I went to a mosque today.

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Dude... ask OKD, Lon, Myself and Chair what happens if you go straight consciencious objecter across the board and disband a countries military.

Wake up!?!

Your cult lives in Lala land!

What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid to die for Christ?

(Eph 6:12) For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

The Apostle Paul tells us we don't fight against flesh and blood enemies, but for some reason, you think we are supposed to fight against flesh and blood enemies.



Well-known member
there you go, politically correct Christian.
:nono: and you take every opportunity to go off-topic with your inane 'pretend Christian' accusation and banter. It has nothing to do with this thread. Stop it.

Christains are supposed to present Jesus to the world.
You are not doing that. You are accusing EE of being a pretend Christian. This is not the thread for it. Stop it.

Being political Christians shows your dishonoring Jesus' teachings.

You are off-topic. Nobody is talking about politics and it has nothing to do with this thread. You are trolling and derailing this thread. It has nothing to do with your concern.

You continually try to silence the truth.
:nono: I continually try to tell people when they are breaking TOL rules, like you are right now. You don't get to bring up only your concerns in every thread that has nothing to do with your concerns. This thread has nothing to do with your concerns. You therefore are breaking TOL rules and derailing this thread. Stop it.

You need more respect to Jesus' teachings.

shame on you.
Incorrect. I have no respect for those breaking TOL rules. You are breaking TOL rules. Jesus is not a part of you breaking your word when you joined TOL, to stay within the rules.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Apostle Paul tells us we don't fight against flesh and blood enemies, but for some reason, you think we are supposed to fight against flesh and blood enemies.


not for us, silly

for them:



Thank you [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] for seeing how Meshak is attempting to mess up a good conversation between [MENTION=17501]ok doser[/MENTION] , [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION] , Myself and others....

All respect as always... Son of quiet, rolling Thunder.

- EE
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What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid to die for Christ?

(Eph 6:12) For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

The Apostle Paul tells us we don't fight against flesh and blood enemies, but for some reason, you think we are supposed to fight against flesh and blood enemies.



OKD summed it up perfectly.

If you want to cower in the face of Evil and whine like a little fradey cat... have fun. Bold for Christ, ready to die and intolerant of violence against the weak and innocent.

Woe to them that call Evil Good and Good Evil!


Well-known member
blah, blah,

Always seeking to silence the truth.
blah blah blah always seeking to silence other's truth with your own version.

It doesn't matter. This is not the thread for it. Stop derailing threads.

I already had military thread and no one could refute my claim.

You did troll in my thread too, and could not say anything about my claim.
Link to it and stop derailing this one.


blah blah blah always seeking to silence other's truth with your own version.

It doesn't matter. This is not the thread for it. Stop derailing threads.

[MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] ... its cool. I just attached this to [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION]s negative, trouble making post to you.... It's in the shed now.

This was my message about her post.

"Because I'm sick and tires of Meshaks discord and want them to fear causing it. If it had a point or scriptural foundation... I would be cool. I'm not calling down Hell and brimstone... but I'm certain an infraction wouldn't hurt the cause."
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(Rom 13:4) For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Please tell me the context of this verse for you?

You're not justifying the murder of these children with that verse... right?


Muslims are not going to change/convert to Christianity because Christians bombed their countries into oblivion.

Christians bombed the crap out of Japan, and killed millions of Japanese in WWII.....72 years later, there are less than 1% Christians in Japan.

Okay... nope... you're part of the blame the Christian crowd.


I'll come back later after the smoke clears. You have some serious issues with reality!


Well-known member
Do Christians still have mass campaigns aimed at rounding up non-Christians and torturing/killing them until they confessed or converted?

Not anymore. But it used to happen. Islam CAN change, but I admit it's a tougher fix

There is a difference in true Christianity and organizations that claim the name.

You won't find the admonition in the NT writings for believers to torture and kill for conversions.
Anyone who did that were not following the instructions.

The Koran, on the other-hand, well......


Well-known member
On what basis do you call the terrorists of Northern Ireland "non-Christians"?

Even 'they' claim it is politics, not religion. Christianity is but political identity in such a war, has not much to do with it.


Well-known member
I see some on this very thread would prefer the inquisition. Nothing has changed for these "christians" except that they are inhibited by the surrounding culture.

The inquisition was not done according to instructions from the NT writings.

The inquisition was done by some blind ignorant humans.
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