If this doesn't ruin the Dems in '16, what will?

The Barbarian

Breaking News: FOX is saying bad things about Clinton.

Next up: Kim Jong-Un says bad things about the United States.
If this doesn't ruin the United States, what will?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Breaking News: FOX is saying bad things about Clinton.

Next up: Kim Jong-Un says bad things about the United States.
If this doesn't ruin the United States, what will?

notice how the barbarian shows up to defend the democrats and bash the republicans?

he is pro life
wants you to think the republicans also support abortion

he is a teacher
he supports unions
the democrats support both
the democrats support baby killers

The Barbarian

notice how the barbarian shows up to defend the democrats and bash the republicans?

Technically, FOX isn't part of the republican party, Chrys. Might seem that way,... :nono:

he is pro life

And successful. While you've been depending on the republicans to stop abortion, the rest of us have been out there changing minds and saving lives.


All without the help of your almighty government, Chrys. Does that suggest to you why looking to government to solve all your problems is a mistake?

wants you to think the republicans also support abortion

Most democrats support abortion. Most republicans support it and lie about it.

he is a teacher
he supports unions

I don't belong to a union, Chrys. I don't believe in unions like the NEA, the AMA, or bar associations. Professionals shouldn't be in unions.

the democrats support baby killers

Well, let's take a look...


Surprise. That little hijack didn't work out as well as you hoped, did it?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
While you've been depending on the republicans to stop abortion,

I am trying to stop the democratic party from supporting abortion

they give us judges who will not allow laws against abortion

they block the nominations of judges who would

did you see what the republicans in texas did about abortion?
did you see what the democrats in texas did to block it?


New member
I am trying to stop the democratic party from supporting abortion

they give us judges who will not allow laws against abortion

they block the nominations of judges who would

did you see what the republicans in texas did about abortion?
did you see what the democrats in texas did to block it?

Do you think that only democrats have abortions?

The Barbarian

I am trying to stop the democratic party from supporting abortion

Pity you don't want to stop the republican party from supporting abortion.

they give us judges who will not allow laws against abortion

Most of the Supreme Court was appointed by republican presidents. Ooops.

did you see what the republicans in texas did about abortion?

Did you notice that Texas, with a republican majority, has more than an average number of abortions?

They say one thing publicly, but do something else privately. Meantime, those of us who are working outside the government, are bringing the abortion rate down.

If you care, why not join us? Or is that just a political game for you?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Pity you don't want to stop the republican party from supporting abortion.

the republican party does not support abortion
republican controlled states are passing laws restricting abortion
republican presidents are appointing conservative judges who will allow laws restricting abortion

the democratic party is blocking what the republicans are trying to do
they are baby killers

The Barbarian

the republican party does not support abortion

Nor will it do anything to end it.

republican controlled states are passing laws restricting abortion republican presidents are appointing conservative judges who will allow laws restricting abortion

Most of the current justices were appointed by republicans. And your party nominated for president a candidate who pledged to always defend "a woman's right to chose."

Baby Killer? Yeah, that's what you picked.

And yes, I know his stand was variable, depending on where he was, and who he was talking to.

The quintessential republican.