I don't understand why

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Lacking conviction;
If standing up against wanton killing is lacking conviction no matter the form it takes -- then I lack convictions

Wagging your finger is not standing up to something. :nono:

If standing up for your freedom to speak out even if I disagree with you is lacking conviction -- then I lack conviction

Where is this coming from? :confused:

If you ever have to face a religious tribunal because of your beliefs then we can start discussing what conviction is

Religious Tribunal?.....:confused:

There is one law that is written in the hearts of all men and that is the law you are accountable to God for. I personally try to follow that law carefully and with great conviction..

Good.....your point?

as for side stepping..

Yeah....that's not answering a direct question directly. Cut it out and you might get somewhere. :plain:


Well-known member
As I see it there is no such thing as a just war..

I am not in the position to determine if an abortion is of convince or not..

I am only accountable for my actions.

Abortion is an evil process pushed by people who hate God. Women have become victims of these people, because they are the most vulnerable due to pregnancy. The laws supporting abortion give hateful people a perceived right to reject, abandon, and emotionally and physically abuse pregnant women and the legal right to murder God's children.

This process and these laws have led to a society that abuses women and subjects them to a lifetime of grief and sorrow. I think that one day the younger generation will hate our generation ... when they realize how we went about aggressively trying to destroy their peers.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
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Since you appear to miss questions posed to you from time to time (and really, who doesn't?) I'll bold them in my response to be of assistance.
According to my sister abortion is wrong it is murdering an unborn child.
Understanding that your personal belief will not impose on us, what do you think? Is abortion the wrongful taking of the life of a human being?
Personally I feel that I can not impose my beliefs on my fellow man.
Really? And if I felt like murdering someone you’d be obliged to allow it? What if I felt like murdering you?
As I see it there is no such thing as a just war..
If I come after you with an axe will you defend yourself or not? If yes, would that be just? A war is only a larger man with a larger axe to grind.
I am only accountable for my actions.
Okay then, let’s say you have a child that someone doesn’t manage to kill for want of protection. Then let’s say that child is running toward an electrical outlet with a butter knife. You’re between the child and the outlet. If you don’t stop her from jamming that butter knife in the outlet, do you bear any responsibility for the outcome?
Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view, abortion is legal.. do you have the right to condemn them on your moral values?
Condemn how? If you found some national practice morally repugnant and believed its proponents and practioners undermined the foundation of a just society would you feel compelled to argue against it?
I still can not justify any war taking a human life is wrong.
Then you have this quandary: what if taking some life prevents the greater loss of life?

Say you’re the President of the U.S. in the early 30s and you are visited by a time traveler who lays out exactly what Hitler and his bunch will do. Assume Congress will follow your lead in this and that you have the ability to invade Germany and stop Hitler from imposing his final solution and nip in the bud a war which will not only decimate the Jewish and Gypsy population, but which will directly and indirectly kill somewhere in the 50 to 70 million people range. To accomplish this will cost between 10 to 20 million lives.

What do you do?
When I lived in the US I was taught that the Nazi's had it in for the Jews, as it turns out they had it in for every one that was not Duits
True, but there wasn’t a final solution proposed for the English, the French and so on.
to this point I am beginning to wonder if the Jews were not the minority of those that the Nazi's killed.
In what way? As a round number there were more Russians or Chinese. As a percentage of their population? Another ballgame, isn’t it?
They just beat the drum the loudest.
Ah, the whiney old Jew defense. Lose about two thirds of your population base in Europe and there’s no end to the teeth gnashing.
Taking a human life is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly or easily written off.
You mean the way you just did with that drum remark?
Some times I need a good laugh Just checked my moral compass it is working just fine,,
Where does it take you?
I hope I am smart enough spiritually not to put my self in the position of judging my fellow man,
Unless they’re Jews?
If standing up against wanton killing is lacking conviction no matter the form it takes -- then I lack convictions
If convictions don’t take the form of action what possible use are they?
If standing up for your freedom to speak out even if I disagree with you is lacking conviction -- then I lack conviction
Ah, the raw and unbridled courage of the anonymous public speaker.
If you ever have to face a religious tribunal because of your beliefs then we can start discussing what conviction is
Rather, when you’re willing to actually put your convictions into some meaningful play you can begin to preach to those who do.
There is one law that is written in the hearts of all men and that is the law you are accountable to God for. I personally try to follow that law carefully and with great conviction..
What law is it you imagine that rests in the hearts of man alone? And what does it require of you? :e4e:


New member
According to my sister abortion is wrong it is murdering an unborn child. Personally I feel that I can not impose my beliefs on my fellow man.

According to the ten commandments I learned as a child you are not supposed to kill and there was no except attached to the law, where abortion is murder and in the next breath sit down and support the mass bombing of Iraq killing over 100,000 men women and children and think that is okay and that it is not considered killing because you have taken these lives in God's name

There is a difference in pro-active presumptions that lead to atrocites such as Iraq, and bringing criminals to justice such as Afghanistan. People lie, DH, and it's obvious the reasons they went after Iraq, pulling troops from Afghan missions and ignoring the threat of Iran. You do the math while I sip on a cup of black gold, texas tea.


