I think we should "force Jesus on people"..


New member
Wouldn't be the first time Catholics said that.

your ignorance is showing once again

the Church has always taught you can't force people to believe. whether all Catholics throughout 2000 yrs of history have adhered faithfully to that teaching is another story.

ignorance is just so... icky

just downright ICKY, I'm telling u


I mean, think about it: the jihadists are trying to force their idiotic, barbaric "religion" (ha ha) on us... and what are we going to do? wimp out like the far left..

"Oh, the poor things. They weren't loved right as children.. Let's just give them jobs and all will be well w/ them and they will stop wanting to kill us.."



Um.....stooping to the level of extremists making up a fraction of a percentage of their religious population sounds like a good idea to you?

Sign up with the Christian militants in Africa I guess


New member

Look, for crying out loud, I was being facetious... or half facetious. Even so, you have to admit it gets really tiresome having these malcontents (jihadists) around thwarting our freedoms..

I think no one should be considered educated who does not know the Bible fairly well..

I think the bible should be taught in our schools. It is really Neanderthal not to know the Bible. No one says a student has to be a Christian. But if you want to be considered educated...


Ok, then what do you say we keep the bible out of schools but require all children including yours if you have any to read the tipitaka, pyramid texts, or homeric hymns. After all, an equally science based claim can be made that you aren't well educated if you haven't read the quran as if you haven't read the bible.

Freedom of religion is one of our most basic rights. If we required everyone to read the qur'an but not the bible, wouldn't that violate your rights?

What exactly do you mean by jihadists? Is that exclusively referring to people who murder others solely for not believing in their religion or is it a catchall for anyone who openly opposes (even peacefully) your religion?


New member
I never said we shouldn't also require reading of the Koran

I feel that if people read the Koran, we would have less enthusiasm toward Muslims... less PC nonsense RE how we should respect their "religion"

hey, it's a man made religion, if you even want to call it religion

so I don't have any respect for it for that reason alone.

but that is not to say I think you should be barred from practicing it... You should be allowed to believe whwatever idiotic, backward, Neanderthal "religion" you choose...



New member
I never said we shouldn't also require reading of the Koran

I feel that if people read the Koran, we would have less enthusiasm toward Muslims... less PC nonsense RE how we should respect their "religion"

hey, it's a man made religion, if you even want to call it religion

so I don't have any respect for it for that reason alone.

but that is not to say I think you should be barred from practicing it... You should be allowed to believe whwatever idiotic, backward, Neanderthal "religion" you choose...

Same argument can be made for Christianity. :yawn:


never heard of them. But we have all heard of the Bible

The End


You've never heard of The Odyssey? Or The Iliad?

If you want the Koran and/or Bible read in schools for critical analysis, like required texts, then that's fine with me. But so many parents would be so mad when their kids came home saying that parts of each were metaphors and not real that I don't think anything positive would come of it


New member
I never said we shouldn't also require reading of the Koran

I feel that if people read the Koran, we would have less enthusiasm toward Muslims... less PC nonsense RE how we should respect their "religion"

hey, it's a man made religion, if you even want to call it religion

so I don't have any respect for it for that reason alone.

but that is not to say I think you should be barred from practicing it... You should be allowed to believe whwatever idiotic, backward, Neanderthal "religion" you choose...

Those that believe in these other religions view your religion the same way you view theirs. They have exactly the same amount of scientific evidence to back up their position as you do for yours.

Please tell me about what you mean by jihadists. I want to know if it's a catchall for anyone who openly opposes even peacefully your religion.