Then why does anyone want to have their sex changed through surgery, chemicals, and implants?
Like the old song goes " it's just "Feelings...NOTHING MORE than FEELINGS."
Kind of like Chemical Depression.
Emotions being chemical, that is.
Some people are born blind.
Others "go blind."
Most people appear to be born straight.
Others appear to be born with one chemical imbalance or another.
Too much over production of one chemical over others.
All the result of The Fall in all its' manifestations of "the bondage of corruption" this entire world was plunged into "as by one man's sin; and death by sin..."
It's why "Bad Things Happen to Good People" too (storms, earthquakes, and so on) - the WHOLE creation is under "the bondage of corruption."
As a result, it is possible to "go gay."
And just as possible to "go straight."
As possible as it's obviously been that some on here have long since gone "toxic" in one form or another :chuckle:
For their "trying to forget" what?
It is why the Believer is to "walk by faith, and not by sight" (the physical senses of perception, including...FEELINGS..."