:yawn: Ad hominemJust another whiny conservative, playing the victim card...
:yawn: Ad hominemJust another whiny conservative, playing the victim card...
The progressive-leaning investigative journalism group ProPublica says the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office that targeted and harassed conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle gave the progressive group nine confidential applications of conservative groups whose tax-exempt status was pending.
ProPublica says the documents the IRS gave them were “not supposed to be made public”:
The same IRS office that deliberately targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year... In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We made six of those public, after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were newsworthy.)
The group says that "no unapproved applications from liberal groups were sent to ProPublica.”
let me guess, "low level" employees who were hired by Bush made The IRS leak classified tax information about conservative groups to left leaning news organizations.
Republicans are still furious over IRS scrutiny of non-profit groups with "Tea Party" and "patriots" in their names, but the life of the scandal depends entirely upon the political affiliation of the hundreds of other groups investigated by tax officials.
Only 25% of the 300 scrutinized groups seeking non-profit status were reportedly affiliated with right-wing causes. Whether the rest aligned with left-leaning causes like abortion and climate change will not be known until the entire list is released. The IRS told Gawker today that the full list has yet to be made public.
President Obama said he only learned of the Cincinnati office's tactics on Friday but "will not tolerate it." Republicans in Congress are calling for investigations.
IRS examinations of politically vocal non-profits is not new—the most recent outrage to make the national news was in 2006, when tax officials threatened and persecuted liberal churches during the presidency of George W. Bush.
But as the harassment of both liberal and conservative churches in 2004 and 2006 shows, it is sometimes difficult to create a partisan scandal out of some bureaucrats interpreting the ridiculously vague tax code prohibitions on non-profits engaging in political campaigns.
So the IRS apparently has been targeting both the left and the right for inappropriate attention since the early 2000s. Obama deserves criticism for not putting a stop to it. Although the culprits seem to be Bush holdovers, they now work for Obama, and he should have told them that such things would no longer be allowed.
It seems there was evidence that there was a culture of politically-motivated investigation, going back over a decade before he took office. Bill Clinton's mom was the subject of one such fishing expedition, when he was running for president.
Should be interesting to see what else is there.
And yet we have the revelation that rightwing groups were only about 25% of the groups so targeted, but serpent is clinging to her belief that she's a victim.
It's the usual extremist pandering for sympathy, while ignoring that others were similarly treated. You'r a victim only as long as you let yourself be.
Hey, Folks
Posted by Lew Rockwell on May 14, 2013 01:34 PM
The IRS scandal is that they steal your money at the point of a gun--and they're doing more and more of it right now--not that they question some conservative group's tax exemption.
Obama claims to have heard about this on Friday (10 May 13) from the news media. On board Air Force One on Monday, Jay Carney said the president was notified nearly three weeks ago--the week of April 22nd. :Nineveh:How's about getting to the bottom of the story.
Whoever did for whatever reason target a group because of their political affiliations be held accountable and fired or imprisoned...
Obama claims to have heard about this on Friday (10 May 13) from the news media. On board Air Force On on Monday, Jay Carney said the president was notified nearly three weeks ago--the week of April 22nd. :Nineveh:
Basic reading comprehension fail: he was notified about the investigation and that a report would be soon released detailing the results. He was not made aware the results of that investigation at that time.
:yawn: Strawman
"...Carney said later in the press conference that although the White House was notified “weeks ago” about the IRS investigation, neither he nor the president were notified individually." Vid: Carney: White House notified of IRS targeting tea party ‘several weeks ago’; Obama: I found out Friday
: No. My understanding is that the White House Counsel’s Office was alerted in the week of April 22nd of this year, only about the fact that the IG was finishing a review about matters involving the office in Cincinnati. But that’s all they were informed as a normal sort of heads up. And we have never — we don’t have access to, nor should we, the IG’s report or any draft versions of it.
Obama claims to have heard about this on Friday (10 May 13) from the news media. On board Air Force One on Monday, Jay Carney said the president was notified nearly three weeks ago--the week of April 22nd. :Nineveh:
A few housekeeping items:Nice try in switching the link to remove his quote. Your first link had the exact quote.
:yawn: Ad hominem"...It is crystal clear from your 1st link. Is reading comprehension really that difficult?"
:yawn: StrawmanObama found out Friday about the results of the investigation that IRS abuse was uncovered.