Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Dread Helm said:
I prefer Faggot, Sodomite and Homo.
...and the question still is..."How can anyone here stop you?"
Just as the questin is..."How can anyone here stop those of us who may not believe homosexuality is what God wants for people, yet does want them to repent, stop us from being civil to them and not downright abusive?"
Basically, you keep on treating them the way that you do and we will keep on treating them the way we do. is not Christ-like to call them faggots, as you persist in doing. :)


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Amo 4:11 I have overthrown cities among you, as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a brand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith Jehovah.
Amo 4:12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel; and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.

2] It was in reference to Sodom and Gomorrah, not Israel. And it was used because the people in those cities, with the exception of those God saved, were sexually immoral, in many ways. Homosexuality being one of them. It was used in reference to them for all their wicked ways, for which God rained fire on them. So the term faggot can be used in reference to adulterers, sluts, whores, fornicators, and any other sexually immoral person.

Lighthouse..Amos only used Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of His exaxting His wrath on people who did not follow His ways...just as the people Israel were not , in their idolatrous worship ands indulgent living in the northern Kingdom of Israel. They broke their covenant with God and were going to suffer God's wrath for it.
The firebrand [ the 'faggot' / bundle of sticks] , Israel, were plucked [saved] from the fire of God's wrath before it was too late...the word 'firebrand' being a 'figure of speech'- not a missive to be hurled at people.

Sodom and Gomorrah used here in Amos was merely an example of 'how' God exacts His wrath on cities who persist in not following his ways...not used as an example specifically to highlight the 'homosexuality' that was rampant in those 2 cities. It was used as an example to say to Israel , "Watchout, because I [ God ] can destroy you, just as I did Sodom and Gomorrah!"


New member
Hey Dread Helm...guess what?
You can red-rep me into oblivion for posting a question to Lighthouse as I did, all you want baby!..'cos rep means nothing to me. ;)
Not often I get 'peeved' but when people do what they did, consistently...then I will do what I did.
Funny how Lighthouse didn't red-rep me for it, considering the post was actually to him, yesterday,and not to you. Maybe you should be wearing the Superman tights..not him?
Oh...and be disappointed all you like mate... what you think about me is inconsequential to me, either way ;)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Yeah, Julie. Tell us we're wrong for calling a 45 year old queer a faggot, then turn around be rude to a 13 year old kid.:rolleyes:


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lighthouse said:
Yeah, Julie. Tell us we're wrong for calling a 45 year old queer a faggot, then turn around be rude to a 13 year old kid.:rolleyes:
Methinks someone should pull their tights over their head for a bit!
I don't care one iota how old the kid is [ and was oblivious to their age until you just told me! I honestly thought they were of adult age, thus Baby was meant in treference to that!] ..if he/ she wants to play rough with the grown ups, then they should expect some flak to come back on them! He/she stuck their nose into a post I did to you yesterday, and you didn't post back that you had a particular problem with it, so, stiff cheddar, as they say.
Don't be such a :loser:.. Oh! And bye the way, I haven't been 'rude' yet...but test me if you really want to honey! ;)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Does it occur to anyone else that the ones complaining most about the usage of these words are female?

And, Julie, Dread can stand on his own. He may be a youngin', but he's smarter than most adults I know.


New member
lighthouse said:
And more mature...

Than you can be at times? all probability, maybe ;) Don't know 'cos i haven't taken much notice of their writings.
By the way, you might want to ask yourself before you have a go at someone next time, are they privy to the same info as you are?
I just looked at DH's profile, after your post re his/her age, and it doesn't give a year of birth there, so how are people to know how old he /she is?
Apology for jumping to conclusions accepted whenever....:rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What conclusions did I jump to? I didn't assume that you knew how old the kid is.


Bowser said:
Good question. I think you are very insightful. Or at least, I THOUGHT you were until I went to your Yahoo profile:

Unfortunately it turns out you're a Pig. I'm not going to sugarcoat the truth, because Jesus doesn't like it. I am going to be brutally honest. Fat pigs like you need to seek repentence and stop gorging yourself on food and laziness. I hope you find Jesus.

True Christians Call 'em like they see 'em.

I'm 6' 0" and 240 lbs. I've seen worse. I definitely could stand to lose, though, and yes, I do eat too much and I would consider myself lazy. Thanks for the pep talk! :thumb: I fail to see how that would keep me from being insightful, however. So, do you condemn beanieboy for being a faggot as you do me for being a fat pig? Hey, at least I'm not as fat or as much of a pig as Michael Moore!
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New member
In regards to the opening post, i would have to say that calling beanieboy a faggot is not a Christ like thing to do. Christ always spoke the truth and he spoke it plainly, but calling someone a faggot is just as clear as calling them a homosexual. the difference is that faggot has a degrogatory implication contained in it, whereas homosexual is simply a statement of fact. to call someone an intentionally degrading name is not loving and stems from pride. thus, i don't believe it's Christ like.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Was it unChrist-like to call people a brood of vipers? Isn't that intentionally inflamattory, and derogatory?


Many hold that the Christian ethic is ultimately a life ethic.

Whatever behavior enchances life, expands love and calls all people involved into the experience of a new creature in Christ, then it must be called good.

When behavior denigrates, usus, violates or diminishes one or more of the parties involved, then it must be called evil.

No text from the Bible can ever be used inappropriately to validate the prejudiced behavior of homophobia, which is clearly evil.

This kind of outcome can never be derived from the Word of God.

--John David Atkins



New member
lighthouse said:
Was it unChrist-like to call people a brood of vipers? Isn't that intentionally inflamattory, and derogatory?

no, because the phrase was an accurate description of the state of their hearts. calling someone a faggot is saying they are a homosexual, but you are saying it with a prideful attitude. the term is used to make ones self feel better because they aren't like that. there is no justification for using that phrase when we have the term homosexual which conveys the exact same thing but with no degrading connotation.


Was it unChrist-like to call people a brood of vipers? Isn't that intentionally inflamattory, and derogatory?
Matthew's community was dealing with a lot of marginalization and fear towards it. It was a new, struggling group of believers trying to live out the vision of Jesus.

Of course they would put their own words and struggles into their written portrait of Christ. It gave them a self-legitimacy, and let their enemies know that they were carrying out the wishes of Jesus.

I think you're doing the same thing.

If Jesus were really the bitter, badgering figure sometimes depicted by the evangelists, he would be a hypocrite and just like the common man that he clearly wasn't.

These verses are about power struggles carried on by early disciples. Not about Jesus.

I believe Jesus walked his talk. He was compassionate and transparent and loving. It's way too easy to be mean and petty....
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New member
aikido7 said:
No text from the Bible can ever be used inappropriately to validate the prejudiced behavior of homophobia, which is clearly evil.

This kind of outcome can never be derived from the Word of God.

--John David Atkins

what is homophobia?