IRS Admits Targeting Conservative Groups; Apologizes


New member
Just to be clear, Ms. Lerner's decision to consider whether these groups were violating the tax code (which many are) did not come from the White House. This is another bogus "Obama scandal" that the Right Wingnuts and racists use inappropriately to sling mud at the President.

What Ms. Lerner's concern is the way Teapublican groups act as "fronts" for the rich to grab seats in government (well, their stooges that is).

Your concern is misplaced. The IRS was doing their job, Obama was not involved and while you go on a witch hunt, the real villains are getting away with tax evasion and political manipulation.


New member
Hall of Fame
...racist...the real villains are getting away with tax evasion and political manipulation.

I know.


Hes racist too, i agree:

Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) made some colorful remarks in a Daily Beast interview released Friday. Most notably, he called Tea Partiers and other Republicans "white crackers."

" House Republicans? Have done more damage to American competitiveness than al Qaeda ever could. “What is happening is sabotage. Terrorists couldn’t do a better job than the Republicans are doing.”

The Tea Party? Defeat them the same way segregation was beaten. “It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.


New member
These policemen are whom your quote has him calling "crackers":

Here's what your quote:

"It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police."

The term seems to derive from those who "cracked a whip" at slaves and blacks in the process of enslavement, control and systematic suppression of their race. It is an appropriate word for the discussion.

That you would go on a witch hunt to find this singular mention while keeping a deaf ear to the overt racism in the Teapublican movement is telling.


New member


What a witch hunt this whole IRS "scandal" is. The IRS was doing its job. Obama was not involved. Yet you delight in suggesting that he was. Wicked man.


New member
What a witch hunt this whole IRS "scandal" is. The IRS was doing its job. Obama was not involved. Yet you delight in suggesting that he was. Wicked man.

I'm waiting for the Obama contingent to blame Bush for the IRS shenanigans.
The Gestapo, alias the IRS, does it's job with a vengeance and a specific vendetta against those not in power.
They destroy people just because they can!


New member


I'm waiting for the Obama contingent to blame Bush for the IRS shenanigans.
The Gestapo, alias the IRS, does it's job with a vengeance and a specific vendetta against those not in power.
They destroy people just because they can!

What are you on about? Don't just rant like an idiot. Say something meaningful.


New member
I've re-posted without the evaluation of your character (which is not what ad hominem is about).

"Obama was not involved. Yet you delight in suggesting that he was."

Ad hominen is when you say that one's position is disqualified by character flaws. What I was suggesting is that you opinions were the reflection of your lack of character. Very different.

I often like to suggest that people brush up on logical fallacies.


New member
I've re-posted without the evaluation of your character (which is not what ad hominem is about).

"Obama was not involved. Yet you delight in suggesting that he was."

Ad hominen is when you say that one's position is disqualified by character flaws. What I was suggesting is that you opinions were the reflection of your lack of character. Very different.

I often like to suggest that people brush up on logical fallacies.

Where is your proof that Obama was not involved? Other than the fact that he is an indecisive, spineless wimp?