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Rondonmonson said:We know the universe has to be over 6000 years old because we see light from stars that are millions of light years away, so we would have to be naive to think the universe is 6000 years old
Not not naieve... but you would have to reject God's Word. (God tells us He spread the stars...How long did that take Him?)
We have about 6,000 *of genealogies from what Jesus referred to as "the beginning of creation" and "the foundations of the earth"Rondonmonson said:Onward to what Genesis says about creation, does it really say the universe or earth is 6000 years old?
Rondonmonson said:I don’t think it does, I think its a mistranslation of a primitive language ...So many of the Hebrew words were used in multiple ways.
The Hebrew word YOWM and the English word DAY have a variety of similar meanings, which are always determined by the context.
Yes... sort of. As Strongs suggests it was the warm hours of the day...sunrise to sunset. *Your suggestion would make scripture goofy... For ex. Gen. 1:5 "And God called the light HOT and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first HOT.Rondonmonson said:For instance the original meaning of the Hebrew word YOWM (Day) means “to be hot”
Whats God's Word says is "God made two great lights—the larger one to govern the day, (not to govern the HOT) and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars.*And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day. The Hebrew context does not allow for anything other than what we now call a 24 hour day.Rondonmonson said:Well when the universe was spoken into existence by God, it took 400 million years for the first stars to form.
We shouldn't try make God's Word fit secular opinions. His Word tells us He made the heavens and the earth in 6 days, rested the 7th (past tense - rested)...and set this as a pattern for us.Rondonmonson said:So lets take a second and look at the Bible and the WMAP research and see if this matches.
Random bursts of energy might be YOUR God.*Rondonmonson said:Quantum Fluctuations which I contend is God
So... the *we can use your leapfrog logic and imagine Jonah was in the fish and undertermined amount of time?*Rondonmonson said:Remember the verse, a thousand years is like a day and a day like unto a thousand years unto God.
In the beginning was God who created the heavens and earth. *He created light before the sun and stars. He created our watery planet before the stars.*Rondonmonson said:So we had the Big Bang, followed by Inflation, followed by Cosmic Microwave background
Yes...God's Word and science are always consistent. The problem is you mistake secular opinions for science, and then twist scripture... which ultimately destroys the gospel and the purpose of the cross.Rondonmonson said:The more we look for the answers, the more that science and the bible will converge, if both sides with differing viewpoints would only take their blinders off.
Jesus linked humanity with the beginning of creation? Do you believe Him?Rondonmonson said:Some might protest that men have been around much longer...
No, not naieve... but you would have to reject God's Word. (God tells us He spread the stars...How long did that take Him?)Rondonmonson said:We know the universe has to be over 6000 years old because we see light from stars that are millions of light years away, so we would have to be naive to think the universe is 6000 years old
We have about 6,000 of genealogies from what Jesus referred to as "the beginning of creation" and "the foundations of the earth"Rondonmonson said:Onward to what Genesis says about creation, does it really say the universe or earth is 6000 years old?
The Hebrew word YOWM and the English word DAY have a variety of similar meanings, which are always determined by the context.Rondonmonson said:I don’t think it does, I think its a mistranslation of a primitive language ...So many of the Hebrew words were used in multiple ways.
Yes... sort of. As Strongs suggests it was the warm hours of the day...sunrise to sunset. Your suggestion would make scripture goofy... For exRondonmonson said:For instance the original meaning of the Hebrew word YOWM (Day) means “to be hot”
Gen. 1:5 "And God called the light HOT and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first HOT.*
Whats God's Word says is "God made two great lights—the larger one to govern the day, (not to govern the HOT) and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars.*And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day. The Hebrew context does not allow for anything other than what we now call a 24 hour day.Rondonmonson said:Well when the universe was spoken into existence by God, it took 400 million years for the first stars to form.
We shouldn't try make God's Word fit secular opinions. His Word tells us He made the heavens and the earth in 6 days, rested the 7th (past tense - rested)...and set this as a pattern for us.Rondonmonson said:So lets take a second and look at the Bible and the WMAP research and see if this matches.
Random bursts of energy might be YOUR God.*Rondonmonson said:Quantum Fluctuations which I contend is God
So... the we can use your leapfrog logic and imagine Jonah was in the fish and undertermined amount of time?*Rondonmonson said:Remember the verse, a thousand years is like a day and a day like unto a thousand years unto God.
In the beginning was God who created the heavens and earth. *He created light before the sun and stars. He created our watery planet before the stars.*Rondonmonson said:So we had the Big Bang, followed by Inflation, followed by Cosmic Microwave background
Yes...God's Word and science are always consistent. The problem is you mistake secular opinions for science, and then twist scripture... which ultimately destroys the gospel and the purpose of the cross.Rondonmonson said:The more we look for the answers, the more that science and the bible will converge, if both sides with differing viewpoints would only take their blinders off.
Jesus linked humanity with the beginning of creation? Do you believe Him?Rondonmonson said:Some might protest that men have been around much longer...