Just because Trump would make a better President than Shillary, doesn't mean he'd make a good President. Anti-establishment, while a good thing, only goes so far.
I've never been able to shake the feeling that he's a "plant". He and the Clintons go way back. The fact that Trump is not on the war path on HRC getting a free pass from the FBI is bad. Is Trump saving it for closer to the election? Time will tell. But the fact that he's riding an anti-establishment wave, and not pointing out the glaring "freebie", is unsettling.
I really wish Gary Johnson hadn't picked Weld as his VP. I'd vote for Johnson (and I'm not even a registered Libertarian), but I cannot vote for Weld.
aCultureWarrior - You strike me as an intelligent man (woman?), what say ye about Trump not pouncing on Hillary's free pass?