
(( Galatians 4:26 KJV )) – 26- “But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is(( The Mother of “US ALL” ))”. --//----

New Jerusalem is the “Bride of Christ”, -- is It NOT??? – The Bride is the Church, - New Jerusalem, -- ( The Body of Christ ). – Their Children are made of those Stones!!!! – ((( Luke 3:8 KJV ))) – 8- “for I say unto you, ((( That God is able of these Stones )))((( to raise up Children ))) unto Abraham. --&-- (( 1 Peter 2:5 KJV )) ---//-----

God said that, NOT ME!!!!
The Christian / Children of Christ – God / Christ raised US up from the stones of the EARTH!!- Deny that if you (( MUST ))!!!

Paul – 040214
He sure did.

Excellent answer and excellent post. :up: Thank you.


New member
You all - still don't know the outcome do you????? -- I Told you all this was coming in the Spring of 2007, in my Thread: - (( "Judgment without the End" )) and others. - You all Laughed and spit, and (( "IGNORED" IT ))!!

Now, -- What is the outcome of it????? -- You all getting -- ( "Raptured" ) some where along the "Outcome"???? - There's no way that I can tell any of you what's going to happen, -- but I Know, - and you all can't -- "STAND IT"!!!! -- If you SEE and Hear the LAWS, - They will tell you from His Mouth.

(( I'm going to break for a few days if I CAN ))!!!! - I'm sure you all CARE!!!!

Paul -- 040214

I care... and I want to remind you ,mercy before the law....

as much as you care for them you shall receive from the Father..

judge not least ye be judged by the same stick..I know in your heart many have done you wrong but with the Heart of the Father forgive them as you have been... go and teach and preach love brother...


New member
I care... and I want to remind you ,mercy before the law....

as much as you care for them you shall receive from the Father..

judge not least ye be judged by the same stick..I know in your heart many have done you wrong but with the Heart of the Father forgive them as you have been... go and teach and preach love brother...

Forgiveness of SIN / -- “SIN” - can only be done by Christ, - No One Else.

I can forgive an “Accidental”, or something that is not really Sinfully wrong, or not a sin unto Death done by a - ( “Brother in Christ” ), - but that is an accident, and not an OUT and OUT Trash like these FOOLS Do with – “Pleasure”!!!

I don’t have the Power of Forgiveness of “Sin”, - ( NOR ) do any of you this day. – This is the Times of the “Gentiles” to all the Religious Sect today; -- but even that is OVER.

In the old days, everyone was their “Brother”, and one does forgive his own Brother, But Not Your (( “GENTILE” )). – How can anyone forgive ( Sin unto “DEATH” )?? – Yes! – A Sin not unto DEATH. ---- ( It’s ALL There ), one just has to find it and SEE IT.
((( 1 John 5:16-17 KJV ))).

How’s your reading coming??

Paul – 040314