
New member
Peace be with you Paul. :)

Thank You!!!

Check this Out for --- ( “PEACE” being with / “WITH” Who ). – Christ is just as at Peace with us being With Him as We are with Him being with Us. – Therefore, -- Peace be unto Christ. -- We are Christ’s Peace!! ---

(( Revelation 17:14 KJV )) – 14- “They that are (( “WITH” Him )) are called, and Chosen, and Faithful. --//------

(( John 14:3 KJV )) -- “That (( “WHERE” )) I am , there ye may be also”. --//--- ((( At Peace ))).

Paul – 040214


New member
are pretty normal,
so, just rejoice.

first comes = 'THE GRAPES OF WRATH'
after this comes = '1984'
alas, it's = 'GONE WITH THE WIND'....


New member
I went back over the past few days of my Threads and Posts, and there is nothing but Ignore and Spit!!! – I can’t be nice to you; - I can’t type your way, - I can’t do anything to please you.
(( FINE ))!!!! – You all have Ignored and Spit all you’re going to!!!

You are not going to (( “IGNORE” )) what I have for you-all NOW!!!

If you think, starting with THIS Year, - January 1, 2014; -- the Weather, Ukraine, and the continuing of the FALL Of Your Country and World is not enough for you so called ~~”christians” - so for, -- ( I will do everything ) I can to bring you all the (( Time of “YOUR” Rapture )) to YOU!!!!

Enjoy the rest of your Ignorance and spitting on The Truth and Christ!! – ((( Matthew 25:40 KJV ))) – 40- “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, ((( Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ))), ((( ye have done it unto me )))”. ----&---- ((( Proverbs 1:26-28 KJV ))) – 26- “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; 27- When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you”. 28- Then shall they call upon me,((( But I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me ))):--//-----

Now it’s time for YOU To (( Pray )) if you know what that is!!!!

Enjoy, and Laugh!!! --- I know I will!!!!

Paul – 031914

My dear Paul, I do not laugh over sorrow. And I agree with you, sorrow is coming.


New member
My dear Paul, I do not laugh over sorrow. And I agree with you, sorrow is coming.

You'll not Laugh at the Sorrow of those who Slew Jesus, and "Refused" to Repent????

I "WILL"!! - What a Gloryous Day for the Christian!!!! --- -- Haven't you all missed something somewhere???? --- There's nothing MORE to Rejoice over than that. - That's our DAY!!! -- I'll Laugh With God!! -- (( Proverbs 1:25-28 KJV )) – 25- “But (( Ye have set at nought all My counsel )), and (( Would none of My reproof )): 26- ((( I also will laugh at your calamity ))); (( I will mock when your fear cometh )); 27- ((( When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind )); (( When distress and anguish cometh upon you )). 28-(( Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not answer )); (( They shall seek Me early )), ((((( But they shall not find Me ))))). --//-----

Paul -- 040214


New member
You'll not Laugh at the Sorrow of those who Slew Jesus, and "Refused" to Repent????

I "WILL"!! - What a Gloryous Day for the Christian!!!! --- -- Haven't you all missed something somewhere???? --- There's nothing MORE to Rejoice over than that. - That's our DAY!!! -- I'll Laugh With God!! -- (( Proverbs 1:25-28 KJV )) – 25- “But (( Ye have set at nought all My counsel )), and (( Would none of My reproof )): 26- ((( I also will laugh at your calamity ))); (( I will mock when your fear cometh )); 27- ((( When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind )); (( When distress and anguish cometh upon you )). 28-(( Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not answer )); (( They shall seek Me early )), ((((( But they shall not find Me ))))). --//-----

Paul -- 040214

You all say that Jesus Paid for all things; --- NOT SOOO!!!! -- What are we the Christians supposed to OFFER Ourselves For??? - We take up the Cross and Die with Jesus to pay ( HIM, -- our Father for "OUR" LIFE )!! -- Jesus just paid for His Life of His Father, and WE Do the Same for Our (( FATHER ))!!! -- Read the rest of the Book!! -- Jesus just Paved the "WAY" for US. ---- (( Isaiah 9:6 KJV )) – 6- “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the Government shall be upon His shoulder: and (( His name shall be called )) Wonderful, Counsellor, The (((( “Mighty God” )))), The (((( “Everlasting Father” )))), The Prince of Peace”. --//----

Christ is now / “NOW” The Father of all Children of ( GOD / CHRIST ) / Christ is our Heavenly Father that we Inherit all things. --- You cannot prove other wise with God saying what I just showed you!!

(((( If you all don't CARE if you're wrong of not )))), ( That's Fine with me )!! - Just trying to help!!!, But no one wants anything from Christ or Me. ---- Let the Foolish mock Christ if he chooses!! – We all know who (( THEY Are ))!!!

Paul – 040214


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I went back over the past few days of my Threads and Posts, and there is nothing but Ignore and Spit!!! – I can’t be nice to you; - I can’t type your way, - I can’t do anything to please you.
(( FINE ))!!!! – You all have Ignored and Spit all you’re going to!!!

You are not going to (( “IGNORE” )) what I have for you-all NOW!!!.....

:plain: TL;DR


Well-known member
My dear Paul, I do not laugh over sorrow. And I agree with you, sorrow is coming.
It's already here for a lot more people than we realize. They're all around us and we don't even know it. I saw a film on PBS the other night called "Medora", about the high school in Medora, Indiana. It was heartbreaking. And there are thousands of Medoras all across the country. North and south. Towns used up and discarded by the money game. People forgotten by their government and their fellow citizens, both. Left to wilt and die alone in the heartland of a nation governed by greed.


