I don't see where the cop (pool incident) was wrong

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Canada is so different (bwa ha ha ha ha !);

(1) I ask the closest one (daytime, no concerns).
In the example there is no closest and it's not about Canada. The general response is to gravitate, especially when stressed (as with the sudden and unexpected need to intrude upon a stranger's goodwill) to that which provides comfort and that which is more like us will do that.

Remember you asked which one do you ask?
Not, "what is the best strategy?"
Actually my old professor asked it and he didn't want strategy and didn't ask for us to answer aloud. He was making a point for us to examine and giving us something to consider in the privacy of our own thoughts. He then went on to relieve almost everyone of concern by telling us why the almost instinctive response wasn't indicative of some hidden defect in our consciences. :)

I can tell you from experience that these are the standard responses
It really won't tend to vary much culture to culture, let alone country to country.

:thumb: For the response though. And humor is always appreciated. Even the Canadian variety, which is something closer to drama in the states. :plain: :eek:


Well-known member
Well, it's literally human nature to be more suspicious of that which is unlike us. Racism is little more than the ethnocentric principle in play at an irrational level.

Had a professor who explained it to us this way: he said we should imagine our car breaks down one late afternoon and we're walking to use a phone (it was pre cell phone, okay?). We walk until we reach the outskirts of a small community. We approach identical houses with identical yards. It's all very middle class and well put together. In the first two yards, one on our left and one on our right, there are identically dressed men mowing their yards. Both seem happy and look up at us with a helpful cast to their expressions.

The man on the left is white and the man on the left is black. Which one do you ask to use the phone?

You could see shock on the faces of some of the class as they considered. Like is more comfortable for us absent conditioning. There's no harm in it provided we understand the influence and think before we act and speak.

I see what you're up to you waskawy wabbit.


I think a lot of the issues surrounding this incident involved authoritarian and obedience-based action to "tamp down" and "flatten" social movements that we deem to "have no respect" for that authority.

In my view it comes down to the experience we absorb from the families we grow up in. Of course any reader of my post is welcome to write my idea off as "psychobabble" or even "liberal coddling."

But I see the reaction of the policeman as ultimately fascist: trying to get rid of all the pesky wrinkles in his idea of a "good" civilization/society.

Like most of us, the cop was very probably exposed to parents who shouted him down, hit him or otherwise disrespected his own normal journey of a child. This is regrettable for all of us, but we tend to treat others the way we ourselves have been treated. And we need to acknowledge that we do this but also acknowledge that if we can be aware of this in ourselves, we can change.

The policeman resigned. I feel unhappy and sad because I think every police force should have the support and public funding to have their own internal mechanisms for helping their officers and help them repent and take their rightful place again.

But the statement by the Chief of Police was that he overreacted and lost his cool. That was evident to me.

The question is "why."

If one reads Deuteronomy there is some comfort there. The parents of that ancient time were so flummoxed and angered by their own children being "gluttons and drunkards" that the only choice available to those tribal people was to kill their children.

And all through history, youngsters were seen as "going to the dogs."

I think we can and should do better than killing or harming our young people. There are was to respond to conflict besides giving up passively or fighting back aggressively as the policeman did.

We need to have a sense of history, self-awareness and problem-solving without wrestling youngsters to the ground and pulling a gun on them.

I think families and our teachers need to be accountable for the lack of awareness of these things.


New member
Odd indeed. Multiple attackers, especially teen-aged boys who likely don't know how badly they can be hurt, surrounding you is a scenario that's very reasonable to understand as potentially very deadly.


wouldn't have laughed if soemthing bad had happened. But it didn't, so i don't know waht all these idiots are screaming about. Oh, yeh, i do know... how well i know... the R word.

talk about being BORED



New member
Well, it's literally human nature to be more suspicious of that which is unlike us. Racism is little more than the ethnocentric principle in play at an irrational level.

I would tend to lay the modern variant at the feet of the false idea that there really physically different human races; and cultural whinyism (err, marxism).


New member
ha ha to you people who thought it was odd 4 me to laugh @ the cop pulling the gun

I was watching Fox in a public place the other day and they showed that clip again

and the woman watching nearby laughed...
