I used to defend cops but...


New member
The VAST MAJORITY of police officers are good, decent, and do things right - according to the law and department policies. There are a few bad apples in every barrel that must be removed, and this is true in any profession. It isn't right to label an entire organization as bad because of the acts of one or two.

The Barbarian

Amiel writes:
That's like saying all Christians are evil because the KKK hung someone and they call themselves Christian.

That's a remarkably apt comparison. People in the areas where the Klan was operating didn't come forward when they knew who was doing those things, because they were afraid of retaliation.

Likewise, a lot of police would report the criminals in their midst, if they weren't afraid of being ostracized or worse.

The answer is to put some really draconian laws in for police abuse, and similar laws for any sort of retaliation for reporting abuse.

Matching that, I'd also write some protection for police from incitement. Presently, it's legal to make obscene gestures, curse, and otherwise verbally abuse police, in most places. I agree with Rusha that we should hold police to a higher standard, but I'd be willing to give them an extra break as far as incitement is concerned.


New member
The VAST MAJORITY of police officers are good, decent, and do things right - according to the law and department policies.

I don't think anyone is disputing that. But there does seem to be a systemic problem, too.

There are a few bad apples in every barrel that must be removed, and this is true in any profession. It isn't right to label an entire organization as bad because of the acts of one or two.

If it were just a few bad apples, why would the same problem keep coming up, targeted at the same groups of people, time and time again? There has to be something deeper going on than just a bunch of individual failure.


New member
There are millions of contacts by the police every day, and only a TINY number involves misconduct by the police. So, this is not a systematic problem, rather an individual problem. The TRUTH is simple: the vast majority of police officers do a great job with little appreciation and a lot of scrutiny.


Hall of Fame
In regards to the OP, I STILL defend cops in general and will continue to do so.

Just because there are a few bad apples doesn't mean the whole barrel is infested ...

I drank what?

New member
That's like saying all Christians are evil because the KKK hung someone and they call themselves Christian. :duh:

I used to defend republican chicks, but then I learned to stop using broad brushed generalizations...

now if 6/10 republican chicks behaved a certain way, perhaps I would be a bit more justified, hmmm

i dunno

I drank what?

New member
There are millions of contacts by the police every day, and only a TINY number involves misconduct by the police. So, this is not a systematic problem, rather an individual problem. The TRUTH is simple: the vast majority of police officers do a great job with little appreciation and a lot of scrutiny.

i wonder if this is just a symptom of a larger problem with our society as a whole and not just a issue with the quality of law enforcement...?

not to mention the fact that police are human beings, which means you are going to always have some bad ones, i'm not sure why people are so surprised when they find this stuff out

these are the same kind of people that are shocked, SHOCKED to find out that their politicians were lying to them... :eek:

police brutality?! dishonest politicians??! next thing you are going to tell me that there are teachers diddling the children

... NOT ON MY PLANET!!!1! No Sir!

*cue leave it to beaver theme*