I will not vote for trump


[Trump :greedy: adulterer :banana: Lev. 20:10–12] Guilty before any evidence is seen.

What more evidence do you need? :dizzy: A few more skank photos of his so-called
wife? Rom. 7:2, 3, Heb 13:4


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
How about this "spammer" and the Truthsmacker go head to head in a one on one debate? I'll present all the evidence about Donald Trump's ultra liberal past and all of the liberal comments he's made this year, and you can attack me for it?

People say lots of things in an election year, and truly I could not give a rip what the man has said as long as the felon does not see anything but a jail cell in the end. I will take Donald J. Trump all day long, and twice on Sunday before the felon Hillary. When you get some kind of hard evidence of this rape nonsense which is pretty weak at best, you lay it on me, then we will talk...this allegation is as empty as the allegations that were levied on Cruz.

There are many good people sitting on the proverbial sidelines when it comes to voting for Donald Trump. The lamestream media won't be sharing this story anytime soon (if ever), so those good people won't be hearing the allegations against accused child molester Donald Trump from the sources that they should be hearing them from.

There are more that are realizing that a Trump presidency is far more palatable than a felon in the white house, and the reason the media is not carrying this story is that it is weak, baseless, and will probably get them sued for defamation in the end.

This isn't about Ted Cruz, this is about people being fooled into believing that a liberal moral degenerate and accused child rapist would be good for our country as President.

Moral degenerate? Please, that is rich... your de-facto candidate Hillary is truly a degenerate, pathologic liar, and felon. Your accusation against Trump has no basis in fact, and will be summarily thrown out just as it already has been once already...it is important to have proof and an allegation that is not levied 20 years too late, is amazingly far fetched, & laughable. You say this isn't about Cruz but, you have been whining endlessly since he dropped out...face it, he had his time, and it did not work out, moving on now....

Hopefully Trump will be ousted at the Republican convention, if not, my strategy is to allow a Democratic President for 4 years that will have to deal with a conservative Congress, and then in 4 years elect a real conservative.

Dream on...Trump won this thing fair & square, and it is no more equitable to deny him (or the voters) his candidacy than it would have been to deny Cruz's, or any other candidate's if they would have reached the magic number of delegates to clinch the nomination. Your notion of electing your champion Hillary is just about as ridiculous as your notion that there even is a conservative congress now, or will be then, or that they will do anything more than they do now, which is pretty much nothing productive....and then there is the whole SCOTUS nomination thing, Get a grip on reality man!

You don't know how much that means to me rocketman.

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I've seen and heard enough ... every single time the adulterous blowhard opens up his mouth in front of an audience. Your endorsement of him is not a consideration.

You're going to ride that 'adultery' thing all the way through. Incidentally enough...

Why don't you blow it out your other end :rolleyes:


New member
Frankly [MENTION=4838]chrysostom[/MENTION], I cannot bear the thought of Hillary in charge of anything and I cannot imagine any woman, let alone THAT woman, in charge of this country.


You're going to have to get used to women in power, probably sooner rather than later.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Hopefully Trump will be ousted at the Republican convention, if not, my strategy is to allow a Democratic President for 4 years that will have to deal with a conservative Congress, and then in 4 years elect a real conservative.

I'm not convinced there is going to be a conservative Congress next year.

If the liberal/accused child molester Donald Trump is on the Republican Party ticket come November, I'll guarantee you that many people will stay home because of the lack of choice between the two major candidates, or vote 3rd Party. So you are correct, there won't be a conservative Congress if Donald Trump is the Republican Party candidate.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior Vie

How about this "spammer" and the Truthsmacker go head to head in a one on one debate? I'll present all the evidence about Donald Trump's ultra liberal past and all of the liberal comments he's made this year, and you can attack me for it?

People say lots of things in an election year, and truly I could not give a rip what the man has said as long as the felon does not see anything but a jail cell in the end.

It's too bad that there is a statute of limitations on child rape, or your boy would be in a jail cell as well.

I will take Donald J. Trump all day long, and twice on Sunday before the felon Hillary. When you get some kind of hard evidence of this rape nonsense which is pretty weak at best, you lay it on me, then we will talk...this allegation is as empty as the allegations that were levied on Cruz.

