If God created...


New member
The weekly Sabbath foreshadowed the gospel and resting in the finished work of Christ which you don't do.

We are not called to rest, but to serve.

We will be rewarded according to our works not how rested we are.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.


Well-known member
If God created the earth and the universe with "the appearance of age", then what is the "apparent age" of the earth and the universe?

So where does scripture say "God created the earth and the universe with "the appearance of age"


Well-known member
I dont' know about appearance of age, but the prevailing view I find of Biblical scientists is that the whole system was working from day 1, completely functioning. That might appear to have age--at least enough to be 'mature' or 'full grown.'

To avoid uniformitarian confusion, we are talking about a situation in which God can speak the thing(s) into existence as needed, in the form needed. We are not talking about processes of life to get to that point. This is not unique to the Bible. There are other creation accounts in which the god merely speaks and something takes shape or form. In one, the Suquamish of Washington state, it is the speaking of the god that also changes the status of people and animal. At first he allowed them to 'form-change' between humans and animals and plants, but they deceived eachother and harmed each other doing so. So he confined them to one form. He did this verbally, by fiat. So the name of the god in their creation account is 'the form-changer.'

Since we are not talking about uniformitarian processes, all proposals are on the table. In the case of the Bible, the record is that he spoke things into existence in full function, reproducing from the very first moment, it seems.

The idea they would happenstance develop on their own in to the complexity needed to actually work is ridiculous, unprovable, and there are countless examples, such as the exact temperature needed to keep whale sperm warm enough to actually work. Their testicles had to be heated exactly right the very first time.


I dont' know about appearance of age, but the prevailing view I find of Biblical scientists is that the whole system was working from day 1, completely functioning. That might appear to have age--at least enough to be 'mature' or 'full grown.'

To avoid uniformitarian confusion, we are talking about a situation in which God can speak the thing(s) into existence as needed, in the form needed. We are not talking about processes of life to get to that point. This is not unique to the Bible. There are other creation accounts in which the god merely speaks and something takes shape or form. In one, the Suquamish of Washington state, it is the speaking of the god that also changes the status of people and animal. At first he allowed them to 'form-change' between humans and animals and plants, but they deceived eachother and harmed each other doing so. So he confined them to one form. He did this verbally, by fiat. So the name of the god in their creation account is 'the form-changer.'

Since we are not talking about uniformitarian processes, all proposals are on the table. In the case of the Bible, the record is that he spoke things into existence in full function, reproducing from the very first moment, it seems.

The idea they would happenstance develop on their own in to the complexity needed to actually work is ridiculous, unprovable, and there are countless examples, such as the exact temperature needed to keep whale sperm warm enough to actually work. Their testicles had to be heated exactly right the very first time.

Interesting, you use other myths to support your particular favorite mythical account.

At the very least the universe appears to be 13+ billions of years old, despite your objection it appears to have developed naturally (yep I know, hard to believe, hard to understand---like health care---complicated). So to shrug off the question of whether your deity created it just a few thousand years ago in a manner that wound up looking old is to ignore a basic philosophical/theological question---Why? What's the point?

And what is the exact temperature to keep whale sperm warm enough? Citation, please, thanks.


Well-known member
It doesn't but it is hard to reconcile the fundamentalist need for the universe to be 6000 or so years old with its real age.

Well here are some more questions for those particular fundamentalists that you speak of:

Well, where does the scripture say that God created the heaven and earth 6000 years ago?

Does God who is good and perfect do things that are sloppy and mangled?

Does God do things that are "without form and void"?

How did the heaven and earth that God created become without form and void?

How long was it without form and void?

How long before that did it exist in the pristine condition that God created them in?

If God created the heaven and earth without form and void why did he improve on it? Couldn't he do it right the first time?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
So where does scripture say "God created the earth and the universe with "the appearance of age"

Obviously when God created Adam he didn't start with a release ovum and a haploid sperm cell to produce a zygote and develop it into a fetus, etc. He created Adam as a full-grown adult of a certain apparent age--let us say, perhaps 25. This estimate is just a guess as to Adam's apparent age when he was created, but if he could have been examined using the tools of modern science, the estimate could be reasonably close to accurate. Adam would "appear" to be 25 years old, even though he had just been created. Likewise, the earth and the universe as a whole was also created in a mature state, of a certain "apparent" age--the ages of which could be reasonably estimated using legitimate scientific methods.
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Obviously when God created Adam he didn't start with a release ovum and a haploid sperm cell to produce a zygote and develop it into a fetus, etc. He created Adam as a full-grown adult of a certain apparent age--let us say, perhaps 25. This estimate is just a guess as to Adam's apparent age when he was created, but if he could have been examined using the tools of modern science, the estimate could be reasonably close to accurate. Adam would "appear" to be 25 years old, even though he was just created--but his "apparent age" could legitimately be called 25. Likewise, the earth and the universe as a whole was also created in a mature state, of a certain age, the ages of which could be reasonably estimated using legitimate scientific methods.
That's the idea. :up:


New member
Do you mean 6000 since Noah's cataclysm and about 1700 before that? Interesting (because of 1700 from creation to cataclysm in Genesis and Mayan records), but not satisfactory about ... ice cores.
You are right there. The earth is at least 800,000 years old, by the counting of the annual layers in the ice.

Here are eleven such annual layers from Greenland:




You are right there. The earth is at least 800,000 years old, by the counting of the annual layers in the ice.

Here are eleven such annual layers from Greenland:


How many annual layers were there in Adam and Eve in early Genesis? Zero? Or 25?


New member
How many annual layers were there in Adam and Eve in early Genesis? Zero? Or 25?
I'm not really sure what you mean by Adam and Eve and 'early Genesis'. How long ago are you claiming that?

Let's give it 3,000 years, back to the invention of Judaism.

That means there are another 797,000 annual layers before then. I'm rounding off a bit there.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I am trying to find out if those words could be plural: "Evening and Morning"

Perhaps you could find out?

Moses used those words because they mean exactly what we think they mean. Exodus 20. God created everything in six days, and on the seventh, he rested.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.


New member
Moses used those words because they mean exactly what we think they mean. Exodus 20. God created everything in six days, and on the seventh, he rested.

God said to Adam, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die;" but yet Adam continued to live for hundreds of years until he finally died. An epoch of time.