You all say that Jesus Paid for all things; --- NOT SOOO!!!! -- What are we the Christians supposed to OFFER Ourselves For??? - We take up the Cross and Die with Jesus to pay ( HIM, -- our Father for "OUR" LIFE )!! -- Jesus just paid for His Life of His Father, and WE Do the Same for Our (( FATHER ))!!! -- Read the rest of the Book!! -- Jesus just Paved the "WAY" for US. ---- (( Isaiah 9:6 KJV )) – 6- “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the Government shall be upon His shoulder: and (( His name shall be called )) Wonderful, Counsellor, The (((( “Mighty God” )))), The (((( “Everlasting Father” )))), The Prince of Peace”. --//----

Christ is now / “NOW” The Father of all Children of ( GOD / CHRIST ) / Christ is our Heavenly Father that we Inherit all things. --- You cannot prove other wise with God saying what I just showed you!!

(((( If you all don't CARE if you're wrong of not )))), ( That's Fine with me )!! - Just trying to help!!!, But no one wants anything from Christ or Me. ---- Let the Foolish mock Christ if he chooses!! – We all know who (( THEY Are ))!!!

Paul – 040214
And so who is our Mother?


New member
And so who is our Mother?

(( Galatians 4:26 KJV )) – 26- “But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is(( The Mother of “US ALL” ))”. --//----

New Jerusalem is the “Bride of Christ”, -- is It NOT??? – The Bride is the Church, - New Jerusalem, -- ( The Body of Christ ). – Their Children are made of those Stones!!!! – ((( Luke 3:8 KJV ))) – 8- “for I say unto you, ((( That God is able of these Stones )))((( to raise up Children ))) unto Abraham. --&-- (( 1 Peter 2:5 KJV )) ---//-----

God said that, NOT ME!!!!
The Christian / Children of Christ – God / Christ raised US up from the stones of the EARTH!!- Deny that if you (( MUST ))!!!

Paul – 040214


New member
It's already here for a lot more people than we realize. They're all around us and we don't even know it. I saw a film on PBS the other night called "Medora", about the high school in Medora, Indiana. It was heartbreaking. And there are thousands of Medoras all across the country. North and south. Towns used up and discarded by the money game. People forgotten by their government and their fellow citizens, both. Left to wilt and die alone in the heartland of a nation governed by greed.

It is heartbreaking.


New member
It is heartbreaking.

You all - still don't know the outcome do you????? -- I Told you all this was coming in the Spring of 2007, in my Thread: - (( "Judgment without the End" )) and others. - You all Laughed and spit, and (( "IGNORED" IT ))!!

Now, -- What is the outcome of it????? -- You all getting -- ( "Raptured" ) some where along the "Outcome"???? - There's no way that I can tell any of you what's going to happen, -- but I Know, - and you all can't -- "STAND IT"!!!! -- If you SEE and Hear the LAWS, - They will tell you from His Mouth.

(( I'm going to break for a few days if I CAN ))!!!! - I'm sure you all CARE!!!!

Paul -- 040214

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You all - still don't know the outcome do you????? -- I Told you all this was coming in the Spring of 2007, in my Thread: - (( "Judgment without the End" )) and others. - You all Laughed and spit, and (( "IGNORED" IT ))!!

Now, -- What is the outcome of it????? -- You all getting -- ( "Raptured" ) some where along the "Outcome"???? - There's no way that I can tell any of you what's going to happen, -- but I Know, - and you all can't -- "STAND IT"!!!! -- If you SEE and Hear the LAWS, - They will tell you from His Mouth.

(( I'm going to break for a few days if I CAN ))!!!! - I'm sure you all CARE!!!!

Paul -- 040214

Will that be a, "PSYCHOTIC BREAK?"


New member
Will that be a, "PSYCHOTIC BREAK?"

(((( NO!!!! ))))!!! -- I'm getting (( Sick and Tired )) of having to put up with (( "YOU"!!! ))!!!! --- NOW!!! -- You just spit your garbage like the Fool I take you for. - If I get Banned for this, -- Good Enough, I will (( Never )) have to put up with such a phony so called ~~"christian" with such phony "~love"~~~~???? - You know just exactly where you can go for your fellowship!!!! -- Now to (( YOU ))!!!! - (((( I have responded to YOU for the Very Last TIME ))))!!!

You must be of some wealth, because it's ( Money ) in the ~"christian" Religion today!!! -- (( It's ALL About Money in your religious world )), Not Righteousness!!!!!! -- So you'll do Well!!!!!

Paul -- 040214

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(((( NO!!!! ))))!!! -- I'm getting (( Sick and Tired )) of having to put up with (( "YOU"!!! ))!!!! --- NOW!!! -- You just spit your garbage like the Fool I take you for. - If I get Banned for this, -- Good Enough, I will (( Never )) have to put up with such a phony so called ~~"christian" with such phony "~love"~~~~???? - You know just exactly where you can go for your fellowship!!!! -- Now to (( YOU ))!!!! - (((( I have responded to YOU for the Very Last TIME ))))!!!

You must be of some wealth, because it's ( Money ) in the ~"christian" Religion today!!! -- (( It's ALL About Money in your religious world )), Not Righteousness!!!!!! -- So you'll do Well!!!!!

Paul -- 040214

Glad to see you're in a good mood! I was afraid I'd catch
you at the wrong time!


New member
You ought to have a poll:

1) Care
2) Don't care
3) Don't care either way
4) Not interested enough to vote

I Don't have to!!!!!

((( SEE ))!!! -- That's ( "Disruptive" ), and nothing about the Topic, but that doesn't matter to the Beloved Darlings here!!!! - AND nothing will ever be said about you being ( "Disruptive"!!!!! ). But let it happen to a -- "Despised Christian"!!, -- (( Banned!! )) right away!!!!!

(((( BYE!!!! ))))

Paul -- 040214