i just can't muster up any passion about the gay marriage thing


New member
Yeh, i hate it that gays can get "married" by the state... not in the eyes of God, but in the eyes of the sinful "state" (group of sinful humans)

But they're not getting away with anything... and they will discover soon enough that marriage is a commitment most of them do not even really want... they just want to force unpleasant stuff on Conservatives/Christians...

homos are the most promiscuous group of all... and i get the feeling they will continue to be so... b/c with them it is about sex, not love and faithful commitment... and you cna't be loving and faithfully committed to another human being whe you are defying God and living in sin and debauchery



New member
Well, I think they're going to regret having used the federal courts and Supreme Court to get this. They should have worked through state referendums.

I think they'll get bored, yes; and people will soon get bored with their entire, dry, stale, agenda.


Well-known member
You can think that they should have, but they didn't because it wouldn't have succeeded. Just think back to the Houston situation where the L mayor went against an 80% referendum. They know they can't win that way.

To both you and Rep...Chick:
please see my "marriage petition for US counties." It's here at TOL. It is a petition to use the 'separation' argument against all this. Churches should do marriages/weddings. Ie, the state should not be handling it at all. So the petition seeks to remove county authority to grant marriages. Get it?


New member
Yeh, i hate it that gays can get "married" by the state... not in the eyes of God, but in the eyes of the sinful "state" (group of sinful humans)

But they're not getting away with anything... and they will discover soon enough that marriage is a commitment most of them do not even really want... they just want to force unpleasant stuff on Conservatives/Christians...

homos are the most promiscuous group of all... and i get the feeling they will continue to be so... b/c with them it is about sex, not love and faithful commitment... and you cna't be loving and faithfully committed to another human being whe you are defying God and living in sin and debauchery


the promiscuity thing is one of the most popular lies put out by anti-gay hate groups. You go on about how God must disprove of marriage equality all the time spreading false witness.


New member
You can think that they should have, but they didn't because it wouldn't have succeeded. Just think back to the Houston situation where the L mayor went against an 80% referendum. They know they can't win that way.

To both you and Rep...Chick:
please see my "marriage petition for US counties." It's here at TOL. It is a petition to use the 'separation' argument against all this. Churches should do marriages/weddings. Ie, the state should not be handling it at all. So the petition seeks to remove county authority to grant marriages. Get it?
OK - sorry I am coming to this late. Thanks!! :) :cheers:


New member
Well, I think they're going to regret having used the federal courts and Supreme Court to get this. They should have worked through state referendums.

I think they'll get bored, yes; and people will soon get bored with their entire, dry, stale, agenda.

Together for 72 years. I'm sure these ladies will start getting bored any day now.



Well-known member
the promiscuity thing is one of the most popular lies put out by anti-gay hate groups. You go on about how God must disprove of marriage equality all the time spreading false witness.

If it was a lie, but studies have shown that on average, homosexuals have as many lovers in one year as normal people have in an entire lifetime.

Homosexuals are not inclined to stability in relationships

People reap what they sow.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, I think they're going to regret having used the federal courts and Supreme Court to get this. They should have worked through state referendums.

I think they'll get bored, yes; and people will soon get bored with their entire, dry, stale, agenda.

Sometimes known as "marriage.":rotfl:


New member
If it was a lie, but studies have shown that on average, homosexuals have as many lovers in one year as normal people have in an entire lifetime.

Homosexuals are not inclined to stability in relationships

People reap what they sow.

No studies don't show that.
Anti-gay groups have a long history of lying about studies

For example: the family Research Council's Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples : “ In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners.”

Horrible statistics for gay men…until you read the study itself.
What Van de Ven actually said: “… men had either 1 (28.5%)or between 2-5 (44.9%) partners and (23.9%) had had between 5 and 10 partners ever.” P. Vande Ven A Comparative DSemographic and Sexual Profile of older homosexually active Men. Journal of Sex Research 1997 Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 349-360

Meaning that 97.3% of the respondents had less than 10 lifetime sexual partners… leaving no room for the outrageous numbers the FRC claims.

From that same FRC page: "A study of homosexual men in the Netherlands published in the journal AIDS found that the "duration of steady partnerships" was 1.5 years."

Tis is from "The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam," Maria Xiridou, et al, AIDS 17 (2003): 1031)
What the FRC is leaving out is the fact that the research conducted by Dr. Xiridou was about promiscuous gay men. Any and all gay men in a monogamous relationship were excluded from her study.


“Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. “
Here they are misusing Katherine Fethers, Caron Marks, et al., "Sexually transmitted infections and risk behaviours in women who have sex with women," Sexually Transmitted Infections, 76(5): 345- 349, p. 347 (October 2000).

When you read the study you find out that it was conducted at a mobile inner city STD clinic that served prostitutes.

Real studies on the topic, ones that compare similar groups of heterosexuals and homosexuals show that both groups have identical numbers of sexual partners.

Billy, J.O. et al the sexual behavior of men in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives
gay and bisexual men, 24% had one male partner in their lifetime, 45% had 2-4 male partners, 13% had 5-9 male partners, and 18% had 10 or more sexual partners, which produces a mean of less than 6 partners. 20% of heterosexual men had only one partner, 55% had two to twenty partners, and 25% had more than twenty partners giving heterosexual men a mean of 7 lifetime sexual partners.

