If God created...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You are not competent to all quotations I can't handle, Stripe.
English, dude. English.
You are a trolling numpty, and your arguments are a threat to none here.
Since when was an argument a threat? :AMR:

It's just a question.

How does a continent become ice-bound?

If you don't know, feel free to just say so.

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New member
English, dude. English.Since when was an argument a threat? :AMR:

It's just a question.

How does a continent become ice-bound?

If you don't know, feel free to just say so.

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The question was answered. You should try paying attention to the responses when the words aren't too long for you.


New member
By User's silly video?

Can you describe the process briefly?

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A question for you from the video:

Why don't scientists believe what you believe?
1. They are all incompetent.
2. They are all in on a global conspiracy.
3. They know something that you don't.

Which answer do you go with?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Darwinists hate discussing evidence; their automatic port of call is the appeal to popularity.

I can't watch the video. Can you sum up how a continent might become ice-bound?

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Or is there rather the appearance of not so much age because...there is not so much? The fuzzy S shape of galaxies should actually be concentric circles with varying degrees of brightness if they are 14B.
This would only be true if gravity was the only thing causing the spiral arms of galaxies, which we know cannot be the case.

Further, the apparent age of the universe is based on more assumptions than most people are willing to admit. The constancy of the speed of light, the consistency of the brightness of certain supernova explosions, red-shift theory, etc. In short, the ideas we have about the age of the universe all hinge, primarily on the big bang theory, standard model cosmology and cosmological uniformitarianism, all of which have far more to do with mathematics than physics or astronomy.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
OK. I realize I'm so unfamiliar with whatever a gravity wave is, that I jumped the gun in my question. What is a gravity wave? How did we detect it? And what is the significance that both the electromagnetic radiation from the neutron star collision, and the gravity wave, both arrived at earth at exactly the same time? And, does the gravity wave's velocity have anything to do with the instantaneous nature of gravity over long distances? Is the gravity wave a spacetime wave or ripple?

Thank you for your response.

Here's a pretty solid explanation as to why/how we know that gravity is not instantaneous....



New member
The Darwinist's only game is the argument to popularity.

That is unrelated to the discussion. So, do you believe the scientists are all incompetent, conspiring or know something you don't? Not a hard question, really.

Why can't you engage rationally? Answer the simple question and we can move on to the next thing.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That is unrelated to the discussion. So, do you believe the scientists are all incompetent, conspiring or know something you don't? Not a hard question, really. Why can't you engage rationally? Answer the simple question and we can move on to the next thing.

Let us know when you're ready to discuss the evidence. :up:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I can't watch the video. Can you sum up how a continent might become ice-bound?

Glaciation is caused by a combination of factors including:

1) variations in Earth's motion around the sun (changes in the shape of Earth's orbit, the tilt of Earth's axis, and the wobbling of Earth's axis), and:
2) the carbon cycle.

The changes in Earth's motion around the sun affect the intensity and distribution of sunlight on Earth. Low obliquity of the Earth's axis during aphelion (the point at which the Earth is farthest from the sun) combined with eccentricity in the Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun means that the highest latitudes, where glaciation begins, don't get much solar radiation.

The carbon cycle is another major driver of climatic conditions. Wikipedia defines the carbon cycle as "the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth...It describes the movement of carbon as it is recycled and reused throughout the biosphere, as well as long-term processes of carbon sequestration to and release from carbon sinks."

Glacial ice cores from as much as 4 kilometers deep have been extensively studied. Each year's layer of snowfall contains bubbles of Earth's atmosphere from its corresponding time period. Changes in the isotope ratios and greenhouse gas content preserved in those bubbles have been analyzed and the results have enabled paleoclimatologists to reconstruct the history of Earth's climate going back 420,000 years. Beyond that, Earth's climate can be further reconstructed using oceanic sediment cores, whose composition depends sensitively on ocean temperatures. The results of these analyses show that variations in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere correspond with variations in atmospheric temperatures. Higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere lead to higher temperatures; lower atmospheric concentrations of CO2 lead to lower temperatures.

In summary, a continent such as North America can (and has) become ice-bound partly due to:

1) low obliquity of the Earth's axis during aphelion combined with elliptical eccentricity in the Earth's orbit; and
2) low concentrations of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) in the earth's atmosphere.
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Well-known member
That is unrelated to the discussion. So, do you believe the scientists are all incompetent
Thusly would be incompetent because they are swayed by 'popularity.'

conspiring or
Again, popularity for political reasons rather than serendipitous happy coincidence?

know something you don't? Not a hard question, really.
So the 'unpopular' postulations are no good, but the 'popularity' of the other is? :think:

Why can't you engage rationally? Answer the simple question and we can move on to the next thing.
He did. His 'popularity vs able to substantiate' accusation touches on all of these. Sometimes I think these threads will always be two ships passing with little to no contact or commonality. I'm not really getting into this, just trying to give you better hooks for conversation. You can put Stripes' name to this for a response if you like, or just keep it in mind as you discuss this topic with him. I'm simply trying mediate the miscommunication a little bit. Ignoring this other than as it reads or helps is fine. -Lon