... something else that is stated EXPLICITLY in the passage.
What, you mean the very next sentence? Doesn't bolding erase everything else?
... something else that is stated EXPLICITLY in the passage.
And Did got bring Jesus into the world instantly after the promise in Genesis? Did God bring Abraham's offspring into existence instantly when they were promised? Did God bring the nation of Israel to the promised land instantly when it was promised? Did Jesus return instantly (or even within 30 years) when He was promised to return "soon"? No. Because to God a thousand years is as a day and vice versa. You claim to "take Him at His word" yet I'm sure you don't believe in interpreting other parts of the Bible that are symbolic and poetic as literal. I'm sure you don't believe stars can literally fall to earth either.
People reading the Bible a thousand years ago thought it taught the earth was the center of the universe. They were taking the Bible "as it is" far more than you are. The problem is "as it is" when translated into a scientific culture, creates far more confusion than existed in the past.
See these posts for those that have said my view is fine. Interesting how many of you seem to agree. You create a stumbling block for would be Christians where none needs to exist.
What do you think it means then?
Just Substitute the word God, for got and it works. I think I may have typed that one on a phone.First: I don't understand your first sentence. Your typos are so bad it's unintelligible. It looks like some of my changes of thought midstream and then forgetting to go back and change all of my wording.
Sigh . . . you really don't get it at all. These aren't assertions designed to damage or discredit scripture. It's a way of looking at all of scripture to discern what patterns there are in God's interactions with His people. God uses long drawn out processes the majority of the time when doing big things. For whatever reason God chooses to do things through a process rather than just jump to the end.Second: All your assertions fit one agenda. The agenda of throwing doubt upon God's word. You think your assertions are very sly and astute. They aren't. They are very transparent and have been repeated for many centuries. Your entire agenda is very transparent. I've been watching people with your agenda of creating doubt about God's word do so for decades, and it was going on long, long before I, or my direct ancestors, were born.
I'm a Christian already. You apparently believe that unless someone accepts scripture in EXACTLY the same way you do, they're not saved. Throughout Christian history there has been more than one view on a variety of subjects. Some of these were indeed dangerous errors, but plenty of these are not. You're simply proving my point of the necessity of a thread like this, to say that one can accept evolution (as well as other science) and be a Christian.Do something positive instead of all the self-destructive things you're currently doing. Stop digging the hole you are in deeper every day and climb out into the sunshine of God's love and approbation. It will change your life greatly, and fill it with the meaning you're so desperately seeking.
I'm jumping around because you and others are refusing to actually engage in discussion on science, so I tried scripture. But apparently your response is "Turn your brain off and just believe the words in black and white English."Alate… It seems you keep jump from one argument to the next trying to justify your beliefs, rather than accept the plain words of Scripture. Genesis 2 tells us "Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food."
Again, the ultimate problem is separation from God because of sin. We don't need a savior simply because we physically die. Salvation means restoration of the relationship with God, and ultimately eternal life with him. It also says death came to all people, not that death came to all life forms.Your statement is a rejection of scripture, and seemingly a misunderstanding of why we need a Savior. Romans 5 tells us "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned".
I appreciate that you tried scripture. But the reason I suggested you are jumping from one argument to the next, is that instead of admitting you are wrong on any point at all, you jump to a new argument. For example... We were talking how the Bible says death entered our world when Adam sinned. Your counter argument was that plants would have died before sin. But the Bible does not define life and death as you do. Plants are not living creatures, and do not have 'life' as defined by the Bible.Alate_One said:I'm jumping around because you and others are refusing to actually engage in discussion on science, so I tried scripture.
Hmmmm...... But, I was the one who was trying to show you from the Hebrew.Alate_One said:But apparently your response is "Turn your brain off and just believe the words in black and white English."
Scripture is fairly simple. Any of the 20 or so major modern translations are a pretty good reflection of the Hebrew. It's sometimes is a good idea to compare a few translations, or even use a Hebrew English concordance. We should also use an exegetical approach in studying scripture to see how language is used.Alate_One said:The problem is, they weren't written in English and they're not simple black and white. They require interpretation.
