Except that now you are willfully coming up with two reasons that are more easy to harmonize.
No, direct equivalents, sexual immorality and lack of providing against the verses in Ezekiel and Jude.
"Failing to care for the poor" and "Engaging in homosexual acts" have nothing to do with each other at all.
And no one said they did, now you are pretending you dont get it.
God, a God that cares about truth, justice and love for all people.Try presenting that argument now instead of dodging the questions and asking about what I think, that should be absolutely irrelevant.
God cares about perverts spreading diseases to innocent people and giving examples of pollution and sin to corrupt others that He created of a church married to the world, instead of the church married to Him.
The marriage is an image of relationship between God and mankind, its not to be mankind with mankind, but mankind with God.
Im not about to provide secular reasoning about the things of God.
Youve already sold yourself to the world, if you need it.