I don't see where the cop (pool incident) was wrong


New member
So you have probably seen the video of the pool party incident, where the teens were running wild, some fighting, and cops got involved.

And one of the cops drew his gun and some are criticizing that (surprise surprise)

Well, at this time, i don't see anything wrong w/ what he did b/c guys were coming up BEHIND him. How the heck is he supposed to know what thye are up to, what weapons they may have?

I feel all the cops in this situation were doing their job and nothing more, nothing less.

I am not a robotic defender of cops. I have been unfairly treated during traffic stops.. so i was more than willing to see they did something wrong. But i don't see it here

I am sure the libs on this forum will attempt to persuade me otherwise...


oh well

Until i see evidence, this is where i stand. That video had SO much going on (I have to say) that it was hard to discern what all the situation involved.. But what i see was the cops attempting to restore order the best they could. They are not GOD, you know..

And it is safe to assume that ALL cops have PTSD to some degree or another..

considering the job they have. They face death every day. If they draw their gun a little too "freely" (not the case here), then... as long as they don't use it

indiscriminately.. wantonly.. I say:

oh well




New member
Hall of Fame
I read that a local black radio host that witnessed the incident is saying this is NOT another Ferguson or Baltimore incident and that it was a party that got out of control. A local radio host might not have much sway but I wonder if it will diffuse any anger (if there has been much backlash so far).


New member
I don't see it as another Ferguson, however I do see it as a further example of the Cops being out of control.


New member
I read that a local black radio host that witnessed the incident is saying this is NOT another Ferguson or Baltimore incident and that it was a party that got out of control. A local radio host might not have much sway but I wonder if it will diffuse any anger (if there has been much backlash so far).

it doesn't look like he is saying much... that is new



Firm but benign. Police need a lot of training about how to deal with other people and work to find nonviolent solutions to conflict.

This "going outside the lines" of human decency can only further hurt our police force. And we desperately need the police.

I have often wondered if the socialist system of police and fire couldn't be done better by privatizing them.... That would mean the companies involved could raise their prices whenever they saw fit but the police force might become a real community-based operation.

I do understand your point of view, though. I fear groups of black kids (and I don't even look twice at white kids in a group). But I realize this is my own racist fears. And I also have the urge once in awhile to tell others--especially kids--to just "shut up and behave."

And then I read the Deuteronomy where it talks about parents whose kids were so out of control their only solution was to kill them.

I don't want to go that far!


New member
The cop in question has now resigned.

that's too bad, i feel

yeh, he was a little too rough w/ that teen girl, but it looked like she was defying his orders. I only had closed captions, no sound, so.. not sure about that, but she definitely was not moving, and was not lying down.. which i believe the cops told them all to do.

She was not physically harmed so that she hadto go to the hospital, so...

In any case, it is a scary or at least anxiety-producing situation to have to bring order to... 130 people .. and you don't know who is wacko and who isn't...



New member
Firm but benign. Police need a lot of training about how to deal with other people and work to find nonviolent solutions to conflict.

This "going outside the lines" of human decency can only further hurt our police force. And we desperately need the police.

I have often wondered if the socialist system of police and fire couldn't be done better by privatizing them.... That would mean the companies involved could raise their prices whenever they saw fit but the police force might become a real community-based operation.

I do understand your point of view, though. I fear groups of black kids (and I don't even look twice at white kids in a group). But I realize this is my own racist fears. And I also have the urge once in awhile to tell others--especially kids--to just "shut up and behave."

And then I read the Deuteronomy where it talks about parents whose kids were so out of control their only solution was to kill them.

I don't want to go that far!

you sound rather like a conservative today



New member

that's too bad, i feel

yeh, he was a little too rough w/ that teen girl, but it looked like she was defying his orders. I only had closed captions, no sound, so.. not sure about that, but she definitely was not moving, and was not lying down.. which i believe the cops told them all to do.

She was not physically harmed so that she hadto go to the hospital, so...

In any case, it is a scary or at least anxiety-producing situation to have to bring order to... 130 people .. and you don't know who is wacko and who isn't...

I think he was scared, yes. But they felt he escalated the situation and didn't need to.

McKinney pool party cop resigns following public outcry



you sound rather like a conservative today


I try to look for the pragmatic solution instead of coming down on any left-right ideology. I am liberal in some things (I am typing this without clothes) and I am conservative in others (I am looking for a fig leaf on the Internet).


