I Love Animals...


New member

Why are the liberals winning the culture war? Don't you think we are? Actually, if you're of an Enyart disposition, liberals are always winning the culture war, even during mild reversals like the ascention of Pres. Bush into office. But I get most of my information from Focus on the Family, CARM, Concerned Women for America, and the American Center for Law and Justice who are generally of the mind that conservatives (especially the religious kind) is in retreat, or at least are heavily pressed. I also read numerous articles and surveys from the RR that identify the next generation, even the Christian one, as being highly relativistic in their terms. This implies to me that the tide will continue to turn. What do you think?

Our Christmas ham was delicious! Why in the world would anyone choose to be a vegetarian? A few years ago, a vegetarian group met in the same building where we held our bible study. Once a month they had a potluck dinner. Talk about an unhealthy group of people! Maybe they were doing something wrong, I don’t know, but they were pale, gaunt, and sickly looking.

I'm inclined to think that vegetarianism isn't a very healthy option myself. I stay in reasonably good shape but mostly because I make an effort to eat protein-rich foods and take protein supplements and...

I'm sorry, my fingers are growing weak with all this typing. I'm going to have to go lie down for a whi


Pain Killer
Super Moderator
Flipper said, "I'm inclined to think that vegetarianism isn't a very healthy option myself. I stay in reasonably good shape but mostly because I make an effort to eat protein-rich foods and take protein supplements and...

I'm sorry, my fingers are growing weak with all this typing. I'm going to have to go lie down for a whi"

And some people around here don't think you have a sense of humor! LOL!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Becky
And some people around here don't think you have a sense of humor! LOL!
I decided to bypass the spam.


New member
Flipper said:
Wow, you guys sure have a childishly cartoon view of liberals if you think wearing that t-shirt will upset anyone but a tiny minority of animal rights weirdoes.

I'm a liberal (and vegetarian too, to boot) and believe me, this utterly fails to upset or shock. After all, most people think meat is delicious. I quite liked it myself.

A tiny minority? Anyone who generally is a vegetarian is pretty much a weirdo to start with. You eliminate an entire food group(possibly more if you're a hard core wacko) and think it's good based on what? Maybe we can guage your views to see how you fair:

1. Is it wrong to hunt animals?
2. Is it wrong to use animals to do work for humans? This is irregardless of whether it's harmful to the animal or not, so don't adress that.
3. Are animals better taken care of by man or in the wild?
4. Is experimentation on animals ok?

Be interesting to see how you view these.

Great shirt by the way, I plan to get one too.


New member
1. Is it wrong to hunt animals?
2. Is it wrong to use animals to do work for humans? This is irregardless of whether it's harmful to the animal or not, so don't adress that.
3. Are animals better taken care of by man or in the wild?
4. Is experimentation on animals ok?

1. Nope
2. Nope
3. Depends. Most domesticated animals can't survive in the wild on their own; a lot of wild animals are wild because they can't be domesticated
4. Depends. Is the product being tested entirely frivolous? Are there other methods that could be employed first? I personally favor looking for other methods first if possible. Failing that then my next preference is for experimentation under humane conditions.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
1. Is it wrong to hunt animals?
2. Is it wrong to use animals to do work for humans? This is irregardless of whether it's harmful to the animal or not, so don't adress that.
3. Are animals better taken care of by man or in the wild?
4. Is experimentation on animals ok?

1. It isn't wrong to hunt animals.
2. It is not wrong to use animals to do the work for humans.
3. In the wild.
4. Yes.


New member
1. Is it wrong to hunt animals?

On rereading, I should like to qualify my answer to this one. My answer would now be 'not necessarily'. I don't much care for indiscriminate, unmanaged hunting nor that which is unnecessarily inhumane (tough call). Respect for land and quarry is to be applauded.


Originally posted by Pierre
1. Is it wrong to hunt animals?
2. Is it wrong to use animals to do work for humans? This is irregardless of whether it's harmful to the animal or not, so don't adress that.
3. Are animals better taken care of by man or in the wild?
4. Is experimentation on animals ok?

1. No, but I wouldn't do it.
2. No. Is it possible to train one to change oil?
3. Depends on the animal.
4. Only if it doesn't cause excruciating pain to them.