i just can't muster up any passion about the gay marriage thing


New member
Well, I think they're going to regret having used the federal courts and Supreme Court to get this. They should have worked through state referendums.

I think they'll get bored, yes; and people will soon get bored with their entire, dry, stale, agenda.

there is no respectablility in depravity .. perversity, going against God's natural laws

gay marriage endorsed by the state is like putting a diamond in a pig snout



New member
the promiscuity thing is one of the most popular lies put out by anti-gay hate groups. You go on about how God must disprove of marriage equality all the time spreading false witness.

how ironic... you make this claim but there is NO evidence cited

i, however, have read statistics... and gays are WAY more promiscuous than straight people...

But keep lying... we all know that's what libs do...

one lie (gay is normal) leads to another (you christians who oppose gay marriage are... fill in the blanks)

and another (God doesn't care who sleeps with whomever...)


Liars go to Hell...

Jesus said the way to Heaven is narrow -- as in: you can't just do whatever you want and end up in Heavne with Him... and sin will make you not WANT to... scary

