America isn't a Theocracy, as a matter of fact Christians making sure this wasn't so. Also, Thomas Jefferson was not a Bible believing Christian, but, arguably, was of the greatest of Presidents. This is not to proselytize for Trump, as I've expressed my sentiments, initial support of a baboon being nominated, ensuing disappointment, etc. But this is to say that the expectation your candidate must be a Christian who, as if, should dissect cleanly on all moral doctrinal grounds, when even Christians are saved only by grace and the sinless who throw stones thing, I don't know what this arguing over Trump's women accomplishes, given Jefferson was boinking a slave woman, yet I'd trust the Constitution and government of the people to Jefferson, any day of the week.
In any case, you don't have a choice of saint anybody to vote for and need to get over this aspect of it, move on to what's at stake and, otherwise, relevant, again with the notion you're not electing a church deacon, rather government of all people of the nation. Anyway, this is just a comment on what seems to be a fruitless argument and muckraking that leads to, what, the conclusion it would be moral for a Christian to vote for the pro homo, pro Muslim, pro special interests bribery, tax more, spend more, abort more, big government, disarm you, war more and erase God from the public square candidate?
Put it this way: what is the cosmic bugaboo about divorce, when you have another candidate pro everything Satanic, right in your face, a known commodity, promising more Obama to come? And this isn't speaking for Trump, just wonder what sort of three-legged chair some of you guys are sitting on, your alternative, then, and what the precedent is, of a long line of Presidents, that they've all been, as if, squeaky clean and evangelicals, delivering a sermon during their State of the Union address? If you see all these problems with Trump, what is your answer, in terms of the real world? Would Billy Graham even make a good President? Would he, himself, think he'd be a good President? I doubt it. Matthew 22:21.
Some of you people should perhaps also talk about some of the things in your life you're not proud of, your divorces, drug or alcohol abuse, lies, thefts, pornography and fornications, anger management issues, faithlessness, how many years you spent with your heads clean up your rears, etc. (If presently even extricated.) Then, how well this all fits Christianity, with this "do as I say, not as I do" theme you've got going.
Again, if Trump is all things evil, for having a problem with women, what's your practical alternative to move the nation forward in a more upright, truly American fashion? If you're advocating for Hillary, "Christian," you've got your whore, then, of the worst kind, the spiritual kind. If you can fornicate with Satan, why shouldn't Trump be allowed his whore, also, that's just some flesh he at least didn't fish from a bottomless pit?