Fay, R. Prevalence and patterns of same-gender sexual contact among men. Science 1989 (243): 338-348.
heterosexuals has a mean number of 7.3 sexual partners per lifetime and homosexuals had a mean of 6.8 sexual partners per lifetime.


New member
Sometimes known as "marriage.":rotfl:
Mmm hmmm. That's why they have to keep pushing silliness in grade schools, and continue hawking the whole transgender pseudo-movement. Right. I wasn't born yesterday. :wave2:


Well-known member
No studies don't show that.
Anti-gay groups have a long history of lying about studies

For example: the family Research Council's Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples : “ In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners.”

Horrible statistics for gay men…until you read the study itself.
What Van de Ven actually said: “… men had either 1 (28.5%)or between 2-5 (44.9%) partners and (23.9%) had had between 5 and 10 partners ever.” P. Vande Ven A Comparative DSemographic and Sexual Profile of older homosexually active Men. Journal of Sex Research 1997 Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 349-360

Meaning that 97.3% of the respondents had less than 10 lifetime sexual partners… leaving no room for the outrageous numbers the FRC claims.

From that same FRC page: "A study of homosexual men in the Netherlands published in the journal AIDS found that the "duration of steady partnerships" was 1.5 years."

Tis is from "The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam," Maria Xiridou, et al, AIDS 17 (2003): 1031)
What the FRC is leaving out is the fact that the research conducted by Dr. Xiridou was about promiscuous gay men. Any and all gay men in a monogamous relationship were excluded from her study.


“Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. “
Here they are misusing Katherine Fethers, Caron Marks, et al., "Sexually transmitted infections and risk behaviours in women who have sex with women," Sexually Transmitted Infections, 76(5): 345- 349, p. 347 (October 2000).

When you read the study you find out that it was conducted at a mobile inner city STD clinic that served prostitutes.

Real studies on the topic, ones that compare similar groups of heterosexuals and homosexuals show that both groups have identical numbers of sexual partners.

Billy, J.O. et al the sexual behavior of men in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives
gay and bisexual men, 24% had one male partner in their lifetime, 45% had 2-4 male partners, 13% had 5-9 male partners, and 18% had 10 or more sexual partners, which produces a mean of less than 6 partners. 20% of heterosexual men had only one partner, 55% had two to twenty partners, and 25% had more than twenty partners giving heterosexual men a mean of 7 lifetime sexual partners.

Fay, R. Prevalence and patterns of same-gender sexual contact among men. Science 1989 (243): 338-348.
heterosexuals has a mean number of 7.3 sexual partners per lifetime and homosexuals had a mean of 6.8 sexual partners per lifetime.

Well, you have your studies and I have mine.

If you wish to make excuses for the errors of people and the price they pay for those errors, that is your business.

I would rather people rise up beyond unbridled lust and direct their lives to a higher state of life than sexual perversity and lust and worst of all, complete disregard for God's perfect plans design for meaningful relationships.

Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.


New member
Hall of Fame
Mmm hmmm. That's why they have to keep pushing silliness in grade schools, and continue hawking the whole transgender pseudo-movement. Right. I wasn't born yesterday. :wave2:

I forgot humor's not your strongest suit. And "they" aren't hawking anything, pal. You've just been left back when the rest of us have moved on.


Hall of Fame
But they're not getting away with anything... and they will discover soon enough that marriage is a commitment most of them do not even really want... they just want to force unpleasant stuff on Conservatives/Christians...

Right. Their marriage and commitment is all about you. Egotistical much?

homos are the most promiscuous group of all... and i get the feeling they will continue to be so... b/c with them it is about sex, not love and faithful commitment... and you cna't be loving and faithfully committed to another human being whe you are defying God and living in sin and debauchery

Considering all the support and cheering on some have chosen to give Trump (the thrice-married adulterer), I am no longer buying into the whole *promiscuity* argument.

Apparently certain actions or as you say "sin" only matter when it's it against those you politically and religiously oppose.

Selective morality at it's finest ...


Well-known member
Fay, R. Prevalence and patterns of same-gender sexual contact among men. Science 1989 (243): 338-348.
heterosexuals has a mean number of 7.3 sexual partners per lifetime and homosexuals had a mean of 6.8 sexual partners per lifetime.

Is there more recent research on this?


Well-known member
does the average person have a moral construction that is ideally MF monogamy? No. Neither does the SS couple. So why don't you find a study that compares what matters? Heterosexuality doesn't mean anything morally significant any more.


Well-known member
Yeh, i hate it that gays can get "married" by the state... not in the eyes of God, but in the eyes of the sinful "state" (group of sinful humans)

But they're not getting away with anything... and they will discover soon enough that marriage is a commitment most of them do not even really want... they just want to force unpleasant stuff on Conservatives/Christians...

homos are the most promiscuous group of all... and i get the feeling they will continue to be so... b/c with them it is about sex, not love and faithful commitment... and you cna't be loving and faithfully committed to another human being whe you are defying God and living in sin and debauchery


Then why do you give them all this attention? Get fired up about something good.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.​


New member
Well, you have your studies and I have mine.

If you wish to make excuses for the errors of people and the price they pay for those errors, that is your business.

I would rather people rise up beyond unbridled lust and direct their lives to a higher state of life than sexual perversity and lust and worst of all, complete disregard for God's perfect plans design for meaningful relationships.

Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

awww. Did the bad ol' truth get in the way of your gay bashing?
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