Giving accolades to a pedophile doesn't help your boy's case:

Donald Trump Manages to Involve Himself in Two Skeevy Sex Scandals


...To say Trump has a history of commenting inopportunely on skeevy sex scandals would be an understatement—in 2002...Trump described [pedophile Jeffrey] Epstein as a "terrific guy."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


The offer still stands: One on one, I expose accused child molester/rapist Donald Trump for the liberal/moral degenerate that he is, you attack me in return...

(because that's what Truthsmackers do).


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It's too bad that there is a statute of limitations on child rape, or your boy would be in a jail cell as well.

Takes more than a 20 year old accusation for profit and smear value to get that done...very weak! I am surprised you are so easily taken.

Giving accolades to a pedophile doesn't help your boy's case:

Donald Trump Manages to Involve Himself in Two Skeevy Sex Scandals


...To say Trump has a history of commenting inopportunely on skeevy sex scandals would be an understatement—in 2002...Trump described [pedophile Jeffrey] Epstein as a "terrific guy."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


The offer still stands: One on one, I expose accused child molester/rapist Donald Trump for the liberal/moral degenerate that he is, you attack me in return...

(because that's what Truthsmackers do).

Wow! you have been a busy boy haven't you? I am not attacking you, I am attacking the flimsy argument you have presented, and seem to be fixated on. There will be two choices on November 8th, I have already made my choice and really could not care less what dirt you "think" you have on the man, he is not the felon Hillary Clinton, and that is good enough for me. :thumb:

Enjoy chasing your current demon aCW, I have said my piece, you know where I stand & why...I'll leave you to your important work. :wave2:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Adultery IS a bad thing.
Except when a liberal democrat pro-abort socialist is guilty, then it doesn't matter to you.

You are as much of a fraud as aCW, and you are both on the establishment team.

Feral Phoenician

New member
This really is a most depressing election cycle. I don't mean that just as in "the candidates are lame", no, I mean it as "I just want to stay in bed and not bathe".

Shillary/Killary is an absolute scumbag with the backing of the Establishment. Oligarchs, Wall Street, Koch Brothers. She masquerades as a "progressive Liberal", when in reality she's a Corporatist Neocon. I don't know how she's managed to hoodwink so many, given her well publicized track record.

Donald Trump has the personality of a clenched fist; it's as if Reddit, Tumblr, and Facebook users, with their powers combined, created a candidate. However, Trump is firmly anti-establishment, and the 1% can't touch him. Ever seen "The Godfather"? Mo Green tells Michael Corleone "you don't buy me out, I buy you out".

Also, the PWT (Poor White Trash) memes going around are exaggerated. Upwards of 40% of Trump's voter base are college educated, and fall into the Middle and upper classes. I can't stand him on a personal level, but to say a Trump Presidency would "shake things up" is an understatement.

Bernie Sanders also rode the anti-establishment train, and the DNC derailed him every step of the way. From voter suppression to outright fraud, it's clear HRC is who they want.

I've already talked about Johnson and Dr. Stein in previous posts.

In short, a HRC Presidency will be four more years of "business as usual" wherein the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer. Government surveillance and the ever encroaching police state (she's an overt Statist, who actually did say "it's every citizen's responsibility to support The State") will keep on keepin' on.

Under Trump, we'll have an IRL troll for four years, but it will be anything but "business as usual". He's made it point blank he will not touch Social Security (much to the chagrin of the 1%), his stance on immigration is hard-line, but it would be difficult for him to do what he wants done.

In short, I think a Trump Presidency would be better for the country, but not by a whole lot.


New member
Hillary is a lying felon who needs to be in prison. She could do a lot of damage to what's left of this country in 4 years. The 3 Stooges would be better for the country than Hillary. I don't know who I'll vote for yet, but it certainly won't be Clinton under any circumstances. I'll vote for Trump if I become convinced that he's the only one who can stop Clinton.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hillary is a lying felon who needs to be in prison. She could do a lot of damage to what's left of this country in 4 years. The 3 Stooges would be better for the country than Hillary. I don't know who I'll vote for yet, but it certainly won't be Clinton under any circumstances. I'll vote for Trump if I become convinced that he's the only one who can stop Clinton.

the only question is
-who is more dangerous?
-the answer is clear