Are you telling me I can worship God Or Jesus unless I worship Paul?
You can't say you're worshiping God, and Jesus is God, unless you respect and reverence Him. The relationship between God and human beings is not a relationship between equals. God sets the parameters of our relationship to Him. We do not. If we think we do we are showing a massive amount of disrespect for God who is far wiser, far more intelligent, far more powerful, and has lived for an eternity. If we think that with our puny little minds and our exceedingly short lifespans that we know better than God what is true and what is false we're so arrogant we can't even come close to being respectful and worshipful of God.
God chose the Bible as one of His major means of communicating with us. It teaches us who He is and what He requires of us to have a relationship with HIm. He doesn't require anything of us to live. We are dependent upon Him for every moment we live. Thus we must respect His chosen channels of communication if we are to worship Him. And somehow you seem to think that you're so important in the grand scheme of things that you can ignore God's means of communication, mock the Bible, the men He chose to write it, and Him, and still claim to worship God. That's a fatal deception. If you're wise you'll change your behavior and learn to truly worship God.