands that picks up the kids. Romans 12:9, "Let love be without hypocrisy, abhor what is evil." You can love hypocritically and we shouldn't do that. If you go to homos and just "love them," your love is hypocritical and your love is destroying them.


Lighthouse said:
If Jesus being abrasive, and condescending reached people, and you don't want to be abrasive or condescending, what am I supposed to think that means?
I don't think we see Jesus the same way. While He was not tolerant of sin, he wasn't a jerk either. But being God in the flesh, He had divine authority and could see the very heart of a man. We see the outer shell of the man, and his actions,but not the heart.....big difference.


Active member
Maybe being nice is wrong, but merciful isn't. Robin never said she accepted the sin, she just wanted to handle the individual a little different. Some of us are called to be the disciplinarians, and some of us are called to nurture. I have seen mercy be just as (if not more) convicting than criticism, as long as the person knows that the mercy is in spite of the sin, not because of it. Paul was clear that our gifts differ as our body parts differ. We should not repress one gift in favor of another.


Well-known member
Lovejoy said:
Maybe being nice is wrong, but merciful isn't. Robin never said she accepted the sin, she just wanted to handle the individual a little different. Some of us are called to be the disciplinarians, and some of us are called to nurture. I have seen mercy be just as (if not more) convicting than criticism, as long as the person knows that the mercy is in spite of the sin, not because of it. Paul was clear that our gifts differ as our body parts differ. We should not repress one gift in favor of another.

I agree, there is a time for nurturing. But in a forum such as this, where these folks WILLINGLY SHOVE thier SIN down your throat, then being nice is the farthest right thing to do.


Lovejoy said:
Maybe being nice is wrong, but merciful isn't. Robin never said she accepted the sin, she just wanted to handle the individual a little different. Some of us are called to be the disciplinarians, and some of us are called to nurture. I have seen mercy be just as (if not more) convicting than criticism, as long as the person knows that the mercy is in spite of the sin, not because of it. Paul was clear that our gifts differ as our body parts differ. We should not repress one gift in favor of another.
I also believe that part of that difference is that I am a woman and he is a man. I was designed by God to be more nurturing. It is part of my feminine nature. He would have me deny how God created me to be more like him!
My 2 cents........


Active member
drbrumley said:
I agree, there is a time for nurturing. But in a forum such as this, where these folks WILLINGLY SHOVE thier SIN down your throat, then being nice is the farthest right thing to do.
If you see some of the recent posts that I have made, you will see that I agree. They are baiting Christians willing and purposefully, and not in an effort to seek mercy. I tend just not to deal with them at all, and leave it to those that are better equipped for that sort of thing. I just don't want the heart of Robin attacked and quashed because it is equipped differently. We need a common face (Christ's) on this issue. I am a peacemaker, you know?


drbrumley said:
I agree, there is a time for nurturing. But in a forum such as this, where these folks WILLINGLY SHOVE thier SIN down your throat, then being nice is the farthest right thing to do.
They can flaunt their sin, but never shove it down my throat! I am just the messenger. They flaunt their sin before God........woe to them for it!


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
I don't think we see Jesus the same way. While He was not tolerant of sin, he wasn't a jerk either. But being God in the flesh, He had divine authority and could see the very heart of a man. We see the outer shell of the man, and his actions,but not the heart.....big difference.
drbrumley posted some scripture to refute that. People act upon the intentions of their hearts. So we know their hearts. And in Matthew 12:34, [Jesus]"For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."[/Jesus], Jesus shows that the hearts of men can be known by us.


Lovejoy said:
If you see some of the recent posts that I have made, you will see that I agree. They are baiting Christians willing and purposefully, and not in an effort to seek mercy. I tend just not to deal with them at all, and leave it to those that are better equipped for that sort of thing. I just don't want the heart of Robin attacked and quashed because it is equipped differently. We need a common face (Christ's) on this issue. I am a peacemaker, you know?
Thanks, Lovejoy. I apperciate it!
I always get accused of being too nice and that I take too much crap.


Lighthouse said:
drbrumley posted some scripture to refute that. People act upon the intentions of their hearts. So we know their hearts. And in Matthew 12:34, [Jesus]"For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."[/Jesus], Jesus shows that the hearts of men can be known by us.
If it works for you.....go with it!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Agape4Robin said:
I also believe that part of that difference is that I am a woman and he is a man. I was designed by God to be more nurturing. It is part of my feminine nature. He would have me deny how God created me to be more like him!
My 2 cents........
I don't think you should be more like me.

How about a deal? When I get done with them, I'll send them to you, for some nurturing...