If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church


New member
Hahahaha I am the one who says to obey Jesus.

Why would you run like a little school girl? Jesus says not to be cowards.

I preach and teach obedience to Jesus. How do you ever get that is from Satan?

Because the New Covenant has nothing to do with obedience... yet obedience is the core of what you are trying to teach people.... which is the tactic of the deceiver.

Before Jesus' death, He preached as a Jewish Rabbi teaching to Jews under the Old Covenant that was based on obedience... so he had to teach them to be obedient... he was showing them the fulfillment of the Old Covenant in his words. He pointed out that their obedience without faith was futile. Their obedience did not even save them at that time either... it was FAITH that the Messiah would come (even his disciples did not recognize him as the Messiah until Peter confessed he was just before he was taken away for Crucifixion).

After his resurrection, he did not teach anymore and the apostles did not know what to do anymore because they knew his previous teaching was no longer valid... but Jesus did say that the Holy Spirit would come and lead them 'into all truth' and help them discern.

That is why you see doctrinal development in the books beyond the Gospels... as the apostles started to receive the spirit and start to understand what the New Covenant in Jesus' blood was all about.

Anyhow, Jesus' commentary on 1st century Old Covenant Jewish marriage/divorce practices really isn't applicable to New Covenant Christians.

God's Truth

New member
Because the New Covenant has nothing to do with obedience...
WOW. God did not nail obedience to the cross. God nailed the old rules and regulations to the cross, AND SIN---not obedience.

yet obedience is the core of what you are trying to teach people.... which is the tactic of the deceiver.

What you say is the tactic to the deceiver. You say, "Did God really say we have to obey Jesus?"

See Genesis 3:1!


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."

Luke 16:18
"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Matthew 19:9b
"and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery."

So what do we learn from this part of the passage?
Whoever marries her which is put away doth commit adultery
Why did you leave out this verse?

Matthew 5:32New International Version (NIV)
32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

God's Truth

New member
Sure you do.
Read one chapter of the law, and you will be found guilty multiple times.

There were changes to the old law, and the old law with its changes are our new law. In the New Testament, which means New Covenant, are the teachings from Jesus, which are the guidelines for being IN THE NEW COVENANT.


New member
WOW. God did not nail obedience to the cross. God nailed the old rules and regulations to the cross, AND SIN---not obedience.

What you say is the tactic to the deceiver. You say, "Did God really say we have to obey Jesus?"

See Genesis 3:1!

We are instructed to obey the Holy Spirit... it is he that will lead us into all truth.

To deny the spirit like you do is to put a muzzle on God.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
There were changes to the old law, and the old law with its changes are our new law. In the New Testament, which means New Covenant, are the teachings from Jesus, which are the guidelines for being IN THE NEW COVENANT.

Sin is transgression of the law. You know exactly which law 1 John is referring to.

Why do you break it?

God's Truth

New member
How about that and obey Jesus? They are not mutually exclusive propositions.

You said nothing about obeying Jesus. You have went against me for years, and or have avoided me. In the post you wrote, you said nothing about obeying Jesus...yet that is how Jesus reveals himself to us and helps us.


New member
There were changes to the old law, and the old law with its changes are our new law. In the New Testament, which means New Covenant, are the teachings from Jesus, which are the guidelines for being IN THE NEW COVENANT.

The Old Covenant was fulfilled and done away with and replaced.

There are no changes for you to pick and chose between (which you obviously do).

God's Truth

New member
I defend the scripture!... how is that sinful?

And who are you to judge me?... A woman that is told to not speak in church or teach men?

Why do you disobey scripture and try and teach?

You hope I am a woman.

I speak to you the words of a Man, the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.

You give words from a non believing comedian on late night television.

God's Truth

New member
Why did you leave out this verse?

Matthew 5:32New International Version (NIV)
32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

I did not leave anything out.

Read that scripture carefully...anyone who divorces his wife EXCEPT FOR ADULTERY causes her to commit adultery. YOU DO NOT CAUSE HER TO BE AN ADULTERER IF SHE WAS CAUGHT IN ADULTERY.

You have to study this harder, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you, and more. See Mark 4:24.

If she is being divorced because she committed adultery---then you did not cause her to be an adulterer when she remarries, because she was already an adulterer.

If you divorced her for some other reason BESIDES ADULTERY, then YOU caused her to commit adultery.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You said nothing about obeying Jesus. You have went against me for years, and or have avoided me. In the post you wrote, you said nothing about obeying Jesus...yet that is how Jesus reveals himself to us and helps us.
Because the topic of the thread is following the Holy Spirit. To one that is seeking and starts to follow the Holy Spirit, they will be lead to Christ and loving obedience of His commands. Be careful about reducing loving obedience to blind legalism.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I did not leave anything out.

Read that scripture carefully...anyone who divorces his wife EXCEPT FOR ADULTERY causes her to commit adultery. YOU DO NOT CAUSE HER TO BE AN ADULTERER IF SHE WAS CAUGHT IN ADULTERY.

You have to study this harder, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you, and more. See Mark 4:24.

If she is being divorced because she committed adultery---then you did not cause her to be an adulterer when she remarries.

If you divorced her for some other reason BESIDES ADULTERY, then YOU caused her to commit adultery when she remarried, because she was already an adulterer.
And what of yourself? What happens to you if you remarry?

God's Truth

New member
Because the topic of the thread is following the Holy Spirit. To one that is seeking and starts to follow the Holy Spirit, they will be lead to Christ and loving obedience of His commands. Be careful about reducing loving obedience to blind legalism.

You are not following the Holy Spirit if you are not obey Jesus Christ.

God's Truth

New member
And what of yourself? What happens to you if you remarry?

I would not remarry now that I know the truth.

I have repented of sex before marriage, and I have been married once to someone who has been married before to people who have been married before...

I repent and now know the truth and will not defend my possible sins by changing what Jesus says; and, I now know that I know the Truth, I would not marry unless widowed, and only to someone who has never been married, or widowed, and maybe not even then.


New member
You hope I am a woman.

I speak to you the words of a Man, the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.

You give words from a non believing comedian on late night television.

I gave words from a comedian because your approach to scripture and Jesus words are exactly what he did to the other people in his clips.

You bleep out the scriptures you do not want to deal with... and you only show small snippets of scriptures that agree with your non-biblical take on things.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You are not following the Holy Spirit if you are not obey Jesus Christ.
As I said, one begins a journey and in the fullness of time they learn what it means to love and serve God. You need to back up and put yourself in the shoes of a person just starting to ask question about who is God and Jesus and what is salvation. If you make it ALL about obedience then they will never learn the love of God, they will only know rules. Laws cannot save anybody, they can only condemn and punish. Think of it this way, you do not obey Jesus in order to get to heaven, you obey Jesus because you are already going to heaven. Think about it a bit.