New member
Hall of Fame
So what makes it so hard for someone to say:

"The Iraq War was a ghastly, horrible mistake, and I'm appalled our government lied to us and is responsible for so many civilian deaths."



New member
I am amazed

I am amazed

You can justify killing all you want the law still reads you shall not kill.
there is no except!

To Town Heretic Your logic is absolutely amazing, I fail to see preventing a child from hurting themselves arrives at in the next step relate that to thou shall not kill. Interesting connection

As for killing me with a giant axe.. if that is your mind set have at it no your worst.

as for your time traveler scenario the law still reads "You shall not kill.." what part of that law do you not understand.

As for the law that is written on your soul it is really well known.

Quincy seems you found the right cup of tea.. lol

Granite you are a rock man,, I have a piece of granite I call rock,, I enjoy meditating in rocks presence .. contemplating the long hard grind of daily life. Rock knows all about that he spent eons carrying a glacier on his back day in and day out..


New member
So what makes it so hard for someone to say:

"The Iraq War was a ghastly, horrible mistake, and I wish Saddam and his bastard sons were still terrorizing the population of Iraq and killing millions of Iranians because I really don't give a crap about brown people."


Sure, I'll go along with that. :devil:


New member
You can justify killing all you want the law still reads you shall not kill.
there is no except!

Here, have an except or two:

Exodus 21:12, 21:14, 21:15, 21:16, 21:17, 21:29, 22:19, 31:14, 31:15, 35:12
Leviticus 20:2, 20:9, 20:10, 20:11, 20:12, 20:13

So, as you can see, there are indeed an except or two. Actually, many, many more, but I have to head off to school.

C ya!


Well-known member
So what makes it so hard for someone to say:

"The Iraq War was a ghastly, horrible mistake, and I'm appalled our government lied to us and is responsible for so many civilian deaths."

What makes it hard for me to say is the fact that I dont agree with the statement.


Well-known member
Its interesting when people point out that pro-lifers are hypocritical for being pro-life but then support war. But it seems like the same people are always pro-abortion and against war.


New member
In regards to war, what are we supposed to make of God's character and how does it affect our actions as Christians when we read that the unchanging God commanded the Israelites to slaughter whole cities (including the "innocent" women and children?) Is God not good all the time? Has God changed? Or is it that there is a time and place for all things under the son and we as humans don't like that...because it doesn't give us a specific answer for when the correct time and place are for killing/war.

As for not wanting to push one's beliefs on another person...isn't that exactly what we do when we commit abortion? Push our belief that abortion is right upon the child who is not yet born?


Well-known member
So what makes it so hard for someone to say:

"The Iraq War was a ghastly, horrible mistake, and I'm appalled our government lied to us and is responsible for so many civilian deaths."


Now this is an interesting remark from a self-professed Satanist. You, Granite, think the Iraq war was a ghastly mistake that led to the deaths of civilian human beings.

According to my understanding Satan is the accuser of mankind and is our enemy. Seems to me that if you were a true Satanist, you would be gleeful that people are killing one another - no matter the reason.

Explain for me: What is the heart of a Satanist?


New member
Not true

Not true

Its interesting when people point out that pro-lifers are hypocritical for being pro-life but then support war. But it seems like the same people are always pro-abortion and against war.

This is interesting because I am against abortion and against the war..



New member
You can justify killing all you want the law still reads you shall not kill.
there is no except!

EXCEPT that is not how the law reads properly translated. I am sure this has been pointed out earlier in the thread but I will do so again here.

The proper translation is though shalt not murder. That is you shall not unlawfully take a life. This doesn't preclude either lawful execution or war.


New member


EXCEPT that is not how the law reads properly translated. I am sure this has been pointed out earlier in the thread but I will do so again here.

The proper translation is though shalt not murder. That is you shall not unlawfully take a life. This doesn't preclude either lawful execution or war.

You can create any translation you want to justify your desire to kill your fellow man. Because it is your dogma and doctrine,, strange every time i read the original text there is no except or lawful way of taking a life..


New member
Perhaps you missed this?

Here, have an except or two:

Exodus 21:12, 21:14, 21:15, 21:16, 21:17, 21:29, 22:19, 31:14, 31:15, 35:12
Leviticus 20:2, 20:9, 20:10, 20:11, 20:12, 20:13

So, as you can see, there are indeed an except or two. Actually, many, many more, but I have to head off to school.

C ya!


New member
Hall of Fame
Now this is an interesting remark from a self-professed Satanist. You, Granite, think the Iraq war was a ghastly mistake that led to the deaths of civilian human beings.

According to my understanding Satan is the accuser of mankind and is our enemy. Seems to me that if you were a true Satanist, you would be gleeful that people are killing one another - no matter the reason.

Explain for me: What is the heart of a Satanist?

For crying out loud, why do you people do this? Why do you insist on rehashing the same old stuff and same old questions time and time again?

Look for some old threads that pose questions to Satanists, PS. I really don't feel like repeating myself or hijacking this thread.
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