Great post.
What do you think of the TPP? I see it as a deathblow to sovereignty.
are you buying or selling?
-are you just looking for a fair divorce?
Great post.
What do you think of the TPP? I see it as a deathblow to sovereignty.
I want my fellow Americans who have not surrendered their lives to the establishment to be able to live like their fathers did. I managed to improve my life despite the above and an unfair divorce.
Great post.
What do you think of the TPP? I see it as a deathblow to sovereignty.
Awwww, an unfair divorce. Men who whine about unfair divorces usually got exactly what they deserved.
Awwww, an unfair divorce. Men who whine about unfair divorces usually got exactly what they deserved.
this is a whole new angle
-could it be most of trump's support comes from divorced males?
trump knows divorce
-he knows what is fair
-he will get you a good deal
No offense to you sir, but that's not a good argument. I too am a divorced father with children, but that doesn't, nor shouldn't, compel me to vote for another divorced father with children.
Doesn't represent me.Thankfully Trump, the thrice married adulterer, does not represent *all* divorced men.
I just don't know if I can bring myself to vote Trump. I'd *like* to vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party, it's the closest thing to my political views), but not with Weld as his VP pick. If I wanted that, I'd vote HRC.
This election tanks.
I don't believe there is such a thing as a "lesser" of evils. I'll vote for my conscience before I vote for a party. As to him having no chance, I wouldn't be so sure, now. Just 6 months ago I would have agreed with you.It's best to vote your conscience ... even though Johnson has no real chance of winning.
this is a whole new angle
-could it be most of trump's support comes from divorced males?
That wouldn't surprise me in the least ...
The *Trump Mentality" is the cause of a majority of divorces. The word "fair" doesn't belong in the same sentence when speaking of Trump, the thrice, married adulterer.
Since you think you are a comedian, why would you think there was a connection between divorcees and supporting trump?
What is the trump mentality and what is the cause of most divorces?
you mentioned it and the other guy who loved your post just happened to be divorced
-most of you guys are
Why doesn't it surprise you ?
lack of commitment
Who is this " you guys" that are mostly divorced?