I have said:

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New member
Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder

I didn't say I'd put anything asunder. I said I'd make her RUN OFF with someone just like her. -- Quit changing things someone says to fit your own garbage.

Paul -- 073110


New member
I didn't say I'd put anything asunder. I said I'd make her RUN OFF with someone just like her. -- Quit changing things someone says to fit your own garbage.

Paul -- 073110

just tossin' some of your garbage back at you. but of course, i knew you'd just find some way to play word tricks and rationalize.


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Lucy's replies in red...

QUOTE=Letsargue;2394450]You're not my wife, and I'm not hen-pecked, so if you were my wife, I'd make sure you ran off with some fool just like you.

Wow! Is that what happened for real in your life? You ran her off? I am sorry for you if you truly did that.

I get all my writings from the Scriptures; the Spirit of the Word. That's why none of you busy bodies and the other fools can understand them. No more than you can understand what God is saying in his Word. -- That's why none of you jealous hypocrites can prove me wrong on anything, you all just say I'm wrong like any fool might do.

Must be nice to be the only human being God communicates with

Go find yourself a henpecked husband and ride his donkey, you're not going to ride mine. You don't have the God given right to ride another woman's husband's donkey. Can't you busy bodies ever get it?

Why in the world would I want a henpecked husband? That would be bigamy since if he is henpecked he is already married! And your reference to riding another woman's husband's donkey is just plain disgusting. THAT certainly did not come from the mind of the Lord. Speaking of hypocrisy.

Paul 073110[/QUOTE]


New member
Lucy's replies in red...

QUOTE=Letsargue;2394450]You're not my wife, and I'm not hen-pecked, so if you were my wife, I'd make sure you ran off with some fool just like you.

Wow! Is that what happened for real in your life? You ran her off? I am sorry for you if you truly did that.

I get all my writings from the Scriptures; the Spirit of the Word. That's why none of you busy bodies and the other fools can understand them. No more than you can understand what God is saying in his Word. -- That's why none of you jealous hypocrites can prove me wrong on anything, you all just say I'm wrong like any fool might do.

Must be nice to be the only human being God communicates with

Go find yourself a henpecked husband and ride his donkey, you're not going to ride mine. You don't have the God given right to ride another woman's husband's donkey. Can't you busy bodies ever get it?

Why in the world would I want a henpecked husband? That would be bigamy since if he is henpecked he is already married! And your reference to riding another woman's husband's donkey is just plain disgusting. THAT certainly did not come from the mind of the Lord. Speaking of hypocrisy.

Paul 073110


Paul -- 080110
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