I don't have any questions for liberals.. except (?)

The Beard of Zeus

I don't have any Qs for libs... except maybe:

why don't you move to Iran

or Russia

since you seem to like those countries

but that is a rhetorical Q b/c they will never do that.. No, they want to stay here and ANNOY all the normal people


The places you mentioned are far more socially conservative than the U.S.


You like Israel though, right?

So why don't you move there.

Israel is one of the most liberal countries in the world.

The following applies to Israel:

1) Only country in Asia to acknowledge homosexual marriages.

2) Only country in Asia that allows homosexuals to openly serve in its military.

3) Only country in Asia that allows homosexuals to adopt children.

4) Largest Gay Pride parade in Asia

5) Largest Gay beach in Asia

Here's the irony:

The people on these threads that hate homosexuals the most, are the same people who love Israel and hate the Muslim countries.

Yet, it is Israel that is the biggest Pro-Homosexual country on the planet, and the Muslim countries that are the biggest Anti-Homosexual countries on the planet.


New member
Israel is one of the most liberal countries in the world.

The following applies to Israel:

1) Only country in Asia to acknowledge homosexual marriages.

2) Only country in Asia that allows homosexuals to openly serve in its military.

3) Only country in Asia that allows homosexuals to adopt children.

4) Largest Gay Pride parade in Asia

5) Largest Gay beach in Asia

Here's the irony:

The people on these threads that hate homosexuals the most, are the same people who love Israel and hate the Muslim countries.

Yet, it is Israel that is the biggest Pro-Homosexual country on the planet, and the Muslim countries that are the biggest Anti-Homosexual countries on the planet.

The day the two groups realize exactly how much they have in common will be a terrifying day for democracy.


According to "Jewishvirtuallibrary.org", Jews have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats the last six presidential elections:

2012 - 69% for Obama

2008 - 78% for Obama

2004 - 76% for Kerry

2000 - 79% for Gore

1996 - 78% for Clinton

1992 - 80% for Clinton

None of this makes sense to me.

It's the Republicans who love and support Israel and the Jews despite the fact that Jews keep overwhelmingly voting Democrat.

At the same time, I can't understand why Jews vote Democrat, when it's the Republicans who support them and Israel while the Democrats are always defending Muslims.


New member
Hall of Fame
According to "Jewishvirtuallibrary.org", Jews have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats the last six presidential elections:

2012 - 69% for Obama

2008 - 78% for Obama

2004 - 76% for Kerry

2000 - 79% for Gore

1996 - 78% for Clinton

1992 - 80% for Clinton

None of this makes sense to me.

It's the Republicans who love and support Israel and the Jews despite the fact that Jews keep overwhelmingly voting Democrat.

At the same time, I can't understand why Jews vote Democrat, when it's the Republicans who support them and Israel while the Democrats are always defending Muslims.

The issue isn't that cut and dry. American Jews are often mystified by the support lavished on Israel by evangelicals, especially considering most evangelicals think Israel exists to be destroyed by the Antichrist. With friends like these...


most evangelicals think Israel exists to be destroyed by the Antichrist. With friends like these...

I'm not an Evangelical/Futurist/Zionist, but I think they believe that Jesus returns with all the Christians (who were secretly raptured 7 years earlier) to defeat Satan and save Israel and the Jews after Israel and the Jews are attacked by the antichrist for 3.5 years.

Anyways I still don't understand why people who want homosexuals killed (i.e. Nick M, AcW, etc.) support Israel and hate the Muslims, when it's the Muslims who literally kill homosexuals, and the Jews who embrace homosexuality.

Here is the Gay Pride parade in Tel Aviv, Israel:


In Muslim countries they throw homosexuals off of rooftops:


And then stone the homosexual to death after he lands (if he's still alive after the fall):



At the same time, I don't understand why Liberals are always defending Muslims, and for the most are anti-Semitic to Jews.


New member
Hall of Fame
At the same time, I don't understand why Liberals are always defending Muslims, and for the most are anti-Semitic to Jews.

And I don't understand where you find those broad brushes, my local Ace must be fresh sold out.:yawn:


New member
Hall of Fame
As for the murderous homophobes here, well...their excuse would be that the Muslims aren't doing it the right way, but I do wonder occasionally if they admire the Muslims more than they let on. Or maybe they're a little envious.


but I do wonder occasionally if they admire the Muslims more than they let on. Or maybe they're a little envious.

It must be quite a paradox for them.

On one hand they hate homosexuals and on the other hand they hate Muslims.


New member
Hall of Fame
It must be quite a paradox for them.

On one hand they hate homosexuals and on the other hand they hate Muslims.

They have a list of people they'd like to kill. Which again gives them more in common with Islamic extremists than they want to admit.


New member
At the same time, I don't understand why Liberals are always defending Muslims, and for the most are anti-Semitic to Jews.

told ya libs are from the devil

(some? most?)

again, some are just ignorant...

some people, I have noticed, PREFER to be ignorant.. don't see the importance of disabusing themselves of said ignorance

weird.. but that's their choice.

I think it has to do with having no God..
