In love


New member
Hmmm,....does this mean you haven't been forgiven much? :) - I mean if we are honestly considering your volume and magnitude of showing love to others. What quality of genuine love are you showing to ALL people? this includes friends and enemies. See Matt. 5

I love my enemies, but I hate the enemies of The Truth personified in Messiah.

"Do not I hate them, O Yah Veh, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?"

God's Truth

New member
I shall always condemn myself, because my trust is not in myself, but not in the manner in which you propose.
You have condemned yourself and it IS according to scripture.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

You said, "It is manifested in love for the Saviour and Father. It is manifested in love of the truth. It is also manifested in the contrast and so a hatred of error, distortion and lies is in fact a love of the truth."

God says we love Him by obeying his commands, yet you do not obey when you condemn those he has saved. You do not love His Truth, you love your false doctrines, and God says to watch your life and doctrine closely and that it could save you. You also say proof that you are saved is evident by the hatred of error. You are full of errors.

God's Truth

New member
Only the justified have access to His grace.

The only kind of faith that justifies is living faith and that is faith with obedience.

We do not enter grace with dead faith.

"What does it profit, my brethren, though a man says he has faith, and has not works? can faith save him?" --Bible.

God's Truth

New member
My heart* is far closer to my Saviour than my lips could ever be.

heart* not the blood pump.

" for from the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."--Bible.

You speak of false doctrines, hatred and condemnation all the time. It is what your heart is full of.


New member
You have condemned yourself and it IS according to scripture.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

You said, "It is manifested in love for the Saviour and Father. It is manifested in love of the truth. It is also manifested in the contrast and so a hatred of error, distortion and lies is in fact a love of the truth."

God says we love Him by obeying his commands, yet you do not obey when you condemn those he has saved. You do not love His Truth, you love your false doctrines, and God says to watch your life and doctrine closely and that it could save you. You also say proof that you are saved is evident by the hatred of error. You are full of errors.

That is a warning to hypocrites like yourself. It is not directed nor applied to the justified.


New member
" for from the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."--Bible.

You speak of false doctrines, hatred and condemnation all the time. It is what your heart is full of.

You don't even understand what the term heart* refers to.

heart* not the blood pump.


New member
Because they are dogmatic bigots that love the law and despise grace. They love their creeds and confessions and never, ever bring a true, liberating experienced doctrine to feed the sheep. They simply regurgitate what dead men have left behind. They fill their homes and heads with photographs of these men.

"Why seek ye the living amongst the dead?"

The way is broad that leads to destruction and you are on the same road for different reasons, but the destination is the same. DESTRUCTION.

Spoken like a true bigot who's view of love is as shallow as his false Christ.

God's Truth

New member
Please specify the location of the heart according to scripture.

The location of the heart is inside the chest area, it is that area that a person feels.

Any chance of a testimony....are you a sinner?

Jesus saves repentant sinners. Once a person is saved, they are not sinners in Christ, they are holy and are called 'saints'. No scripture anywhere calls the saved 'sinners in Christ'.