If this doesn't ruin the Dems in '16, what will?


New member
just look at their platform

the democratic party supports abortion

abortion on demand is the problem

some conservatives so called think abortion in the early months for rape or incest is acceptable.

But they should ask What does God find acceptable?

the child is not the criminal or wrong doer.. so why should he or she die 4 the sins of the father/mother?

it's a simple as that


New member
Nor will it do anything to end it.

Most of the current justices were appointed by republicans. And your party nominated for president a candidate who pledged to always defend "a woman's right to chose."

Baby Killer? Yeah, that's what you picked.

And yes, I know his stand was variable, depending on where he was, and who he was talking to.

The quintessential republican.

this is really choice coming from someone who claims to be Catholic but rejects a FUNDAMENTAL teaching of said Church: namely that life is sacred from the moment of conception until natural death


New member
I'm hoping that the massive corruption of the Clintons is exposed completely. Further, I think that Fox News is doing a good job in reporting. I'm happy that this is NOT going to go away. We don't want someone like this as the President of the U.S.


notice how the barbarian shows up to defend the democrats and bash the republicans?

he is pro life
wants you to think the republicans also support abortion

he is a teacher
he supports unions
the democrats support both
the democrats support baby killers
Abortion Rates Similar In Countries That Legalize, Prohibit Procedure, Study Says

Abortion rates are similar in countries where the procedure is legal and in countries where it is not, and the number of abortions worldwide is declining due to increased access to contraception, according to a study conducted by the Guttmacher Institute and the World Health Organization and published Friday in the Lancet, the New York Times reports. The study also found that abortions were "safe in countries where it was legal, but dangerous in countries where it was outlawed and performed clandestinely," according to the Times (Rosenthal, New York Times, 10/12).

Does "chrysostom" or "republicanchick" really think that abortion can be legislated out of existence and that the American public is willing to incarcerate 100 000's of young women for violating the law?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Does "chrysostom" or "republicanchick" really think that abortion can be legislated out of existence and that the American public is willing to incarcerate 100 000's of young women for violating the law?

we can do what they did in texas and other states
restrict abortions
put the baby killers in jail


New member
You've giving too much credit to the average American voter.

no, I am giving them information

If they don't choose to access it, that is on them

Yes, I know most voters are.. not too erudite, not too informed, would rather watch sit coms than pres debates.. but maybe if they were shown how interesting the debates are.. They would cease to watch.. garbage. And they would vote R



notice how the barbarian shows up to defend the democrats and bash the republicans?

he is pro life
wants you to think the republicans also support abortion

he is a teacher
he supports unions
the democrats support both
the democrats support baby killers
The Bush Administration had
- a Republican majority in the House of Representatives (for the first 4.5 years)
- a Republican majority in the Senate (for the first 6 years)
- a majority of Supreme Court Justices were Republican appointments (7 of 9 for all 8 years)

Despite having all their "ducks" lined up in a row, the Bush Administration made no attempt to overturn Roe v Wade!