I'm with McCain: "ashamed" of my country..


New member
Reagan, in his infinite wisdom, had the CIA spend $billions to suppy those Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan with weapons to fight the Russians.

They were referred to as "freedom fighters" back in the 1980's as long as they were killing nasty Russians - but once they succeeded and turned those same weapons on Americans, they suddenly became "terrorists."

American foreign policy has become one continuous cycle of trying to undo the messes created by those "quick fixes" made by previous Administrations decades earlier.

maybe it's a mess b/c we keep thinking we have friends out there... somewhere

and now we are ignoring one who IS truly a friend, and treating them like dirt: Israel



New member
No, but they are his authorized agents to act in his name. And people like John McCain and Barack Obama profane the Lord God with their actions.

the pres, yeh

McCain... sometimes

well, even w/ Pres O, it is sometimes... He doesn't do EVERYTHING wrong (just seems like it)




maybe it's a mess b/c we keep thinking we have friends out there... somewhere

and now we are ignoring one who IS truly a friend, and treating them like dirt: Israel

Israel spies on U.S. more than any other ally
May 6, 2014

Ah the unending gifts of the special relationship! Jeff Stein reports at Newsweek that Israel spies on the U.S. more than any other ally. “Alarming” and “terrifying” are the words used by a congressional aide who has seen the evidence of Israeli theft of US secrets. “Key components for Israel’s nuclear bombs were clandestinely obtained here,” Paul Pillar tells Stein, echoing Grant Smith.

..... According to classified briefings on legislation that would lower visa restrictions on Israeli citizens, Jerusalem’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have “crossed red lines.”

Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan. A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Another staffer called it “damaging.”

The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets.

“No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do,” said a former congressional staffer who attended another classified briefing in late 2013, one of several in recent months given by officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, the FBI and the National Counterintelligence Directorate…

- Israel spies on the U.S. more than any other ally

- "Alarming” and “terrifying” are the words used by a congressional aide who has seen the evidence of Israeli theft of US secrets

- “Key components for Israel’s nuclear bombs were clandestinely obtained here”

- Jerusalem’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have “crossed red lines.”

- Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets

- Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees

With friends like Israel, who needs enemies?

Netanyahu should be hanging his head in shame rather than coming to the US and presuming to lecture Americans about their foreign policy.
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No, but they are his authorized agents to act in his name. And people like John McCain and Barack Obama profane the Lord God with their actions.
I wasn't aware that God had appointed "Nick M" to be His spokesman on earth.

Perhaps "God" wasn't aware of it either!


sorry 2 see you think politicians should be God...

I did not claim that, or even assume that.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Politicians are masters of being able to tell a falsehood in a way that will be seen by the crowd as truthful.

It should not be a surprise to you. Apparently it sure seems so.


New member
I did not claim that, or even assume that.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Politicians are masters of being able to tell a falsehood in a way that will be seen by the crowd as truthful.

It should not be a surprise to you. Apparently it sure seems so.

I see them as human beings who sometimes do what is right and sometimes vis a vis said doing what is right: miss the boat



Netanyahu should be hanging his head in shame rather than coming to the US and presuming to lecture Americans about their foreign policy.

Especially since his rhetoric and judgments concerning Iran have been absolutely contradicted by his own state's intelligence apparatus!


You can look this up. The special report was leaked to the media.
The British newspaper "The Guardian" is one place to find this evidence, fact and data point by plugging the phrases into www.Google.com


I see them as human beings who sometimes do what is right and sometimes vis a vis said doing what is right: miss the boat

Hypocrisy and judgementalism.

Thanks to Jesus, I am only all-too-aware of my own and how it affects my thinking and feelings.

No one is either all good or all bad. We all have good intentions. Unfortunately, we become blind to the EFFECT of those "good" intentions.

I am always willing to be accountable for my mental and spiritual shortcomings.

What "boat" am I missing here?


Moron City

Noted. But the real question is what you think of the fact that Netanyau's own intelligence service has said Iran is not even close to making weapons-grade atomic power uranium?

And it is that, my friend, that you fear to even wade in up to your little ankles.