And that is how common ancestry beliefs compromise the gospel...the physical death and resurrection of Jesus becomes unnecessary. In that compromised gospel, Jesus would have only had to defeat the spiritual death. And... It would seem that in that compromised gospel, pain suffering and death are "very good", and part of the creation process. It would seem in that compromised gospel that " all creation groans" has nothing to do with the curse upon creation after sin.Alate_One said:Again, the ultimate problem is separation from God because of sin. We don't need a savior simply because we physically die.
You've got to be kidding me. I have been civil and engaging you with relevant science and you flit and skip to another topic or poster instead of engaging.I'm jumping around because you and others are refusing to actually engage in discussion on science, so I tried scripture.
There's still no direct scriptural evidence that animal death entered the world through human sin, or plant death etc. You're taking a passage that's fairly clearly talking about people and applying it to everything.I appreciate that you tried scripture. But the reason I suggested you are jumping from one argument to the next, is that instead of admitting you are wrong on any point at all, you jump to a new argument. For example... We were talking how the Bible says death entered our world when Adam sinned. Your counter argument was that plants would have died before sin. But the Bible does not define life and death as you do. Plants are not living creatures, and do not have 'life' as defined by the Bible.
Arguing that day is always translated as day doesn't mean that the entire passage is meant as a literal record of history. Many aspects of it appear poetic. There is the pattern of separating creation and then filling it. Hence light and dark existing earlier than sun and moon. This pattern makes no logical sense if it's interpreted in a historical way. If it's a framework for ordering creation, then it makes sense.Hmmmm...... But, I was the one who was trying to show you from the Hebrew.
Totally disagree here. Now the surface meaning is simple enough, but the full picture of what is going on isn't gained just by reading translations. A good understanding of the culture is very helpful.Scripture is fairly simple.
Pain is a necessary part of being a physical organism of a certain complexity. Pain keeps you from injuring yourself. Suffering is something that results from more complex life living in a complicated world. Death gives different creatures a chance on earth. None of those things in my view, when applied to non-humans are evil. (C.S. Lewis makes this argument btw) This is different when it comes to humans, since humans have a special relationship with God and special value. I also view the garden as paradise and the outside world as different and more as we see it today. You might dislike this position, but is it any worse than believing that God cursed literally all of creation because one human being sinned?In that compromised gospel, Jesus would have only had to defeat the spiritual death. And... It would seem that in that compromised gospel, pain suffering and death are "very good", and part of the creation process.
Creation does groan under human sin, currently.It would seem in that compromised gospel that " all creation groans" has nothing to do with the curse upon creation after sin.
In my defense there are a lot of posters, and I have a day job.You've got to be kidding me. I have been civil and engaging you with relevant science and you flit and skip to another topic or poster instead of engaging.
You can be smart, very smart and be completely wrong and in denial of reality. Besides, one person's opinion does not destroy or support any scientific theory of any kind.To that end, you still haven't answered the challenge of David Gelernter. You've said he denies science (with no qualifier) because he has given up on Darwin's common descent. But he's a reasonable guy. Thoughtful.
Hah!And dare I say, he's quite a bit smarter than you in his field.
Um, he's a computer scientist, no biological background at all. I realize some people think DNA is just like "code" but it really isn't. Today's computer code is digital, it's all either 0 or 1. But biology is analog, there are various gradations of on grading into sort of on, and all the way to off.The thing is, his field is more relevant to the question of DNA information than your's is. So I think you are being a bit strong to call him a science (with no qualifier) denier. At least admit you should tone it down a bit and say he's a Evolutionary Biology denier so we could be on some common ground to continue a reasonable discussion.
Arguing that day is always translated as day doesn't mean that the entire passage is meant as a literal record of history.
Many aspects of it appear poetic.
