I will not vote for trump

patrick jane

PJ...the only victim in an abortion is the child.
I was speaking more towards the view according to how the law might see it. I think they would go after the provider/performer and not the Mom.

In reality, Moms might be victim's of many other things but a woman seeking abortion is not a victim of abortion at all.


New member
Obviously, there have been recent (as in 10 years) cases of rapist and criminal Mexican illegal immigrants that came to America. Some even legally perhaps. That doesn't mean there aren't rapists and criminals in every sample group you look at. There were reported and other documented rapists and criminal Mexicans or else Trump wouldn't have mentioned it. Trump is not a racist

Then exactly what point do you think he was making? Why mention it at all if he's not pointing out what he considers to be a distinction between Mexican immigrants and other people?

Ultimately, calling Drumpf a racist is insufficient. It's true, but it doesn't get to the heart of the matter. He's a racial demagogue. He deliberately plays upon and amplifies people's hidden fears, and uses that to advance himself. Whether he actually believes the dreck he spews is unknowable and irrelevant. He knows how people will react to it.


Libs are prejudice against those with traditional, non-PC output.

Most of the people whom they call racist, sexist, bigoted, etc. aren't- it's just their own loudmouthed, slandering, emotional drivel. It's like they were born with a whistle attached to their lips.

And air horns on their heels :rotfl:


New member
I will not vote for trump
-I will continue to vote for all other republicans
-I will never vote for a democrat

-the idiots have taken over the republican party
-we will all suffer the consequences
-we all have to do our best to protect ourselves
-no one knows what the future will bring
-it is possible to know who we are voting for
-it is possible to know what is best for our country
-it is possible
-it will have to get worse before it gets better
-be prepared
I'm not voting for him either. He doesn't know much of anything about the issues, foreign policy, etc

and he has a weird attitude toward women and is a bully (and I could go on and on)
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Not quite. Any coverage is great for the Trump Train
View attachment 23860

Keep Dreaming... Trump is his own worst enemy and that is finally beginning to show, his schtick has just about run its course. I predict that Trump & Cruz will go to the convention with an almost equal amount of delegates and Trump will not be the nominee in that scenario...count on it.

patrick jane

Keep Dreaming... Trump is his own worst enemy and that is finally beginning to show, his schtick has just about run its course. I predict that Trump & Cruz will go to the convention with an almost equal amount of delegates and Trump will not be the nominee in that scenario...count on it.
That's what Trump deniers have been saying for a year now :rotfl: