Well-known member
So you understand why I ignore Hydroplate "theory"?That which you assert without evidence we are justified in ignoring without reason.
So you understand why I ignore Hydroplate "theory"?That which you assert without evidence we are justified in ignoring without reason.
Are you sure that it isn't 12.5 billion years? Or, maybe its 19.7 billion years...maybe there are "undiscovered 'iron factories" in the early universe? Perhaps, the evidence shows the universe is just 8billion years came about because of the evidence, just like how the age of the universe has been determined to be over 13 billion years old.
Are you sure that it isn't 12.5 billion years? Or, maybe its 19.7 billion years...maybe there are "undiscovered 'iron factories" in the early universe? Perhaps, the evidence shows the universe is just 8billion years
I wonder how fast God spread the stars after He created them... how would redshift, and other measurements be effected if light was actually trillions of times faster? I wonder what the ratio of AL26 was to 26MG after creation?
You're making assumptions about my church and you're wrong. They very much hold to a physical death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
They simply believe, as I do, that nature was also given by God and studying nature (science) in some cases helps us interpret scripture when it is ambiguous.
What's important about Genesis is that God made the universe.
How is not clearly spelled out.
Looking at Genesis differently does NOT lead to rejecting all miracles in scripture.
Any more than when people realized the earth wasn't the center of the universe.
You should stop fighting against reality and worry about what's really important.
I didn't say otherwise... I did say your church is preaching a compromised gospel. Jesus suffered physical death at the cross, because physical death entered our world when first Adam sinned. (Romans 5, 1st Corinthians 15 and others).You're making assumptions about my church and you're wrong. They very much hold to a physical death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Sadly (again) you are accepting ambiguous, ever changing secular conclusions over the unambiguous Word of God. Death entered our world from one mans sin.They simply believe, as I do, that nature was also given by God and studying nature (science) in some cases helps us interpret scripture when it is ambiguous.
In six days, God created the heaven and the earth and everything in them...and rested the seventh day. That seems fairly clear. It also seems clear that physical death entered our world after first Adam sinned. It is also clear that Jesus believed Genesis teaching humanity existed from the beginning as described in Genesis 1... And from a time near the foundation of the world.What's important about Genesis is that God made the universe. How is not clearly spelled out.
My reality is Jesus. The reason we need a Savior is important, as is the reason Christ went to Calvary. His physical death becomes unnecessary when you add billions of years into the clear teaching of Scripture.You should stop fighting against reality and worry about what's really important.
How solid do you think that rock was after the flood?You don't need numbers attached to Siccar point to tell you a pattern like that takes more than a few thousand years to form.
I didn't say otherwise... I did say your church is preaching a compromised gospel. Jesus suffered physical death at the cross, because physical death entered our world when first Adam sinned. (Romans 5, 1st Corinthians 15 and others).
Sadly (again) you are accepting ambiguous, ever changing secular conclusions over the unambiguous Word of God. Death entered our world from one mans sin.
In six days, God created the heaven and the earth and everything in them...and rested the seventh day. That seems fairly clear. It also seems clear that physical death entered our world after first Adam sinned. It is also clear that Jesus believed Genesis teaching humanity existed from the beginning as described in Genesis 1... And from a time near the foundation of the world.
My reality is Jesus. The reason we need a Savior is important, as is the reason Christ went to Calvary. His physical death becomes unnecessary when you add billions of years into the clear teaching of Scripture.
Alate… Even in Scripture Paul preached against people who believed in an old earth (Epicureans). And virtually every early church father for hundreds of years argued against old earthers. The reason it was important to them... and to many Christians today, is because an old earth makes the cross unnecessary. (It is a belief that God created using pain, suffering, death and extinctions). Early church fathers from Theophilus (Even Josephus before that)to Augustine felt it was important to the Gospel arguing against old earth beliefs. The only exception was Origen who seemed to have several other heretical beliefs such as believing Satan was going to be saved.
We can all see your false accusations and we have to pity you.So, you think that science is based on assumptions? That the age of the universe is little more than some untested hunch?
We can all see your false accusations and we have to pity you.
No I did NOT said that SCIENCE is based on assumptions. I said that RADIOMETRIC DATING is based on MULTIPLE assumptions.
We can see that you have no idea how radiometric dating works nor the multiple assumptions that is requires.Oh, another one with the royal "we"'s like talking to someone out of "Split"...
Whatever. If you have an unshakable belief in a young earth because your faith or some such demands it then just believe the earth is no older than a few thousand years old and the universe likewise.
We can see that you have no idea how radiometric dating works nor the multiple assumptions that is requires.
We can see that you have no idea how radiometric dating works nor the multiple assumptions that is requires.
That may be true, but they've removed the reason for it.
Maybe you should stop trying to undermine the reason for Christ's DB&R.
How childish.... but that's you.I'm surprised you can see anything much considering how many eyes you must be looking through at the minute...
It's amusing to us when you don't discuss issues but just start childishly ranting.Otherwise, the age of the universe is hardly some random figure arrived at by a game of yahtzee...
You are wrong about that. Augustine actually thought God might have created instantaneously, rather than 6 days. He was relying on a Latin translation rather than the Hebrew. But in any case, he clearly rejected old earth beliefs (In spite of what many theists believe). Augustine said "Unbelievers are also deceived by false documents which ascribe to history many thousand years, although we can calculate from Sacred Scripture that not 6,000 years have passed since the creation of man." Augustine City of God Book 12 ch 10Um, I think you'll find that Augustine was hardly a steadfast "young earther" either.
Lets trust God on this, OK? He says physical death entered our world after man sinned. Life according to how God defined it was to Nepesh creatures. Although we consider plants alive... they didn't experience life / death as defined by God.The idea that physical death didn't exist in any creature on Earth before Adam is almost certainly wrong.
We live in a world cursed by sin... We experience pain suffering and death. But because Christ defeated death in the resurrection, we can also join him in the resurrection.If Christ came to save us from physical death, then why does everyone still die?
That's simply false...perhaps poor teaching from your church. Paul refers to physical death as the "final enemy" and that is why there is a physical resurrection.Jesus (or Paul for that matter) didn't seem too concerned with physical death.
If that was true... then Christ did not need defeat physical death. He would have only had to suffer spiritual death. Scripture teaches that in order for us to be saved, Jesus had to defeat both physical and spiritual death.But spiritual death/separation from God is the true worry and the real thing we need to be saved from, the second death.
How childish.... but that's you.
It's amusing to us when you don't discuss issues but just start childishly ranting.
How is using "we" childish? It's not... so try again.Says the guy who continually refers to himself in the plural. Real mature...
How is using "we" childish? It's not... so try again.
So since you cannot handle the content of my posts you have to nitpick about that? Figures...Pretentious, pompous? No need for it but knock yourself out.