I've said this before: You are the kind of guy that allows your 'education of men' to trump or reinterpret scriptural revelation. Problem: One comes from God and verily demands respect. You? You treat science as the higher communication. That is never ever, ever, not going to be a serious spiritual problem.Arguing that day is always translated as day doesn't mean that the entire passage is meant as a literal record of history. Many aspects of it appear poetic. There is the pattern of separating creation and then filling it. Hence light and dark existing earlier than sun and moon. This pattern makes no logical sense if it's interpreted in a historical way. If it's a framework for ordering creation, then it makes sense.
I do have some minor coding experience.
Yes, I'm happy to use one with good error handling.Do you know what a compiler is?
Here's the thing. It's not me that sees science as so essential. People like you believe science is so important that if Genesis is NOT giving us scientific truth, then we need to throw it away and the whole rest scripture with it. That idea is itself far more dangerous than anything I have said in this thread.I've said this before: You are the kind of guy that allows your 'education of men' to trump or reinterpret scriptural revelation. Problem: One comes from God and verily demands respect. You? You treat science as the higher communication. That is never ever, ever, not going to be a serious spiritual problem.
Well there's the option of turn your brain off and accept whatever interpretation *insert TOL poster* believes. I believe God has given us a mind for a reason and the ability to do science, which is His creation. I think our interpretation of scripture can be flawed and even can change due to scientific and historical evidence clarifying what may be cultural context, vs. the actual point of a passage. Genesis was never intended to answer how God made the earth, it was answering the purpose and function of creation. My current church is working through Genesis and they don't even agree with 6 days is it, just shut up and accept it.Again, this is a serious problem with 'how much' you love the Savior. It becomes not a question of loving the Savior as your OP states, but rather 'how do you love Him?' Even an atheist may love something about the Savior.
Yes, I'm happy to use one with good error handling.![]()
Is it your assertion that the code of DNA could never be represented in binary?
Alate… there is scriptural evidence that God did not use animal suffering and death as His design method and then call it "very good". (Examples.. vegetarian diet given to animals before sin.... paradise seen as wolf and lamb together, and more)Alate_One said:There's still no direct scriptural evidence that animal death entered the world through human sin
Nobody makes that argument. The word day (YOM) is always understood by context in Hebrew and English For example... the word 'day' has two different meanings in Genesis2:3,4 (KJV and others) It isn't hard to understand.Alate_One said:Arguing that day is always translated as day...
Of course. And the way to tell if that's true is by examining his claims. And certainly, you can't look at everyone's claims. But you should look at notable claims like Yale's Dr. Gelernter. Turns out, his claims are very rational.You can be smart, very smart and be completely wrong and in denial of reality. Besides, one person's opinion does not destroy or support any scientific theory of any kind.
Then admit that Dr. Gelernter isn't a science (with no qualifier) denier, but an "evolutionary biology" denier. Outside of that discipline, he is 100% consistent with good science in general.Um, he's a computer scientist, no biological background at all. I realize some people think DNA is just like "code" but it really isn't. Today's computer code is digital, it's all either 0 or 1. But biology is analog, there are various gradations of on grading into sort of on, and all the way to off.
In computer code, (I do have some minor coding experience), you miss a bracket or a colon and the whole thing breaks. Biology is not like that at all. A single change can break a single gene, but most of the time that affects one trait, and since there are normally two copies it doesn't make a big problem.
A lot of *distinguished historians*? Besides Harry Elmer Barnes? Name them.There are a lot of distinguished historians that reject the holocaust. Do you really want this as your argument?
Evolution is a well supported scientific idea
A Gray whale skeleton. For those that reject evolution, why do whales have fingers in their flippers?
Dorudon skeleton. Why do fossil whales have hind legs?
Note that the title of this post is also the title of a book I have enjoyed:
I Love Jesus & I Accept Evolution: Paperback – March 4, 2009
by Denis O. Lamoureux
Also of interest: Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the Light of Evolution.