I don't think people really listen to Trump, they hear him insult the Mehicanos, I hear him say he is going to stop the drugs pouring through the southern border.
Hearing him saying it isn't the same thing as him actually being able to do it. Americans, by their drug usage, keep the drug supplies coming. It's a lot bigger than his assertion, although I agree it's a dangerous and volatile situation. I live only minutes from the Mexican border, so I do have some awareness of it.
They hear him insult the Muslims, but I hear him wanting to know how they can have these staches of weapons and bomb making materials within their close knit communities and nobody tells the authorities
What close knit community anywhere is going to tell the authorities? To put it closer to home for you, would a member of Sinn Féin? That doesn't make any of them right, but Trump's a populist, he says what disaffected voters want to hear so he can get elected.