New member
I try to look for the pragmatic solution instead of coming down on any left-right ideology. I am liberal in some things (I am typing this without clothes) and I am conservative in others (I am looking for a fig leaf on the Internet).

more info than i cared to have



New member
mmm lets see.. cops bullying teenage girls...


could it be......................................SATAN?


The Berean

Well-known member
Firm but benign. Police need a lot of training about how to deal with other people and work to find nonviolent solutions to conflict.

This "going outside the lines" of human decency can only further hurt our police force. And we desperately need the police.

I have often wondered if the socialist system of police and fire couldn't be done better by privatizing them.... That would mean the companies involved could raise their prices whenever they saw fit but the police force might become a real community-based operation.

I do understand your point of view, though. I fear groups of black kids (and I don't even look twice at white kids in a group). But I realize this is my own racist fears. And I also have the urge once in awhile to tell others--especially kids--to just "shut up and behave."

And then I read the Deuteronomy where it talks about parents whose kids were so out of control their only solution was to kill them.

I don't want to go that far!
You've mentioned this many times at TOL. Are you actually trying to do something about it? :think:


New member
i laughed when i saw the cop take out his gun and chase those "boys" off

guess i am rather odd...



Odd indeed. Multiple attackers, especially teen-aged boys who likely don't know how badly they can be hurt, surrounding you is a scenario that's very reasonable to understand as potentially very deadly.

Basically, this reads like a uninvited twitter-party open to all turned into ugly immature mob event, that the racist idiots have latched onto regardless of what actually did or did not happen.

There's no black. There's no white. There's only one race: humans. To think otherwise is to accept the foundation of the ideas that undergird racism.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...There's no black. There's no white. There's only one race: humans. To think otherwise is to accept the foundation of the ideas that undergird racism.
Well, it's literally human nature to be more suspicious of that which is unlike us. Racism is little more than the ethnocentric principle in play at an irrational level.

Had a professor who explained it to us this way: he said we should imagine our car breaks down one late afternoon and we're walking to use a phone (it was pre cell phone, okay?). We walk until we reach the outskirts of a small community. We approach identical houses with identical yards. It's all very middle class and well put together. In the first two yards, one on our left and one on our right, there are identically dressed men mowing their yards. Both seem happy and look up at us with a helpful cast to their expressions.

The man on the left is white and the man on the left is black. Which one do you ask to use the phone?

You could see shock on the faces of some of the class as they considered. Like is more comfortable for us absent conditioning. There's no harm in it provided we understand the influence and think before we act and speak.


New member
... imagine our car breaks down one late afternoon and we're walking to use a phone (it was pre cell phone, okay?). We walk until we reach the outskirts of a small community. We approach identical houses with identical yards. It's all very middle class and well put together. In the first two yards, one on our left and one on our right, there are identically dressed men mowing their yards. Both seem happy and look up at us with a helpful cast to their expressions.

The man on the left is white and the man on the left is black. Which one do you ask to use the phone?

Canada is so different (bwa ha ha ha ha !);

(1) I ask the closest one (daytime, no concerns).

(2) I ask the black guy to show both I'm cool (guy who cares what others think).

(3) I ask the one that is trimming his marijuana plants (generic Canadian)

(4) I ask the one with the longest hair (the liberal).

(5) Since they're living in an affluent area, they'll both be Jewish (speak down the middle to both).

(6) I ask the one that least looks like a cop (overriding strategy).

Remember you asked which one do you ask?
Not, "what is the best strategy?"

I can tell you from experience that these are the standard responses

Note also that its not about what kind of Canadian one might be.

It will be mainly the mood they're in or how much thought they are giving it.

(1) the nearest one is the lazy and careless, unstressed, and thoughtless response.

(2) is the typical young person response, and female response,
because they are eager to show their stance - not like wiser older people.

(3) is the real blue-collar response, cause there might be a toke or a beer in it.

(4) (longest hair) isn't a hippie/liberal/newage response, its what a
Canadian will do regardless of their own political or religious view.
They know liberal longhairs are friendlier and more honest than car salesmen.

(5) These assumptions (true or not) run deep through working class
and middle class Canada, and affect our behaviour far more than racism,
which in Canada is mostly acted out by foreigners and immigrants.
The KKK here was put in place 100 years ago by the overriding view
that "the Law" is more supreme than race. That generation of Canadians
were mostly Christians who's only experience of race was natives.
A revolution has been "inconceivable" here for nearly 200 years.

(6) Most Canadians will avoid cops, not because they are criminals,
but because they value privacy.