In love


New member
When asked, "how are you?" I will often reply with the question: “How would you expect a man who is deeply in love to feel?”
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New member
Love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and in the regenerate, it will always be brought forth. It is manifested in love for the Saviour and Father. It is manifested in love of the truth. It is also manifested in the contrast and so a hatred of error, distortion and lies is in fact a love of the truth.


New member
Love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and in the regenerate, it will always be brought forth. It is manifested in love for the Saviour and Father. It is manifested in love of the truth. It is also manifested in the contrast and so a hatred of error, distortion and lies is in fact a love of the truth.

You have no love you liar. You have the love of the winning soccer team that triumphs over the losers in pride and arrogance. Christ's love is for both sides seeing he is the creator and redeemer of all men. Christ died for the goats, non-elect and reprobates showing that he was the true expression of self-sacrificing love. Your love is a joke and makes me want to vomit!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It is manifested in love of the truth. It is also manifested in the contrast and so a hatred of error, distortion and lies is in fact a love of the truth.

You are full of errors and distortion, as witnessed by what you say here:

Anyone who thinks that salvation is conditioned on anything a man thinks, does or says is atheist.

According to your silly ideas Paul was an atheist because he taught that a man has to do something to be saved:

"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
(Acts 16:30-31).​


New member
You are full of errors and distortion, as witnessed by what you say here:

According to your silly ideas Paul was an atheist because he taught that a man has to do something to be saved:

"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
(Acts 16:30-31).​

The Philippian jailer was asking what he should do in view of the fact that he faced the sentence of death for losing prisoners... He was asking in relation to his flesh and not his eternal soul. Paul grasped the oppurtunity to evangelise.

Paul is the only person to use the term atheist in scriptures and he used it once. It translates perfectly into English, but you wouldn't know that would you? Rhetorical ?


New member
You have no love you liar. You have the love of the winning soccer team that triumphs over the losers in pride and arrogance. Christ's love is for both sides seeing he is the creator and redeemer of all men. Christ died for the goats, non-elect and reprobates showing that he was the true expression of self-sacrificing love. Your love is a joke and makes me want to vomit!

Your post is crammed with contradictions and bile.

God's Truth

New member
Love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and in the regenerate, it will always be brought forth. It is manifested in love for the Saviour and Father. It is manifested in love of the truth. It is also manifested in the contrast and so a hatred of error, distortion and lies is in fact a love of the truth.

You just condemned yourself.

God's Truth

New member
The Philippian jailer was asking what he should do in view of the fact that he faced the sentence of death for losing prisoners... He was asking in relation to his flesh and not his eternal soul. Paul grasped the oppurtunity to evangelise.

Isn't there ANY scripture you don't distort?


New member
You don't know what love is. Reformed bigotry is not it. All Christians almost universally despise Reformed Christians. Why is this?

Because they are dogmatic bigots that love the law and despise grace. They love their creeds and confessions and never, ever bring a true, liberating experienced doctrine to feed the sheep. They simply regurgitate what dead men have left behind. They fill their homes and heads with photographs of these men.

"Why seek ye the living amongst the dead?"

The way is broad that leads to destruction and you are on the same road for different reasons, but the destination is the same. DESTRUCTION.


Eclectic Theosophist
"Those that are forgiven much, love much".

Hmmm,....does this mean you haven't been forgiven much? :) - I mean if we are honestly considering your volume and magnitude of showing love to others. What quality of genuine love are you showing to ALL people? this includes friends and enemies. See Matt. 5


Eclectic Theosophist
The NT precepts are a guide for the justified, for the saints, for the holy. You have no part in the precepts or the promises.

Meshak has just as much access to God's grace as you do,...if you love others, you'd appreciate that :)