Income Taxation - Just or Unjust? (Alternatives?)

Is a personal increase tax a just form of funding for the government?

  • Yes

  • No: Explain in thread post.

  • I don't know

  • Other: Explain in thread post.

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Okay, so let's just call it "income" instead of "increase" so other people reading this thread will know what in the world we're talking about.
Not to be too pedantic about it but, would your financial advisor ask you what your yearly increase is, or would he ask you what your yearly income is?

Which one?

Okay, I'm done having fun getting this pet peeve off my chest.

Carry on.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Groceries aren’t taxed in California. Things like alcohol
and prepared meals
If you had said "super yachts" that's not regressive.
, but not regular groceries or baby formula.
California is one of the most paternalistic states in the nation. Does CA also tax gas? Regressive. Tobacco? Regressive. This is naked paternalism.


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Posting this here, since the text input on the site it is intended for is not really made for this kind of post... Please note, TOL members: None of this is specifically directed at anyone here on TOL. And for those of you reading this from the site it is linked on, much of what I say here has been discussed here in this thread and elsewhere on this discussion board. Now, with that out of the way:


I find it somewhat amazing that most of the people here in this community post [Reminder, not addressing TOL here!] (whom I would presume lean towards Christianity, if they aren't outright Christians) have plenty of opinions on this topic, yet none of them have considered, or at least, presented what God said on the matter...

A late friend of mine (who was a pastor since ~1999 and radio/podcast talk-show host for nearly 30 years until his passing) often talked about matters such as these (even though it meant the show couldn't be tax exempt). Much of what is contained in this post is from the political defence of the constitution, though the page linked on the constitution page (linked below) is not as complete as the version I got from him personally a few years before that web page was put up for everyone, and thus, the bulleted points below are, with minor edits to correct typos, what he wrote on the matters. (Most of the headings for each group of points are modifications of what he wrote to make them fit within this post.) as for the kgov links below, I recommend listening to the shows on the first two pages, and reading the article on the third.

Regarding tariffs:

Regarding what money is:

And for reference, much of what I am basing this on, in addition to the Bible, is the proposed constitution at and proposed criminal code at I recommend reading at least the proposed constitution before continuing, specifically the Treasury section. The criminal code contains scripture references for most of the punishments outlined.


Regarding taxation:
God tells us in His word that a 10% tax is tyrannical, so that's the upper limit of what a government should tax its people. (1 Samuel 8:10-18)

On the other hand, a government cannot function without being able to pay for things, thus it is necessary for the government to impose some means of monetary collection, so 0% is the lower limit.

So the question becomes, within that range, how much should the government tax? What's the reasoning behind it, based on Biblical principles:

Five percent. Maximum. (Split the difference between the above prerequisites.) And only on personal increase.
· A flat five-percent or lower increase tax is equitable, and not burdensome.
· All earners in America have an equal responsibility to calculate and render taxes.
· Minimizes the motivation of others including strangers to encourage tax evasion.
· Simple to compute; minimizes accounting burden; low cost of implementation to taxpayer.
· No need for IRS-like tax collectors. Judges could handle tax evasion as they would any other theft.

No Sales Tax.
· The government has no right to force men to become tax collectors.
· Highlighting the problem, there exists widespread hatred of being conscripted into compulsory tax.
· Daily, sales tax prompts even strangers to conspire together to defraud the government.
· Transacting and accounting for millions of daily taxations creates a huge implementation cost.
· Sales tax collection burdens novice entrepreneurs adding unnecessary difficulty to their business.
· Billionaires may live on 1% of their earnings thus avoiding taxes on 99% of their income.
· The middle class will pay tax on nearly one hundred percent of their income.

No Tariffs.
· A tariff funded government gives foreigners control over its fiscal health, military spending, etc.
· A pro-abort, pro-homo, strengthened European Union and UN could isolate and starve America.
· Tariffs, as a commerce transaction toll, share many of the same shortcomings as a sales tax.

Regarding Tax Evasion:
· Tax evasion is the crime of theft. The injured party is America.
· Convicted tax evaders should pay normal restitution of twice the amount stolen.
· Since tax evasion is so easy to commit, such convicts should be flogged to intensify deterrence.

A variable tax rate?
· With a 5% cap, a variable but flat tax is not confiscatory, yet gives the King leadership even in taxation.
· The interest on a seven-year surplus, plus a one-percent tax, may fund the government indefinitely.
· Averaged over time this provision lets the market seek its own, optimal, non-arbitrary tax rate.

No Welfare.
· Welfare checks replace fathers. Food stamps replace neighbors.
· When the government meets emergency needs, families and friends do not.
· It is easier to live with a welfare check than with a man.
· Many welfare recipients, like prostitutes, get paid for having sex outside of wedlock.
· An ungrateful recipient of charity is destroyed by that gift, especially so with welfare.

No Socialism.
· Socialism is legalized plunder. Socialism destroys the rule of law by sanctioning theft.
· Socialism: cattle rustlers get elected to the city council and decriminalize wealth redistribution.
· A socialist will give you the shirt off another man’s back.
· Socialism makes conspirators of the public as it convicts them of theft-by-receiving.
· “Do not steal,” is violated by the welfare state.

No Communism.
· Equality and freedom are mutually exclusive, because free men quickly become unequal.
· Communism values equality more highly than freedom. Equality is only achievable in jail.
· Communist countries patrol their borders to keep people in, turning their nations into jails.
· When everyone owns property, then effectively, no one owns it.
· Communism assumes the goodness of man, ignoring the historical proof of man’s wickedness.
· Communism robs man of his liberty, individuality, and motivation.
· Communist countries endorse evolution and oppose theism to rationalize their criminal behavior.

No Public Education.
· When the government pays, most parents will not take ownership of a child’s education.
· To the extent the government raises and educates children, most parents relinquish that role.
· The government does not have the right to force someone to pay for another man’s education.

Regarding the National Debt:
· A debtor nation unjustly spends the income of its future generations.
· Debtor nations naturally lead their people into a debt-ridden lifestyle of bondage.
· A debtor nation risks bankruptcy and is weaker than a creditor nation.
· A debtor nation is more at risk being less able to defend its sovereignty than a creditor nation.

A King's Compensation:
· America should remunerate the King sufficiently to keep him from seeking additional sources revenue.
· America should pay the King at a rate that would reduce the temptation of bribery and theft.
· America should pay the King a salary commensurate with the responsibility of leading a nation.
· The King’s compensation should increase as the income of his subjects increases, and vice-versa.

Carved in Stone:
· America desires to keep the Constitution and the Criminal Code before the eyes of her people.
· America desires for her people to help proclaim the laws of the land.
· America desires a stable set of laws which are not in constant flux, to aid social and economic progress.


P.S.: TOL members, I am not expecting anyone to respond to this post, so feel free to just ignore it.